View Full Version : A somewhat silly question ...

10-23-2009, 12:56 PM
Is dimorphism very apparent with Puget garters? One sex being markedly bigger? I asked someone when I started looking at them but later found out the person I asked doesn't have a great rep. So I thought I should ask this question again. What is the average size for a male or a female? Thanks!

10-23-2009, 01:18 PM
They will show similarities with the other sirtalis which average 16-24 inches for males and 30-36 inches for females. The females will also be thicker and generally have a wider head.

I don't know exactly if the pickeringi lie in the higher or lower end of the averages, my guess would be lower but you will have to wait for somebody that has more experience with them than I to either confirm or correct that.


count dewclaw
10-23-2009, 01:45 PM
The females are definitely larger. My male was probably toward the upper end of the range (~24"), but much slimmer in build. My female is close to 30", but she's missing a bit of her tail.

10-23-2009, 05:51 PM
The person I'd asked had said there was not much length difference between sexes & that both would average between 24" to 34". I'd thought that was interesting, as almost all of the other garters I'd looked at were quite dimorphic, with the males at around 12" to 16" & the females around 24" to 34".