View Full Version : a long long time ago someone had a cool subsraite and i forgot what it was caled

11-21-2009, 01:19 PM
it looked like blue/white rocks....whomever had them said they were frompetland....can someone give me a brand name of them rocks. thank you

11-21-2009, 01:47 PM
if it was aquarium gravel (the only substance I can think of coming in those colours), I wouldn't think of it as a good substrate for garters, but opinions may differ

11-22-2009, 03:04 AM
yeah, really. Mystery solved. Aquarium gravel. Not so cool unless you're using it for fish. I know somebody that put a bunch of garters(too many perhaps) on that. Within a week, it stank terrible and the snakes ended up with skin infections.

11-23-2009, 03:51 PM
what about those rounded pebbles?? would they work?

11-23-2009, 04:51 PM
what about those rounded pebbles?? would they work?
I wouldn't recommend it.

11-23-2009, 05:07 PM
No, pebbles of any kind don't work period. They don't absorb any liquid, so when they snakes go to bathroom or any water spills, it doesn't ever dry. It just sinks to the bottom, sits there, and breeds bacteria and turns into a disease-filled sludge pit! And if the snake goes for a swim, the rocks won't help the snake dry off and so he will stay damp all the time and develop some really nasty skin infections. Any substrate you use for garters, or 99.9% of all snakes for that matter, NEEDS to be absorbent. That means no rocks, no gravel, pebbles, clay cat litter or sand! Stick to aspen or cypress shavings, carefresh, newspaper pellet, newspaper, paper towels, coconut fibre, or just anything that's not gravel or sand :eek:

11-23-2009, 05:37 PM
Oh yeah. Gravel, sand, bad news. I totally agree^^^When in dire straits I used several layers of newspaper laid flat, combined with a nice pile of shredded newspaper. Mostly though, I used pine shavings (yes, I know, supposedly not good, but I cannot deny the very long life my snakes lived with pine shavings) It was never a "pretty" house for my snakes but it always was practical and kept my "babies" healthy, clean, and disease free.

11-23-2009, 08:36 PM
k anyone know of a non-toxic paint or pre colored aspen? my parents are still waiting for me to "finish" the tank so they can judge and say if it all stays or goes

11-24-2009, 04:04 AM
oh really? what are they expecting? are the expecting it to look "pretty"?

Anyway, if it must, and you want a natural looking environment, you could probably go with bark substrate and throw in a few artificial plants, logs, etc. and perhaps a hiding cave, and there ya go. Of course, don't forget an under tank heater on one end, and some florescent full spectrum lighting to make it look really nice.

11-24-2009, 05:11 AM
Anyway, if it must, and you want a natural looking environment
somehow I don't think he's going for natural, or he wouldn't be looking for blue and white

carefresh is a good substrate and it does come in colours.

11-24-2009, 09:47 AM
Sounds like he was looking for something visually attractive though.

I kinda like natural looking bark substrate/forest terrariums with a water feature. Wouldn't do that for my snakes necessarily though. A large terrarium with perhaps one small garter or live plants and a few frogs/salamanders, but not for keeping snakes. I choose practical, cheap, clean, safe, and healthy over "pretty" any day when it comes to my "babies"!

I was just offering a suggestion.

11-24-2009, 11:02 AM
Sounds like he was looking for something visually attractive though.
yes, but I don't think his aesthetic taste is anything like yours

11-24-2009, 12:07 PM
oh now you're speaking for him. But yeah, I hear you. Like I said, I was only offering one suggestion. Anyway, the mystery has been solved really. The "mystery" substrate was friggen rocks!

11-24-2009, 06:09 PM
oh really? what are they expecting? are the expecting it to look "pretty"?

Anyway, if it must, and you want a natural looking environment, you could probably go with bark substrate and throw in a few artificial plants, logs, etc. and perhaps a hiding cave, and there ya go. Of course, don't forget an under tank heater on one end, and some florescent full spectrum lighting to make it look really nice.

11-24-2009, 06:09 PM
somehow I don't think he's going for natural, or he wouldn't be looking for blue and white

carefresh is a good substrate and it does come in colours.

11-24-2009, 06:20 PM
oh now you're speaking for him. But yeah, I hear you. Like I said, I was only offering one suggestion. Anyway, the mystery has been solved really. The "mystery" substrate was friggen rocks!
realy? what was the thread tiltle?

11-24-2009, 06:29 PM
realy? what was the thread tiltle?
a long long time ago someone had a cool subsraite and i forgot what it was caled

11-24-2009, 07:03 PM
I don't think aspen comes in colors... artificial dyes are no good anyways! The less dye you subject your herp to, the better off he/she will be! :D I would say Reptibark is the "prettiest" terrarium substrate out there, because of the rounded off pieces of bark. Kinda pebbly. you should try it!

11-25-2009, 12:06 AM
The bark is nice. Especially if you go with a "forest" type theme for your terrarium, ad a (paper, outside) forest backgound, and maybe even a "stair step" type of thing going on in the back, some dry moss, etc. I've kept small garters in a 20 gal long setup like that, with a little clearing and a tiny focused basking light beaming in. For animals that like to burrow in the substrate, it's not a great choice though. It's a bit too pebbly. Go with the smallest size bark you can find and don't forget to make sure that the depth is appropriate.

11-26-2009, 10:38 AM
a long long time ago someone had a cool subsraite and i forgot what it was caled
no the title of the toriginal thread from a long time ago that showed the rocks and said they were rocks

11-26-2009, 02:44 PM
no the title of the toriginal thread from a long time ago that showed the rocks and said they were rocks
did not know there was one

11-27-2009, 04:30 PM
well i found the color bedding and it looks like it wont hurt chcker whats yalls opinoion heres the carefresh websiteCareFRESH® Colors™ - CareFRESH Official Site (http://www.carefresh.com/products/pet-bedding/carefresh-colors/)
and heres the colors and stats that i would like
CAREFRESH Ultra White Pet Bedding - Bedding & Nesting - Small Pet - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2754977)
Amazon.com: Carefresh Colors Pet Bedding in Turqoise, 23 L 23 liters Color:Blue: Home & Garden (http://www.amazon.com/Carefresh-Colors-Bedding-Turqoise-liters/dp/B000OX874E/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1259360869&sr=8-23)
please read all comments and reviews about the bedding ...im thinkn about gettn one of those sheets you put behind the tank for a background i am thinkn one of mountains (like the coolers cans)