View Full Version : New to Snakes
11-27-2009, 09:51 PM
Hey guys
I'm new here and I just wanted to find out a few things before i get my first garter snake.
I'm planning to keep it in a 20 gallon High tank (24"x12"x16") with an incandescent spotlight bulb for heat. I'm going to use paper towels for substrate most likely, for ease of cleaning.
This setup is fine right?
I also wanted to know the differences between the temperaments and care of garter snakes vs ribbon snakes.
I'm going to be moving to staten island soon so i will hopefully see snakes there. (btw, does anyone know any good places to find snakes around there? I found a garter snake in Clove lakes park but it was dead, looked like someone stepped on its head.)
12-05-2009, 06:50 AM
Welcome to the forum from Connecticut.
12-05-2009, 08:52 AM
Greetings :). Sounds like you're on the right track (personally I would supply a substrate that can allow burrowing behaviour - like carefresh). Temperament wise ribbons are considered to be a little more nervous than garters but essentially it just comes down to making your snake feel secure and acustoming it to human interaction ;).
12-05-2009, 10:09 AM
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you've got a good start.
I've never been a fan of overhead heat sources. I've read way too many horror stories about snakes being burn or killed. They also can use them to escape. You might check into an under tank heater.
Stay away from heat rocks. Unless the technology has changed they are unreliable and have burned and killed many reptiles.
12-05-2009, 12:36 PM
Hi, from Russia ))))):)
12-05-2009, 12:38 PM
ok i can use carefresh
i read about heat rocks and definitely wont use them
I'm going to have a screen on the tank and an incandescent bulb outside the tank so i don't get how the snake could escape.
thanks guys
12-05-2009, 03:41 PM
ok I'm going to have a screen on the tank and an incandescent bulb outside the tank so i don't get how the snake could escapes
If it's one of those lids that slides on and then locks into place, you shouldn't have any trouble. As long as you get it locked into place.
If it's one of those lids that simply sits on top, that can be trouble. The ones with a plastic frame are the worst. Heat lamps and light bulbs can melt the plastic and deform the lid, making it a security nightmare.
Your snakes may look like they are relaxing in their home but when your back is turned or the lights are out they are looking for lapses in your security system. I've put those kinds of lids on and said the immortal words "there's noway they can get out". Only to be proven wrong.
We get lazy or in a hurry and make a mistake. That's when they exploit the security breach.
They are escape artists. I've gotten rid of all my sit-on-top lids. I've made my own that are more secure.
Hi, from Oregon, Gene0514 :)
12-05-2009, 04:26 PM
welcome to the forum - and NYC; we should have a local gathering some day
there are easterns some place on staten island - not sure where though
unless you're already locked into a particular tank, I highly recommend getting a 20G long instead of tall
I've got basking spots sitting on top of screen tops, and it works fine, but if you have cats, you need to make extra certain those lights are secure, or you're courting fire
same with the screen top - clips and weights; no gaps anywhere
12-06-2009, 12:57 AM
thanks everyone
i already have the tank so i can't get a long one
the screen is a sit on top one but i can get locking clips for it
it has a metal frame
and no cats
I'm gonna get the snake as soon as i move, hopefully by the end of this month
12-08-2009, 12:27 PM
I would suggest an undertank heater too, on one end, since you're using a tall tank.(better to have a low profile tank). Just be sure to heed the directions. I would also suggest a full spectrum florescent bulb of some kind (low UV). Providing a temperature gradient can be tricky in a tall tank. If you're using a basking light, it needs to be very low watt and highly focused. Watch it though! don't want to overheat the tank, and an undertank heater on one end give's them a choice so it's safer. A locking, secure screen top is a must. Don't let them fool you into thinking they can't get out. All lighting should be placed on top, or outside of the screen.
12-08-2009, 03:59 PM
yeah i got that
i'm gonna have one of those low wattage compact fluorescent bulbs on it and i'll have a basking light on for part of the day as well, or as needed
i might get an under tank heater eventually
the tank isn't that tall, its just 4 inches taller than a 20 gallon long
its 24" long instead of 30" like a long tank
12-08-2009, 10:18 PM
Sure. One of the great things about garters is that they are very tolerant and hardy. Just be careful that they can retreat out of that light and have the air on the "shady" or cool end down to around 70 or cooler and I'm sure yours will thrive.
12-09-2009, 03:34 PM
i can't wait to get it
12-09-2009, 04:48 PM
I use a lot of glass tanks with metal screen tops, the kind that sit on top, and as long as you use the clips, and MAKE SURE they are clipped, you are good to go! If you mistakenly forget to clip it back on both sides your snake will not let you forget it!! :rolleyes:
I Have had snakes escape out of the tanks with sliding locking lids. Because sometimes when you slide it back, you think it's back all the way and it feels like its stopped, but theres about .25 of an inch of space that requires more force to slip it into place. Unfortunately, and for reasons I am not sure, while the makers of these cages did put a lip that covers that last little bit, they put a few holes in that lip and so if you think the cage is shut but it's not *quite* there, they can escape!!!
I also fully encourage the use of at LEAST overhead light, if not, making that your heat source as well. There is a remarkable difference in the behavior of garters who are given a light to sit under, even if it's not giving off heat. I do not ever recommend the under-tank-heaters to anyone with just one or two snakes, because most people with just a snake or two are not going to fork out the cash to get a thermostat (they tend to be expensive) that is REQUIRED to properly maintain a stable (and not burning hot) heat source. The only UTH's I have employed are the ones on a shelf beside my rack sytem, I have them plugged into the empty outlets on my thermostat that runs the rack. Using a screen top with a basking light is very safe, as long as you keep the light on the outside of the cage, and that the screen is made of a metal mesh so it won't melt.
12-09-2009, 04:50 PM
i'll definitely make sure that i'll keep the top locked
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