View Full Version : The Eastern Garter Snake

08-29-2009, 08:11 AM
The eastern garter snake is found in eastern Canada. They live near water and eat worms and fish or what ever they can find.

My friend found two garter snakes and breed them, after letting the wild ones go. She wants me to have one. I don't know what to name him yet, if my father yet me.

The snake is a baby, 5 inches long, gender boy. He will be beautiful when hes older with the bold colors.

My father said he will tell me after the first day of school, the first of September.

What I think is needed to be done:

My chores.
My room clean.
Doing what he says and asks.

I am on holidays till Sunday and really want one. I know a lot about the garter snake, but need help with the information. Is there anything that may make my father want me to have one? Because he doesn't really want me to, but seems to like snakes the way hes acting. What is good information that will make a person not think snakes are gross and slimy even thought there not...

This will help me a lot.

thanks, Alexis :D

08-29-2009, 08:59 AM

While nothing will "make" your Dad let you get one, you can always keep up your end of the bargain with chores/room/obeying him. While you're doing your chores, have a conversation with him. You can talk with him about allergies, and how you'll be happy to have a pet that NO ONE could be allergic to. You can talk with him about how they only eat a few times a week, not morning and evening. You can discuss how it's nice not to have a stinky cat box or have to scoop poo out of the yard. And how if you don't handle them, it's okay, not like a dog that will go mental on you. Start there. :)

08-29-2009, 01:55 PM

While nothing will "make" your Dad let you get one, you can always keep up your end of the bargain with chores/room/obeying him. While you're doing your chores, have a conversation with him. You can talk with him about allergies, and how you'll be happy to have a pet that NO ONE could be allergic to. You can talk with him about how they only eat a few times a week, not morning and evening. You can discuss how it's nice not to have a stinky cat box or have to scoop poo out of the yard. And how if you don't handle them, it's okay, not like a dog that will go mental on you. Start there. :)

KUDOS!! this is excellent advice, and perfectly expressed!:D

08-29-2009, 07:25 PM

Another plus is they do not require a license ( I think up there), they do not roam the house (unless they escape:D) and they do not require handling and changing on a daily basis. They are inquisitive animals (like cats) Do not smell (like dogs) and do not make noise (like birds) Their home is easier to clean than a fish tank and not as expensive. Their diet is readily available and sometimes in your own back yard!

Good luck convincing Dad. Also, he could be the cool Dad in the neighborhood who has a snake!

08-29-2009, 07:34 PM
also they don't ruin the carpet or scratch wood floors with thier claws. They don't ruin the furniture with teething or scratching. a $2 food supply can last a month and the calcium supplement you can use is about $8 and lasts for many months.

so you can feed em on $20 for half a year if you really needed to. (unless you want to get em pinkies of live fish) that costs just a little more.

just more things to throw in there :P