View Full Version : I was planing to get a garter snake
09-22-2009, 01:54 PM
I was planing to get a garter snake soon....... and was wondering how much the snake, the cage and the decorations for the cahe would cost:)
09-22-2009, 02:57 PM
That really is up to you. A used aquarium, natural decorations and something to hold the water. You could get out of it with a $20 bill. Then you could go full boat and spend hundreds of dollars. It's all up to you. As long as you provide your snakes with shelter,warmth,water and food they won't care about the price tag. Mine would rather have a cardboard box hide over something bought at a pet store. My snakes like it natural. Large pieces of bark for a hide. Branches(all baked at 280 degrees to kill any unwanted guests) and things from outside seem to make them more comfortable. It's up to you which way you go.
09-22-2009, 03:01 PM
I know lots of money saving ways to make cages look nice for cheap. The main one being... dollar stores are your friend! They sell fake plants that are just as nice as the ones at the pet stores and are only $1!!! You can find cheap plastic bowls there too... turn one upside down and cut a hole in it- that's a hide, and use another for a water bowl!
09-22-2009, 03:18 PM
If you're looking for an inexpensive way to begin keeping a garter, may I suggest you take a look at my enclosure thread (
Basically, I started with a 29 gallon plastic box I bought at Wal-Mart ($12), some wood ($1.50), and some bolts and washers ($2). I also started out with some bamboo a neighbor had thrown away, a flower pot ($1.50), some coconut fiber ($3, but this isn't really necessary), some old pieces of brick, and some tree limbs I found in the yard. For substrate, a combination of crushed clay kitty litter ($3), some grass and leaf mulch (free, but had to bake in the oven to sanitize), and some hardwood mulch ($3). As you can see, about than $25 got me started. (You can use an old Tupperware container or an old bowl for water to start with).
When I was ready to expand, I spent about $9 on some fake plants (and I still have some leftover pieces I plan to incorporate), a separate water enclosure (another plastic box, some plumbing supplies, some more bolts, and some plumber's glue - about $20), and a big brick to serve as an island in the water enclosure ($2). I also made another hide out of another flower pot and some leftover coconut fiber (one of my snakes just loves hanging out in the water enclosure).
Now, I did spend a good chunk of money on tools. I didn't have my own, but figured that I could use them on other projects. I won't go into that.
As you can see, I didn't spend a fortune on my setup, but I think it's nice, and a few people have even complimented me on some interesting ideas. I'm sure you can personalize a setup like this to your own needs, too.
My snakes: I caught them in my backyard. Originally, I planned to release them in the woods, but found I liked having critters to care for. Of the 21 I've rescued, I figured Mother Nature could spare 2. I originally kept 3, but one was particularly skittish and ill-tempered, so I released her near a pond a few miles south of town.
But if you're looking for a specific garter, or maybe something unique or interesting, I'm sure the guys on this forum can hook you up. Some even offer baby garters at very reasonable prices.
09-27-2009, 01:33 PM
Mine so far have been free, except for the cost of bedding. I had 2 20gal tanks and 2 55 gallon tanks in my garage, use tupperware for water dishes, had some old small flower pots as hides, a simple light bulb on one side of the tank creats a decent heat variant, and the snake i have now was found in my basement.
10-10-2009, 01:38 PM
Thanks everyone
10-10-2009, 07:55 PM
it all depends on the person...i spent about 150 on my FREE snake...not including vet(free too :) love friends in high places)
10-11-2009, 06:37 AM
My snakes have all been free. (I now have 15) 3 were W/C from my backyard and one was expecting. 2 were adopted from another forum member. I have 10 squigglies.
My tanks are from flea markets, a 29 gallon for $10.00 and Craig's List, another 30 gallon for $10.00. I did purchase a 10 gallon and a 20 gallon from a pet store for a minimal amount.
Water bowls are old chinese takeout containers. Some bark and sticks from outside (baked in the oven) and some of the hides came with the adoptees. I use real pothos plants, which my W/C garters love to sit in.
Snakes aren't picky, they like cardboard boxes, old flower pots, etc to hide under. Mine spend alot of time under their water bowls.
Good luck! Where are you located?
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