View Full Version : 2010 Plans!?
10-04-2009, 11:29 PM
So... we all know that the worst ever time of year is coming up... the brumation period! Well, at least in my opinion, it's the worst. Some enjoy a break from some of their snakes, I just miss them :(
I guess I will be the first to take the plunge! What's everyone trying to line up this season? Sometime this month I am headed out to buy a small fridge, since my basement simply does not get cold enough. As of now, I am looking to prep the following snakes for breeding:
0.1 hypo
0.3 assorted females
0.1 erythristic Florida
0.1 flame erythristic
1.1 FL blue
1.0 flame
1.0 NY orange-stripe
1.0 Non-red Ery FL blue (Don's)
1.0 Albino
0.1 axanthic
2.0 anery het Iowa and neb. amel
0.1 nebraska amel
0.1 normal
0.1 red
1.0 codom "hypo"
1.0 possibly new strain of hypo
1.2 normal
1.1 DH granite/albino
Possibly 1.1 albino depending on their size
Cali Red Sideds:
1.1 , possibly 2.2 depending on the size of the incoming pair.
1.2 high blacks
1.0 "rainbow"
0.1 "rainbow" (rhea's girl)
2.2 blues
1.1 eastern blacknecks
Since this was a spur of the moment thing, and I am tired... this list may or may not be complete!!! just a little teaser... moved the infernalis into the center display...ever since Miss Hoochie shed, Mesa can't keep his grubby little tail to himself!!! Sorry, the pictures suck, but I kind of had to sneak up on them!
10-04-2009, 11:31 PM
Four of my snakes are in brumation since yesterday. The only ones I intend to, or even can breed, are the wandering garters. Same male, different female.
10-04-2009, 11:33 PM
Bow chicka bow wow!:D
10-04-2009, 11:34 PM
you know, in the second picture, I can almost hear the sweet nothings he's whispering into her ears :rolleyes:
charles parenteau
10-05-2009, 06:04 AM
I also want to buy a small fridge because ,garter snake in the fridge ,rats in freezer its not very winner with girls...
New fridge is really needed.
count dewclaw
10-05-2009, 06:11 AM
I'm planning on brumating Penny (my puget female) and then getting her together with a past member's male puget. I had tried to get a male puget this year, but that didn't work out and I bought the atratus instead....All the other females are too little for this year.
Next year I will probably need a fridge for the snakes, my husband and kids just don't understand why I have to put the snakes in the crisper drawer.....
10-05-2009, 06:12 AM
I also want to buy a small fridge because ,garter snake in the fridge ,rats in freezer its not very winner with girls..
Yes, that is true, but when you find one that thinks it's cool you've got something special. Best of luck.
charles parenteau
10-05-2009, 06:25 AM
I wanted to breed her but she is not big enough ,I will wait another year.
count dewclaw
10-05-2009, 06:38 AM
She's very pretty. Do you have a male picked out to breed to her next year?
charles parenteau
10-05-2009, 06:48 AM
yes I have 2 male for her.I will breed her in 2011.
I have this male and and a back also.She will bred with a male from the same location,I want keep this lineage pure.
THey were caught in 2007 as baby .
count dewclaw
10-05-2009, 07:41 AM
Very nice! Can't wait to see what they produce.
10-05-2009, 08:56 AM
Very nice!
My plans aren't very complicated. I'm hoping for one stripe atratus, very blue infernalis, high red parietalis, low red parietalis, cyrtopsis cyrtopsis, melanistic easterns and orange radix. Don't think the tetrateania are big enough...
10-05-2009, 09:49 AM
hey in that picture of the 2 california red sided garters is that a male and female of the same age? :o if so WoW does the female ever get that much bigger :p
I want some :(
10-05-2009, 02:07 PM
Well, I'm hoping for offspring from: Flames
E. Blackneck
Albino Checkered
Red Sided
Puget Sound
Realistically, I'll probably get baby flames, maaaaybe e. blacknecks, the others have yet to show any interest in reproduction. Maybe 2010 is the year I'll drown in baby garter snakes.....
