View Full Version : Eastern sirtalis eating adult wood frog

03-23-2007, 09:50 PM
heres her taking down a gravid adult carpenter frog , the first is a picture of her just starting .http://i14.tinypic.com/2s69aw1.jpg
these are two videos when he was almost done this huge thing
View My Video (http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=2dguuc5)View My Video (http://video.tinypic.com/player.php?v=2drhxya)
evrythingturned out ok and my eastern is HUGE and happy looking
its amazing what a garter can do , i love em

03-23-2007, 10:18 PM
CC88: That reminds me of what my wife saw last summer. She was sitting on the front porch and caught sight of some movement in the grass. She said that at first it looked like a baby bird hopping through the grass. She went over to take a look and it was a big garter with a good size toad in its mouth. It was moving through the grass holding the toad up in the air to make the going a little easier. It was heading for the brush for a little privacy. They are quite the creature.

03-23-2007, 10:26 PM
indeed they are, ive had a fair amount of snakes before and garters are still one of my favorite.its amazing what they can do, have u ever seen that picture of a eastern (i belive) eating a dead bird thats more than 4 times bigger than its head .its insane man , gotta love it

03-24-2007, 07:45 AM
I wasn't so sure about the Eastern sirtalis eating a frog, but she did it!

03-24-2007, 07:56 AM
It is certainly amasing what a T. s sirtalis can consume when its mind is made up:eek: . I try to avoid feeding too many frogs because of the parasites, but had two wild caught Easterns last year that would not eat anything else.


03-24-2007, 05:20 PM
Do you have any pics of what he/she looked like after it went down? Ouch!