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View Full Version : Thanks to everyone

03-19-2007, 12:44 PM
Hey All,
I just wanted to let everyone know what a huge asset this board has been for me, and for all the help I've gotten on here. I think we can all agree that we've come here and learned something or helped someone.
I also want to thank Rick (Cazador) personally. I messaged him and he took time out of his day to help me, a guy he doesn't know, never met, and lives in a different country. I just want everyone to know how lucky we are to have his knowledge, and outgoing nature available to us. I'm sure he's helped a lot of others as well.
I also know we have a lot of other members on here that are also very helpfull and knowledgeable as well. I wouldn't want to leave them out. I'm sure lots of people owe a thanks to someone here.
Rick, thanks again. It's people like you who take the time to help others that make this a great place to visit. Afterall, we all share a common interest here. Thanks again.


03-19-2007, 03:12 PM
That is true for me as well
and I add my thanks wholeheartedly

03-21-2007, 05:54 AM
Thank you! Formulating a proper response has been awkward, knowing that I'm only a part of what makes this forum what it is. Like Mike said, we've all been helped quite a bit by the knowledge and generosity of others on this forum. We definitely have a little corner of the internet that shines like the internet was envisioned to be able to do. Cheers,


03-21-2007, 05:02 PM
So true, so true!

I love this site. It has been said before and I will repeat it. This site cannot be compared to anything else you find on the web.
Its like a small community, where people remember whats other have said another time, and ask about how it fares with the issue.

I've got so many things cleared up, about keeping the garters, and I hope that my (few however) answers have been to some benefit of others.

Thank you, I love us...:D

03-21-2007, 05:35 PM
:D I totaly agree with everyone. This is a great site and the best people to be communicating with!!


03-21-2007, 05:44 PM
What can I add? Ditto....This forum is the best thing I've found on the net. I think we are all very lucky to have found this place, and to have Jason and Rick running it so well, hats off to those two. And to all my fellow members, love you all and follow your threads with interest..... Group hug!!:D

03-21-2007, 06:08 PM
Here's a thought....(bare in mind I've had a drink or three!) While we're all into mutual admiration, how about another competition....Member of the Month! It could be based on best new thread or best contribution to the forum etc. The winner could have their title changed from "I'm new here" or "Second shed a success" to "Member on the Month". (Unless it was me, in which case I prefer cash!!). Anyone got any feelings on that? It might encourage some of our newer or quieter members to speak out more.

03-22-2007, 04:36 PM
This is the best forum ever (in my opinion).
Everyone here is so nice! If it weren't for all of our great members and visitors, I think this forum would definitely not be as great as it is no

03-22-2007, 04:54 PM
That's true, Mikhaila. But the forum is also very well managed by Boots and Cazador. I think that is actually the key to this forum's success...they do a lot of stuff that we members never see.

03-22-2007, 08:16 PM
This is the best forum ever (in my opinion). Everyone here is so nice! If it weren't for all of our great members and visitors, I think this forum would definitely not be as great as it is no

I can not agree more. For while I am happy to take credit for creating the site, I can not take credit for what it has become. For all I created was a site dedicated to garter snakes. It is all the members who have decided to join that have caused the site to become a community. For that I credit Rick and all the other members who have been willing to help out each other by answering questions, sharing their pictures or adding to the articles and care sheets. I truly feel that this forum is a success only because of the members who have joined and for that I would like to thank each and member. So Thank you, for making this site a community.


04-08-2007, 04:29 AM
Hay, I think this site is way cool.

04-08-2007, 04:50 PM
I agree, I felt welcome here right away and got some sound medical advice on my possibly sickly female Red sided garter, it's comforting to recieve advice from more experienced keepers.Cheers all!