10-05-2009, 02:36 PM
Top secret
10-05-2009, 03:18 PM
Top secret
how dare you tease!!!:o
10-05-2009, 05:07 PM
Alright I'll give up some of my plans.
Double het redside x double het redside
canadian orange x het albino flame or albino flame
albino flames
albino erythristics
flame x erythristic albinos. I kind of already have one. So this would'nt be a first.
10-05-2009, 05:40 PM
melanistic wanderings
hypermel wanderings
red sided
albino red sided
anery x anery/golden red sided
orange eastern
silver eastern
red spots
red plains x red phase/snow
het albino plains (Nebraska, Iowa, Xmas all in one - Cariad, our mascot)
melanistic eastern
florida blue x normal eastern (my only adult male fb is going to go breed elsewhere....he is an ery that didn't color up, going to breed w/Shannon's ery fb)
albino prairie kings (yes, I know...non garters...but couldn't pass them up....gotta make some extra money to help fund my garter snake addiction :rolleyes:)
10-05-2009, 07:34 PM
Why would you put them in the fridge?When should i put mine in the fridge and if i do so do i have to add bedding like aspen instead of news paper?
charles parenteau
10-05-2009, 08:19 PM
For hibernation period i use aspen wood ,its a good stuff,easy to see if any mites,easy to clean if wet or dirt.In my opinion they seems to love it.
Usually i use scoot towel ,best way for me.
Hibernation is needed or its better for breeding Northern species of gartersnake ,eastern garter should be in hibernation for at least 1 and half or 2 months at least to induce reproductive behavior...mines are in the frigde as long as 5 months.
10-05-2009, 08:46 PM
I am actually going to welcome this break openly this year, I will miss them but it will give me time to really focus on my 09's and also time to establish that rather large group of xenochrophis species and devote all of my time to them.:D
10-06-2009, 08:12 AM
I'll just be brumating my trio of pugets and hopefully 2 non-thamnophis pairs.
10-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Is there any type of cooling period before brumation? Or do you just stick them in the fridge? Bryan
10-06-2009, 09:36 AM
I have Pugets so do I have to keep them in longer?
10-06-2009, 09:53 AM
so far it's concinnus, anery radix, and parietalis, maybe fitchi
10-06-2009, 11:01 AM
should i let checker hibernate...i want the him/her to have the ability to mate if needed....but he/she is not that big...maybe a little over 13in.
10-06-2009, 12:27 PM
This year, I'll be putting the concinnus 1.1, Florida Blue Eastern 1.1, and PH Albino Flame, and my Albino Hondos down for their naps.
Hopefully babies in the spring!
Mike Spencer
10-06-2009, 02:36 PM
I have 3 weeks left of feeding, 2 weeks of prepping them, then Nov. 14th, they're down. Valentines day they're back up. But I'm not cooling everybody this year. I have to figure out who I'm breeding next year and who I'm fattening up this year. Haha
10-06-2009, 03:16 PM
Just added 1.0 albino eastern to my list of breeders:D
Thanks, Dashnu!!!:D
10-06-2009, 07:58 PM
Just added 1.0 albino eastern to my list of breeders:D
Thanks, Dashnu!!!:D
Your Welcome... He will be missed..... but in good hands i know.
10-06-2009, 10:45 PM
I'm planning on buying....not breeding!! :D you have way too many beautiful garters!!
10-07-2009, 12:28 AM
In 2010 I plan (and hope) to breed with:
T. s. sirtalis, melanistic
T. a. atratus
T. cyrtopsis ocellatus
T. fulvus
T. melanogaster canescens
T. s. tetrataenia
10-07-2009, 03:23 PM
Your Welcome... He will be missed..... but in good hands i know.
Don't worry... you will get to see photos of him, and hopefully even his children!! I plan to use him this year to produce flames het for albino!:D
10-07-2009, 04:05 PM
Don't worry... you will get to see photos of him, and hopefully even his children!! I plan to use him this year to produce flames het for albino!:D
I sent the baby het also. I am pretty sure this albino is the daddy but Scoot breed them and had the mom in with a couple males. I think it is his because you can see some red on it.
