View Full Version : Fun Snake Stories

09-25-2009, 11:36 PM
In the same vein as Steve's Feeding Frenzy thread, I've decided to start a thread for hilarious snake tending stories that don't necessarily involve feeding. I already have two for today.


Today, I spent some time cleaning up my main enclosure. I put the snakes in the water enclosure (of course, there's plenty of room in it for them to sit high and dry, if they want, or to play in the water if they prefer). Anyway, I spent a good couple of hours, digging out the substrate, baking it in the oven to dry it out and kill any unwanted organisms. Then I repacked the enclosure, putting a fresh layer of baked mulch on top, placing all the branches, bricks, bamboo tubes, and the thatch-roof cottage back into place.

After I reconnected the enclosures and removed the cap, my green snake headed right back into the land enclosure. Now, do I have to tell you what I found less than 5 minutes? Yes, that's right: a big pile of poop. And the snake was still right there, looking straight at me, as if to say, "Yeah, that's where all your hard work went, you giant pink monkey!"


I guess Little Dude, for some reason, decided he wanted to hang out in the water enclosure. But as I was getting ready to turn the lights out for the night, I took a look around in the enclosure, just to see how my snakes were doing. And Little Dude was nowhere to be found. I checked the thatch-roof cottages, I checked the bamboo tubes - the green one was inside one, relaxing, but I could tell it was just the one, and not both - and I even poked around the limbs and fake leaves, thinking maybe he was hidden really well. Nothing.

Then I remembered: he had been in the water enclosure for most of the evening. And one of his favorite things to do is to climb on top of the flange and wait for me to open the lid so he can try to escape. I figured maybe that's where he was hiding. Or even worse, that he had already pulled that routine and was now making a clean getaway somewhere in my house.

I even checked underneath the water enclosure's thatch-roof cottage a third time, just to be sure he wasn't back there. Nope, nothing.

But then it occurred to me. I should pull the thatch-roof off, just to see if he managed to climb up there. And sure enough, that's where he was hiding: under the thatch-roof on top of the cottage. How did he get there? All the flower pots have holes in the bottom, and he must have decided he wanted to sleep in the attic instead of the main floor. Sneaky rascal!

09-29-2009, 11:11 AM
Same here i spent good money on that 55 gal and my snake pooped in it instantly and so did my friends snake after it shed in there (3 days apart ) and it took FOREVER took get the smell of my friends snakes pee/crud (diahrea ) smell out of there