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View Full Version : Shedding questions

08-11-2009, 08:17 PM
Ok i'm dealing with my first shed so sorry if these seem like ridiculous questions. How long do they stay in the blue phase? We're going on day 3. I can see where her skin is dulling and getting a little flakey but she hasn't actually started shedding yet, is this normal? She also has been MUCH less active the past 2 days. Hasn't moved from under her plant. I check on her twice a day (move the plant a litte) and make sure she's alright, and shes alive and will move when the plant moves. I don't want to stress her out and shes not used to being handled yet so i don't want to pick her up and give her a bath so i've been misting her when i check on her....she doesn't seem to like it. She also won't eat, is that normal?

08-11-2009, 08:23 PM
I have seen snakes In Blue for 5-6 days, usually less but 3 is OK. The snake not moving is just fine. They are blind when their eyes are opaque so they feel vulnerable and as a result, hide. Not eating is also normal.

Your snake is fine :)

08-11-2009, 08:27 PM
I do remember reading elsewhere that not eating during a shed cycle was normal.

I also remember reading that, at some point, the blue will dissipate, and some point thereafter, the sloughing will begin. Basically, the snake secretes a fluid between the skin layers to loosen the outer layer, and once the fluid has be reabsorbed, it will prepare to slough it off.

Never mind. A much more experienced and knowledgeable handler already answered.

charles parenteau
08-11-2009, 08:29 PM
HI COrinne its a normal question and it deserve answer.Sorry for my bad english .Is this a garter snake???

Shed cycle last about 8-9 days in total ,for my garter.
COlor start losing intensity become darker for 2-3 days and after eyes become bleu for 2-3 days after another 1 or 2 days later they shed .

THis not exact,BUt near that...
Dont care too much about it !

08-12-2009, 07:28 AM
Thanks for all the help! I was getting worried but it sees like everything is going ok...and yes she is an eastern garter. A very very dark pretty eatern garter. I hope she stays that way after her shed