Good Luck
10-08-2009, 03:53 PM
im not breeding anything this year but cant wait for 2011
Snake lover 3-25
10-08-2009, 04:35 PM
OMG most BEAUTIFUL snakes EVER!!!!!great pics! looks like you'll have a great year!:)
charles parenteau
10-16-2009, 10:05 PM
This is my eastern female ,Few minutes ago I put the tupper ware on the floor next to my cooling rool a 17 celcius and this for one week after in the cooling room at 15 to 10 celcius for the next 2 week after in the fridge.I spot few mites on the scott towel so its not good ,No problem ii will get rid of the mites before hibernation.
She is Fat ,she didnt loose weight when she gave birth so she is ready to go.
I put my little male in the fridge ,But Im not very very glad to do it.
He stop feeding for a while and he is not in good shape he didnt want frogs or toad just few little worms so he is slim.Usually garter snake should be in good shape before hibernation but I hope hes gonna make it ...
He will be in hibernation for 3 months max.Hopefully he will eat after hibernation
I have 2 other back up male but they are not as beautiful.
one back up male with a very nice dorsal strippe.
photo taken in spring they already breed together.
female around 30 inches long.
10-17-2009, 11:18 AM
Love that female!
10-17-2009, 03:37 PM
Love that female!
I second that one!!
Charles, you are such a tease with all your flame pictures! I am moving to canada and marrying you.
charles parenteau
10-17-2009, 06:45 PM
Shannon Its a good deal!!!
hehe tomorrow I will take few pictures of the babies from 2009 and show you all what I expect from 2010.
10-25-2009, 01:05 PM
wow beautifull
11-13-2009, 09:47 PM
Just saw this thread. My plans are simple-this year I'll be able to breed codom hypo marcianus to codom hypo marcianus for the first time. Supers in my future?:cool:
I have two gorgeous female E. Blacknecks I'll be breeding, if I'm successful in locating or collecting a male in time:rolleyes:
11-13-2009, 11:03 PM
Just saw this thread. My plans are simple-this year I'll be able to breed codom hypo marcianus to codom hypo marcianus for the first time. Supers in my future?:cool:
I have two gorgeous female E. Blacknecks I'll be breeding, if I'm successful in locating or collecting a male in time:rolleyes:
From what I have seen from a similar breeding... there really doesn't seem to be a super! Some of them apparently came out with lighter heads, but I've got a totally unrelated-to-this-project male that blows even those out of the water! The lighter headed ones appeared to be just a small variation from the dark headed ones. And further... what do you think this trait really is? It's not really hypo... so much black going on... it like hypes up the black and white and tones down the other colors... it's definitely some sort of mutation but it's not hypomelanism. Having said that, my codom male is just so weird looking next to my other marci's!
Mike Spencer
11-14-2009, 12:33 AM
Okay. My I was going to put everyone down officially on Nov. 15th, but due to cooler than expected temps where I'm keeping them, everybody has been cooled for about 3 weeks now.
Everbody equals:
1.1 Anerytheristic Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus (I don't think I'm breeding my female though. She's just barely on the small side). I'll have lots of het aneries available.
1.3 Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus (all breeders)
0.1 Thamnophis sirtalis inferalis
1.2 Thamnophis sirtalis pickerini ('09 babies, only cooling them for 6 weeks)
0.1 Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus ('09 baby, only cooling for 6 weeks)
0.1 Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus
0.1 Locality striped phase Pituophis catenifer catenifer (Breeding her to a friend's male from my same locality)
Next year's goals. I'll be producing normal, high red, and het anery baby concinnus. I think that is all the breeding I will be doing next spring because I'll have a lot of other herp related things going on.
I'm also hoping to get somewhat back into Lampropeltis species and pick up a few arboreal colubrids. Namely Pseustes and Spilotes.
