View Full Version : Iowa Reptile Show 09

11-08-2009, 09:55 PM
Gabby and I got up early and made the 2.5 hour drive to Des Moines. I was sharing a table with my good friend Mark and his wife Rita. I took 4 of my radixes to show the visitors. I took Big Girl, who is a black and white radix. Her black is almost onyx. Then I took Boomerang, who has some nice red in her. Then my girl Speckle made the trip, she was there for shock effect because of her size and I also took Charlotte. She has a beautiful shade of orange on her laterals.
Within minutes of the doors opening a lady walked by the table and made the comment "Garter Snakes, yuck" That sent me on the defensive and I thought the whole day might be a bust.
Too my surprise it wasn't a bust. Mark sold a few Garter snakes and I had a number of people stop to checkout the snakes. They were shocked to find out they were garter snakes and were amazed by the variety of colors and size. Other than that one lady, everyone was polite. Between Mark and myself we were able to enlighten a few people about the wonderful world of Thamnophis.
We were the only table with Garter snakes and it turned out to be a good day.
Afterwords, it was back to Marks house for a debriefing(has nothing to do with underwear):D. Usually I leave his house with a few more radixes or parietalis', but not today............. This time I left with a pair of adult(large) hypo Bull Snakes. Very stunning snakes. When holding them they remind me of a good old dog. Very docile and pleasant. I'll post pictures later.

11-09-2009, 04:37 AM
Sounds like you had a good time and people got the right impression ;) well done.

11-09-2009, 05:46 AM
nice to hear you had a good day

11-09-2009, 12:02 PM
throw the mean lady a rattler maybe then shell like garters

11-09-2009, 06:42 PM
wow, sonds like you had a good time. i am SO looking forward to the december 5th show out here, I am taking a bunch of my garters to just show off, since now I'll be taking over the reptastic.com table at that show. Since I don't have much to sell, why not give everyone a good look at them?! hypo bullsnakes are stunning. I purchased an adult CB pair once and while in quarantine they both somehow managed to come down with Coccidia and it killed them.... both of them...even with treatment.... boy that was heartbreaking. And a big money loss. I bought the snakes, and then the cost of the vet trips... ohhhh it was awful.

11-09-2009, 07:38 PM
wow, sonds like you had a good time. i am SO looking forward to the december 5th show out here, I am taking a bunch of my garters to just show off, since now I'll be taking over the reptastic.com table at that show. Since I don't have much to sell, why not give everyone a good look at them?! hypo bullsnakes are stunning. I purchased an adult CB pair once and while in quarantine they both somehow managed to come down with Coccidia and it killed them.... both of them...even with treatment.... boy that was heartbreaking. And a big money loss. I bought the snakes, and then the cost of the vet trips... ohhhh it was awful.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Coccidia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coccidia)

I got both of these monsters to eat tonight. They each had 3 full size mice. I think that may just have been a snack.
I need to buy some frozen rat pups. The mice went down like they were nothing. Here's the female of the pair. Both of them are some calm. Great snakes.

11-10-2009, 06:35 AM
Two beauties,Steve your a lucky guy!

11-12-2009, 06:02 AM
Two beauties,Steve your a lucky guy!

This I know. This I know:D