View Full Version : At what age does the taming begin?

11-24-2009, 09:45 AM
As some of you know, I have a single, tiny baby sirtalis that is about 2 months old. He has been growing well, but I haven't held him much. He's just too small and quick!!

Anyway, yesterday I tried to poke/pick him up a bit- only to be musked/peed on :o....I'm glad to know his natural defense mechanisms are intact, but I would like to start "taming" the little guy. It was much easier for my female, since she was a sub-adult to start off with. I don't want handling session to cause too much stress and adversely affect his health. So do I wait until he's bigger or is it better to start young? :confused:

11-24-2009, 10:25 AM
I think your snake has had plenty of time to settle into its new digs(home). I start my young(babies) ones off by standing at their enclosure. I talk to my snakes and though they can't hear I do believe that my voice is resonating off the glass and they can feel the vibrations. I feel this is a way they get used to another part of our contact.
Food can be a great motivator. Even though they are fearful they will come out for food. They may first grab and run but after a few times they will relax and stay by you in the hopes of getting more food.
To be honest, I don't think their is anything wrong with picking up your baby and holding it now. Yes, they might try to get away and probably musk you but after a few moments he will calm down. He'll learn that you are not a threat and may even start to like the fact that your hand is nice and warm. Most of all be patient. I worked daily with one of my male radixes(Scar) for 7 months before he came to trust me. It was a lot of little steps. Now, he wants out with me every time I get into his home.
These are just some of the things that have worked for me. Individual results may vary:D
Please keep us informed about your progress.

11-24-2009, 11:02 AM
no problem with starting them off early. the musking may or may not stop.

11-24-2009, 12:20 PM
Flight,mask & bite are a fear defence.Once it realizes there is no danger it should calm down.Two things I've learned to do.

1 I never meet a cool "NOT COLD" snake that was not calmer than when it's warm.It's like relates to you as a heat source.Once it warm it my react.But better to start with it calm.So it can get to know you don't = danger.

2 When it is getting ready to shed & it's eyes cloud over it's no different than if your sight were impaired.It's stressful.Having someone you trust may offer some relief.And the trust grows stronger.Again a cool snake is a calm snake.

Good Luck

11-25-2009, 01:48 AM
Heck, even adult tame garters can musk you every now and then, if you surprise or annoy them at the wrong time. I wouldn't handle a tiny garter too much myself. I'd wait 'till he's a little bigger. However, my neonate concinnus (captive bred) never were afraid of me, or nervous. Afterall, I was there right from the start when they were born. I even had to help a few of them get out of their membrane, and try to keep mom from eating them. (she was after the membranes, not the babies). after a few feedings, I was dad! they would come rushing over to me when I placed my hand in their enclosure. Man it was cute! But I didn't handle them much. They were very tiny and delecate. I did put my hand in their enclosure a lot to gain trust though.

11-25-2009, 08:01 AM
I have had my babies since their birth. They are now 3 1/2 months old. we have handled them since the first few days but not alot. They all come out to see you when you go near the enclosure and I love to talk to them like Steve does. I also think our voices produce a vibration that they can feel. I have noticed that the longer I stand there & talk, the more of them will poke their little heads out to see me. When I change the food dish or water dish, they do not "run" away, so they are very comfortable with us having our hands in their house. We have given them warm baths (to assist with sheds) and I think we have been musked only a few times (there are 10 of them). I personally have not been bitten though my daughter says 1 tried when we were bathing them 1 day. I would say at this age, you can handle him & let him get to know you. Warm hands=comfy. If musked or bitten, try not to react and let the snake calm down. Good luck!

11-25-2009, 04:45 PM
Heck, even adult tame garters can musk you every now and then, if you surprise or annoy them at the wrong time. I wouldn't handle a tiny garter too much myself. I'd wait 'till he's a little bigger. However, my neonate concinnus (captive bred) never were afraid of me, or nervous. Afterall, I was there right from the start when they were born. I even had to help a few of them get out of their membrane, and try to keep mom from eating them. (she was after the membranes, not the babies). after a few feedings, I was dad! they would come rushing over to me when I placed my hand in their enclosure. Man it was cute! But I didn't handle them much. They were very tiny and delecate. I did put my hand in their enclosure a lot to gain trust though.
isn't it just the sweetest thing, how trusting they become of you after a few meals!

11-26-2009, 02:18 AM
Stoppit! you're making my cry. I miss them too much, and I most likely won't be having any garters before March or April 2010.

This ordinoides from some years back, was just as calm as can be, right from the moment I picked him up outside. Didn't want to run him over with the lawn mower. Isn't he cute? YouTube - I lick you! Can we be friends? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXxGyx1OIvU)