11-14-2009, 08:34 AM
From what I have seen from a similar breeding... there really doesn't seem to be a super! Some of them apparently came out with lighter heads, but I've got a totally unrelated-to-this-project male that blows even those out of the water! The lighter headed ones appeared to be just a small variation from the dark headed ones. And further... what do you think this trait really is? It's not really hypo... so much black going on... it like hypes up the black and white and tones down the other colors... it's definitely some sort of mutation but it's not hypomelanism. Having said that, my codom male is just so weird looking next to my other marci's!
Wow-that's a shocker (since I'd heard previously from a couple sources that the codoms did indeed produce a super form). Well, regardless, I'll still be glad to be crossing "hypo-hypo". The normal checkereds in our part of Texas are rather drab.
As for exactly what this gene really is, you're absolutely correct that it is not a true "hypo". Unfortunately I wasn't the one who got to name it-if I was, I'd have called it "pastel". It intensifies the contrast and intensity of the color and pattern just like that gene in ball pythons. Another gene with a similar effect is the "Stillwater Hypo" gene in bullsnakes-but that gene is probably not the same, being a simple recessive.
By the way-if you have surplus offspring from that cool hypoish marcianus this coming season, keep me in mind?
11-14-2009, 10:19 AM
Wow-that's a shocker (since I'd heard previously from a couple sources that the codoms did indeed produce a super form). Well, regardless, I'll still be glad to be crossing "hypo-hypo". The normal checkereds in our part of Texas are rather drab.
As for exactly what this gene really is, you're absolutely correct that it is not a true "hypo". Unfortunately I wasn't the one who got to name it-if I was, I'd have called it "pastel". It intensifies the contrast and intensity of the color and pattern just like that gene in ball pythons. Another gene with a similar effect is the "Stillwater Hypo" gene in bullsnakes-but that gene is probably not the same, being a simple recessive.
By the way-if you have surplus offspring from that cool hypoish marcianus this coming season, keep me in mind?
I will keep you in mind for sure! But I am not sure I am going to breed him this year. When I picked him out from the wholesaler's pile of baby checkereds he had an infection in his left hemipene. His little tail was swelled out... he was hatchling size still... I was actually rather sure he would not make it but I absolutely had to give him a try for $13, since, well, he glowed and all and seemed very alert. I spent weeks inverting that little swollen hemipene each day to apply Gel Tek penicillin, and feeding him with small medicine stuffed fishes... it's actually made for fish to eat but I have found it along with their other products VERY useful, especially if I suspect that a stress related minor URI is brewing, as such was the case with my albino axanthic radix baby when I first received her. I use it to fill the body cavity of a large rosy red and then feed the fish to the snake. My vet has said he would be unable to treat snakes so small, so I figured if a tiny tropical fish can eat 3-4 drops of this stuff it would not hurt to try it with tiny snakes. It has ended up working wonders on more than one occasion and it fully healed but of course he was a slow starter for this reason. He only wanted fish flavors for the longest time! Little brat :). I am still on the fence with him about this season. But at least he's still here. In another buyer's hands he probably would have been lost forever!
11-15-2009, 08:33 AM
Wow- that little guy sure took a lot. I congratulate you on both your patience and skill.
You might just feed him up longer but give him a very brief brumation-that has worked for me with checkereds in the past.
Mike-I'm always jealous of you guys with all the cool sirtalis morphs-these are restricted for those of us down here in Texas, where the entire sirtalis species is protected because of the "threatened" status of the Texas Garter.
11-15-2009, 09:34 AM
Wow- that little guy sure took a lot. I congratulate you on both your patience and skill.
You might just feed him up longer but give him a very brief brumation-that has worked for me with checkereds in the past.
Mike-I'm always jealous of you guys with all the cool sirtalis morphs-these are restricted for those of us down here in Texas, where the entire sirtalis species is protected because of the "threatened" status of the Texas Garter.
That actually sounds like a good idea. I was going to actually try that with my male holdback cherry hypo's, brumating my female full term but keeping the males up for the bulk of it and giving them a short one towards the end of it. Did not even think to try that with the checkered! I have two adult female normals and ideally I wanted to breed the "pastel" to one and the hypoish guy to the other! My poor Mister Mustard, (normal male)... he's not getting any nookie this year... although since he's flaming yellow, if I had a female with yellow I would be pairing him up in a heart beat.... would love to breed for extremely yellow checkereds and then cross it into granites. I see banana Granites in my future :D:D
Mike Spencer
11-16-2009, 12:26 AM
Wow- that little guy sure took a lot. I congratulate you on both your patience and skill.
