View Full Version : Unusual birth?

08-13-2009, 09:55 AM
This is an interesting tale with some sad parts but some glad As I said in another post my snakes are having babies don't know which one because I haven't seen the actual birth. I found the first baby this past tuesday am I kept looking for more all day Tues with nothing happening this little guys is alive and kicking. Yesterday moring I found a clutch of about 6-7 more all curled up together but were DOA. They felt a little slimy so I don't know if they were just born or if they were eaten and thrown back up. I though that was it 1 baby that was safe in it's own tank. Now yesterday aft. I go to check on the snakes and low and behold another healthy baby in the tank so I removed it to safety quickly just in case last evening there was another so now there are 3 and jsut before the basking lamp went off on it's timer I thought I saw another but it was a no show this am. but I will keep looking and it's time for a complete tank clean this weekend This all new to me I am following suggestions found here for rearing baby Garters but is this a weird birth process over a couple of days or do they just bang them out all at once?. Could it be the survivers were just hiding under the aspen?

08-13-2009, 10:45 AM
We just experienced a birth for the first time last Thursday. We came home to squigglies all over the tank. This had happened in a space of 4 hours but I have seen other posts where it took much longer. I let everyone stay in the same tank with Mom until the next day and then did a head count. We found 11 live, no jelly beans and no slugs. I had to remove everything from the tank just to make sure. We have lost 1 baby yesterday (reason unknown) but all the others appear to be doing fine and hunting down baby worms!

Good luck!:D

08-13-2009, 10:48 AM
i had one of my easterns drop babys in a 3 day time period.the first day she drop 7 next 2 and lasd day 3...so i dont think is unusual....

08-17-2009, 04:40 PM
i had one of my florida garters give birth a few weeks ago, and they were all born within a few hours. There were 9 alive and one born dead. This is just my experience, but I have read that some births can occur over several days. As long as they're healthy, that's the biggest thing =)

Thamnophis Man
08-17-2009, 07:10 PM
I had a Eastern give birth to 14 babies in one day. I cleaned the tank about a week later and then noticed 1 more roaming around the tank the next day after I cleaned the tank. I thought it was weird for the mother to give birth a whole week after the others were born. Still have that baby girl 3 years later. Named her Latecomer.

08-17-2009, 08:32 PM
Still have that baby girl 3 years later. Named her Latecomer.

Love to see a picture of Latecomer, Please.