View Full Version : Thamnophis Bad Attitude?

12-01-2009, 08:45 PM
I ask this question only having worked with T.radix(Plains Garter), T.s.parietalis(Red-sided Garter) and limited time with T.marcianus(Checkered Garter). In all my time with them I have never seen an argument, fight, spat, disagreement, or any other sign of disdain for each other. I watch them interact and have never seen any signs of aggression that wasn't food related. They tolerate each other with remarkable resolve. Sharing space and simply letting the other snake take the warm spot. No pushing someone else out of a spot or trying to dominate territory. They always make room for another body and don't seem to mind.
None of this can be said if food is involved. Then it's every snake for itself. The total opposite of their normal selves.
This mildness is one of the things that attracts me to them.
Is this just a phenomenon at the Ranch or does anyone else see the same behavior?

12-01-2009, 09:54 PM
I would say its the same everywhere....I have housed groups together without a single problem....until food drops in the middle!!

12-02-2009, 12:40 AM
Snakes simply have no understanding of sharing, or caring about one another, or anything of the sort. Eat, or be eaten, this could be your last meal for a long time, and if you don't eat it quickly, something else will! That is the general mindset with which reptiles live with! They don't push each other out of basking spots because their bodies are conductive and can all absorb heat equally from a source as well as one another. In fact, laying in big piles in the morning sun in the middle of the grass is something I have witness on multiple occasions! Rather than spread out, they lay motionless in a little clump! :D

12-02-2009, 06:03 AM
Cage buddies all round :D

12-02-2009, 05:44 PM
My snakes all seem to live quite happily with each other. The squiggles all congregate with each other en-masse. I have never seen any fighting except when food is the object. That has only been with the squiggles. All the adults appear to behave themselves.