You might just feed him up longer but give him a very brief brumation-that has worked for me with checkereds in the past.
Mike-I'm always jealous of you guys with all the cool sirtalis morphs-these are restricted for those of us down here in Texas, where the entire sirtalis species is protected because of the "threatened" status of the Texas Garter.
Yeah, I love the variations of sirtalis too. I have localities for a few different concinnus (including anerytheristics), "Marin Blue" infernalis, white striped infernalis, turquoise infernalis, etc. T. s. fitchi out here don't have a huge variability though.
11-16-2009, 10:56 AM
That actually sounds like a good idea. I was going to actually try that with my male holdback cherry hypo's, brumating my female full term but keeping the males up for the bulk of it and giving them a short one towards the end of it. Did not even think to try that with the checkered! I have two adult female normals and ideally I wanted to breed the "pastel" to one and the hypoish guy to the other! My poor Mister Mustard, (normal male)... he's not getting any nookie this year... although since he's flaming yellow, if I had a female with yellow I would be pairing him up in a heart beat.... would love to breed for extremely yellow checkereds and then cross it into granites. I see banana Granites in my future :D:D could ship mr mustard out 3 lonely girls....2 are breeding size and no buddy have fun with.... :cool:
11-26-2009, 04:46 AM
you know, in the second picture, I can almost hear the sweet nothings he's whispering into her ears :rolleyes:
Not lousy pics at all. You have a knack for it. About the sweet nothings... I picture him sounding like John Leguizamo ( (Sid the sloth) and I picture her reply sounding like Queen Latifah! (manny the mammoth's new girlfriend, Ellie.)
11-26-2009, 11:24 PM
Those flames look big enough to breed to me
12-02-2009, 02:45 PM
The first flame pic, the female, I would agree. Doesn't hurt to wait another year though.
count dewclaw
12-02-2009, 08:52 PM
I'm planning on brumating Penny (my puget female) and then getting her together with a past member's male puget.
Well, since Penny died on Monday that plan is no longer valid.
charles parenteau
12-03-2009, 12:47 AM
Yes the flame one the first picture is mature ,but I will wait 2011 its better for her !!!
charles parenteau
12-03-2009, 12:48 AM
SHe was my plan for 2010 but i change my mind ....
12-12-2009, 05:23 PM
Most of my adults are in brumation now and I plan on breeding the following
1:0 Leucistic
0:1 Het Leucistic
2:3 50% chance possible het Leucistic
2:4 Het for albino Florida blues
0:1 Albino Florida blue
1:1 Ery x Schuett albino
1:0 Snow Schuett
1:0 Albino Schuett
1:0 Melanistic
0:2 Het for Bluegrass albino
0:1 Flame x Schuett albino
Red sides
2:2 Het for snow
Oregon Red spots
1:1 High red
2:0 albinos (Looking to trade one for a female lol)
Good luck to everyone and lets hope for LOTS of babies
12-15-2009, 01:57 PM
Since I joined the forum late in the year (because I am planning to get into garters again) and I don't have any garters right now, my 2010 plan calls for some field herping. I think I'll be taking a trip to Corvallis (Benton Co. Oregon) to see if I can't get myself a pair of those high red concinnus. All the one's around here don't have the red heads like all the CB's I've been seeing, but the wild one's in Benton county do. concinnus in my area have black heads and blue throats. Anyway, I'm hoping to maybe get a few ringneck snakes and/or a gopher snake while I'm there. I'll also be going to some favorite ordinoides den sites so I can photograph all the pretty variations and share some photos with you guys. I'll only collect some if I find something unusual or cool lookin', and I'll be on the lookout for melanistics. Meanwhile, I've been poking around on craigslist and acquired a 10 gallon and 3X 20 gallon slide-lock tanks and some lighting. Got them all real cheap.
charles parenteau
02-18-2010, 10:16 PM
THis is my little male hope he will start eating as soon as possible he really need it before breeding ...
my female is in really good shape in 0ne week they will be together .
