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View Full Version : Brumation Question

11-28-2009, 09:10 AM
I put my two garters down for brumation a while ago; however, after I re-inspected them, I decided it would be best if I took them out early. I did this on account of Bizet in particular because he wasn't eating regularly during the summer.

Anyhow, Wagner came out of brumation and started eating (like a pig) nearly three weeks ago. Bizet hasn't started eating yet at all. He is also very lethargic. Is it possible that his body is on a schedule and he won't emerge from brumation, regardless of the warmer temperature? Is there anything I can do to bring him out?

Thank you! :D

11-28-2009, 09:18 AM
Can you describe what you mean by lethargic? Is he still doing the normal amount of tough flicking?

11-28-2009, 12:20 PM
Bizet still flicks his tongue and comes to investigate whenever I clean the aquarium or offer food. He seems curious and friendly as ever. What I mean by lethargic is that he doesn't cruise his aquarium as often as he used to. Throughout most of the day he sits coiled up with his head resting on something.

11-28-2009, 12:26 PM
Bizet still flicks his tongue and comes to investigate whenever I clean the aquarium or offer food. He seems curious and friendly as ever. What I mean by lethargic is that he doesn't cruise his aquarium as often as he used to. Throughout most of the day he sits coiled up with his head resting on something.

Sounds like he just wants some more down time. I have a female radix that doesn't eat for a month after I bring her out of brumation. Whether it was a long or short brumation.

11-29-2009, 02:54 PM
Thank you! That's just what I wanted to hear. :D

Scott E.
11-29-2009, 08:12 PM
my male wouldn't eat until he was done mating after coming out of brumation. Even though I took him out before the female. Once they mated, a coutple of times, he started eating again.

Scott E.