View Full Version : Alexis' Feedback

08-31-2009, 01:01 PM
Hey I'm Alexis,

My feedback. I LOVE:D this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I will calm down... I become a member and now getting my friend with the garter snake babies to join. She said she will. She also loves this place, but she hasn't had time to join yet, but soon.

I find this forum gives you all the information you need to get your father be okay with a snake. I don't have one yet, my dad will tell me soon, if I can but if not I will stay on this forum.

I shows you about questions, with answers. Its wonderful! ;)

All the members are very nice and helpful. I have a friend here and I JUST BECOME A MEMBER. On a daemon forum I had like no friends..........

Everyone knows about snakes and is very HELPFUL! You guys are all very SMART. Searching on google isn't as fun as waiting for an answer to a post... I love when someone answers, its like talking to a close friend. Everyone's friends here!

There are many, I mean MANY members here. All the best! Thank you everyone who has welcomed me and who was just on this forum.

-without you I wouldn't have my questions asked fully by google.

THANKS EVERY MEMBER OF www.thamnophis.com (http://www.thamnophis.com)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

-I am very pleased with the fastness of answers and how great the members are.


08-31-2009, 04:14 PM
Thanks you for your kind comments. You are right, this forum and it's member are awesome.

08-31-2009, 06:11 PM
That is very sweet Alexis :) It's why I came to love this forum as well. Hopefully your dad will change his mind about your snake, but if he doesn't just hang in there and learn as much as you can. Once you have your own place you'll know everything you need to know to start your first snake off right.

When I was 13 I met my first Great Dane. I had always loved dogs, but Oh My... THIS was some dog! I fell head over heals in love and just had to have one. Of course my parents said, "NO WAY!" Great Danes are too big, blah, blah, blah. I continued to learn everything I could and just knew that was the dog for me. As soon as I bought my own home the hunt was on for MY dog! It was worth every second of waiting... you'll see :)

09-01-2009, 08:48 PM

Thank you for your kind words. I am new to the forum since May. I have found everyone to be extremely helpful and informational. This is a wonderful group of people gathered from around the world sharing the same interest, our Garter Snakes. We have their best interests in mind and I think you can get any question you may have answered by someone here on this forum.

Keep up the good work on house, home and studies. It truly is the best way to get to the "rents":D

09-13-2009, 12:58 PM
Hey Alexis! I just joined today! I already posted tons of stuff, you are right it is very nice here compared to the daemonpage where they keep lockin up your posts file:///Users/BriannaK/Pictures/Garter%20snakes/IMG_0697.JPG