02-23-2010, 04:43 PM
Most of my adults are in brumation now and I plan on breeding the following
1:0 Leucistic
0:1 Het Leucistic
2:3 50% chance possible het Leucistic
2:4 Het for albino Florida blues
0:1 Albino Florida blue
1:1 Ery x Schuett albino
1:0 Snow Schuett
1:0 Albino Schuett
1:0 Melanistic
0:2 Het for Bluegrass albino
0:1 Flame x Schuett albino
Red sides
2:2 Het for snow
Oregon Red spots
1:1 High red
2:0 albinos (Looking to trade one for a female lol)
Good luck to everyone and lets hope for LOTS of babies
Het for snow concinnus? huh? I have seen no morphs of concinnus other than those lacking red (Anery?) I heard that albinos existed at some point but nobody has been able to produce a picture. Even if you had a snow concinnus how could you be sure it was a concinnus? I always wondered about that.
Anyway, 2010 will be the first year in many years that I have any garters. I plan on collecting a few wild concinnus and ordinoides, perhaps gravid females or a pair of each for myself. Maybe a few for other forum members in trade. I hope to acquire a compatible male for future breeding to Amy. A flame eastern or two would be nice but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
02-23-2010, 04:52 PM
Het for snow concinnus? huh?
I believe he is breeding het snow red sided garters and the concinnus is the high-red pairing.
02-23-2010, 05:08 PM
I believe he is breeding het snow red sided garters and the concinnus is the high-red pairing.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. I think the high red concinnus are awesome looking. I've never seen anything like that in the wild. Only "construction orange" color but some do have entirely orange heads and lots of orange on the sides, just not in my area. Still, some very beautiful concinnus to be found right here at home, in the creeks, rivers, swamps areas. I'm particularly fond of the very black individuals. Makes the orange stand out. High contrast. very nice. I'll get some soon. Probably in April or May, and I'll post pics and perhaps entertain offers for trade.
02-24-2010, 09:52 AM
Oh,Still, some very beautiful concinnus to be found right here at home, in the creeks, rivers, swamps areas. I'm particularly fond of the very black individuals. Makes the orange stand out. High contrast. very nice. I'll get some soon. Probably in April or May, and I'll post pics and perhaps entertain offers for trade.
I would be interested in a couple more, increase my gene pool here!!
02-25-2010, 01:08 PM
Still waiting for the dang weather to cooperate but if I get them in the first week or two of nice weather, nearly all large females are recently fertilized. I'm keeping you in mind Steve. I wouldn't mind having a high red phase radix. I'm hoping I'll be able to take the time to travel a bit south of my locale (make a day of it) to get some of the "prettier" concinnus available up here. I'm in the extreme north part of their range. They mostly tend to be quite dull compared to the one's just to our south.
Is there any type of cooling period before brumation? Or do you just stick them in the fridge? Bryan
"The fiidge" is set @ a warmer temp :eek:
05-12-2010, 08:47 PM
I got a mini fridge, turned it to the warmest temp and put the pugets in it. They were in there for about two months, after which they hopefully made babies. They are due at the end of next month.
Which would be great since I'm expecting five more (3:2 i think females go first...) to show up at my door in the morning. So hopefully I'll be feeding seven adults and (crossing my fingers for) 13 babies (I know that's unrealistic to all the puget breeders out there) but here's to hoping :)
05-12-2010, 08:51 PM
I got a mini fridge, turned it to the warmest temp and put the pugets in it. They were in there for about two months, after which they hopefully made babies. They are due at the end of next month.
Which would be great since I'm expecting five more (3:2 i think females go first...) to show up at my door in the morning. So hopefully I'll be feeding seven adults and (crossing my fingers for) 13 babies (I know that's unrealistic to all the puget breeders out there) but here's to hoping :)
A positive attitude. Now that's the ticket:D
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