View Full Version : Hmmmm.

09-10-2009, 09:02 PM
I have a very interesting observation I would like to share.
I've been concerned about a young red(very red) female radix, first year. She's been with the Ranch for the last couple of months and has eaten very little. She has been living with a group of adults from the same area. This female has also stayed wild and hasn't been calming down like the others. I made a joke to the snake saying " if you want to act like a baby , maybe you should live with babies" I proceeded by placing her in with a group of babies that were born to female from the same area. Approximately 30 minutes later I fed(cut-up worms) that group of babies. To my surprize one of the first radixes to eat was this red female. It was like looking at a completely didferent snake. Aggressively taking food from others and forcing her way into the fray.
I can't help but feel this radix was intimidated by the other group she was living with. Now that she was in with those of her own size she was feeling more at ease. Of course there's nothing scientific about thsee observation but it's still interesting how she changed so quickly.
I'm very pleased with the change as this is a very beautiful female, even at this young age. As an adult she'll be a knockout red radix.

count dewclaw
09-11-2009, 05:33 AM
That is an interesting observation. It would not surpise me if she was "intimidated" by the adults, quite a few animals have pecking orders in their groups. I'm glad she's eating now, can't wait to see what she looks like when she has grown up.

09-11-2009, 06:27 AM
I've noticed when I feed my two male garters, the larger one always turns his head in front of the other one, as if he's cutting him off. I think that garter's have some sort dominance behavior. Besides, if your snake was much smaller than the other adults, it could be accidentally cannibalized in a feed frenzy. It's holding on to a worm and someone bigger also grabs the worm....

09-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Very interesting Steve. This could possibly tie into why the do not find any young garters at the communal dens of Narcisse or other brumation sites. I wonder if it would be possible to further test this?


09-11-2009, 06:31 PM
very good observation and a strange one at that

09-11-2009, 11:37 PM
Great to hear that little girl you got from me is doing good!! Do you think her red will increase in the future?

09-11-2009, 11:45 PM
Great to hear that little girl you got from me is doing good!! Do you think her red will increase in the future?

I'm not sure but I hope so. She had me worried there. Now, she's off the the races for growing. I'm guessing she's a last Fall baby. I'll keep you informed on her progress. She should grow much faster now that she'll get a steady meal.