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08-28-2009, 09:09 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Alex. So recently i posted a thread on " how to get a wild caught garter to eat". A few people gave me response's. I offered my Eastern garter snake chopped worms. He was a bit mor inerested in them than he was before. For example, i had a worm on his newspaper substrate then i took it off. So then he went and started rubbing his nose where the piece of night crawler was. Other than that he wasn't interested. He is VERY active. He's been active all day long. I think he is settling in. So i figured i would leave the worms over night with him. I will let him settle in for a few mor days then offer him some more worms.I really hope he eats for me because he is very docile, he doesn't even musk anymore. I put my hand in his tank and he just climbs right on my hand and i handle him for a couple minutes, no more than 5 because i don't want to stress it out. Do any of you guys and girls out there have any tips that you have been successful with? If so please tell me. Don't lok at me like i don't know what im doing because i done tons of research on him. So please give me some tips, support, and advice. I really want this little guy. He is so cute!
1.0.0 08' Ball Python [ Apollo ] - Python Regius
0.1.0 08' Albino Corn Snake [ Audrey ] - Elaphe guttatu
0.0.1 09' Eastern Garter Snake [ Steve ] - Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis

YouTube - TheSnakeGuy1's Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSnakeGuy1)

08-28-2009, 09:27 PM
Don't lok at me like i don't know what im doing because i done tons of research on him. So please give me some tips, support, and advice. I really want this little guy. He is so cute!

I don't think anyone is or has been judgemental towards you. Most are looking at the great interest you have in Garters.

Guppies only(no water) in a small zip lock container. Put the little guy in and cover it up for awhile. Let those guppies do their thing. Flipping and flopping guppies will drive the snake crazy. Give it a try.

08-28-2009, 10:06 PM
how long have you had him??? newly caught snakes can take a couple weeks to settle into captivity and start eating.

08-29-2009, 06:18 AM

How big is he? Steve's advice about guppies really works. That would be the best bet if he is small. Can you find small earthworms? My babies are eating baby earthworms. You could also try salmon from the fish dept. in your supermarket. Just get it to room temperature. My W/C garters readily took to the salmon. Mine are around 2' long and I alternate their diet between salmon, minnows (live), pinkies and nightcrawlers. The new babies I have started on cut up worms but now they prefer the baby earthworms whole and baby minnows (live).

08-29-2009, 02:02 PM
I'd also suggest "try the salmon" (sounds like a Garter Restaurant suggestion :D). Just be sure to cut it up in chunks really no bigger than your little one's head, and if the pieces are too small for you to hold with your fingers, use tweezers, or chop sticks.

08-30-2009, 02:18 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Alex. So recently i posted a thread on " how to get a wild caught garter to eat". A few people gave me response's. I offered my Eastern garter snake chopped worms. He was a bit mor inerested in them than he was before. For example, i had a worm on his newspaper substrate then i took it off. So then he went and started rubbing his nose where the piece of night crawler was. Other than that he wasn't interested. He is VERY active. He's been active all day long. I think he is settling in. So i figured i would leave the worms over night with him. I will let him settle in for a few mor days then offer him some more worms.I really hope he eats for me because he is very docile, he doesn't even musk anymore. I put my hand in his tank and he just climbs right on my hand and i handle him for a couple minutes, no more than 5 because i don't want to stress it out. Do any of you guys and girls out there have any tips that you have been successful with? If so please tell me. Don't lok at me like i don't know what im doing because i done tons of research on him. So please give me some tips, support, and advice. I really want this little guy. He is so cute!
1.0.0 08' Ball Python [ Apollo ] - Python Regius
0.1.0 08' Albino Corn Snake [ Audrey ] - Elaphe guttatu
0.0.1 09' Eastern Garter Snake [ Steve ] - Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis

YouTube - TheSnakeGuy1's Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSnakeGuy1)

put food in different tank and if u wnat him to eat pinkys wrap a worm around one and he should gobble it up ( never feed a snake in its enclosure it wiill associate ur hand with food hence when u want to hold it , ul get bit)if it is to small for pinkys u can cut one up! i had same problem :)