View Full Version : greetings from texas

08-03-2009, 11:38 PM
I got settled in at our apartmant. No snakes until we get a house :(. This means no more red radix from me lol. Steve has my last one. I was wondering if eastren black necks are endangered in texas. If not I want to go collect a few adults for breeding. Get some more captive bred babies of this sweeet snake :).

08-04-2009, 05:54 AM
Glad you had a safe trip.
Ian's Red and Ian's Light are doing well.

08-04-2009, 07:24 AM
no its not endangered go to tpaw.com i live in helotes how about you

08-04-2009, 01:51 PM
Great to hear I want to catch alot of adults to produce many captive babies. When we get a home my mom is giving me a room for my snakes. I live up in the hills of san antonieo. Me and my dad are going to drive to a lake called choak lake. Locals have said there are snakes everywhere there. Its a 1hr drive Im assuming water snakes. I plan to work with radix, californa red sides and eastren black necks next summer.

Do you have any black necks?

08-04-2009, 06:18 PM
Hey, good luck with the breeding projects. One thing to think about: radix is actually off-limits for the reptile trade in Texas. Seems strange, huh? T. radix gets into the panhandle of Texas in a very limited area. Maybe the thought is that plains garters could be vulnerable in that particular area. For whatever reason, T. radix is not on the white list (and that means only a few may be collected and they cannot be sold or traded in).

08-04-2009, 06:37 PM
I have a couple coming from nebraska when I get a house. That is a bummer I love radix :mad:.

08-21-2009, 06:23 PM
Hey, good luck with the breeding projects. One thing to think about: radix is actually off-limits for the reptile trade in Texas. Seems strange, huh? T. radix gets into the panhandle of Texas in a very limited area. Maybe the thought is that plains garters could be vulnerable in that particular area. For whatever reason, T. radix is not on the white list (and that means only a few may be collected and they cannot be sold or traded in).
why would it be off limits last time i checked in texas u can have any ingineus venomus reptile and any exotic non venoumous reptile except a few like rericulated pythons and anacondas(u need permits) ill check again!

08-21-2009, 06:25 PM


Effective April 1, 2008, you will need to have

$60 Commercial Controlled Exotic Snake Permit

If you plan to sell any of the snakes listed below

Sellers will need to provide a receipt to the purchaser for
all transactions involving the snakes below,
as purchaser will have 21 days to get their

$20 Recreational Controlled Exotic Snake Permit

http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/business/permits/land/wildlife/media/nongame_regulations_faqs.doc (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/business/permits/land/wildlife/media/nongame_regulations_faqs.doc)

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved the publication of proposed regulations that would require a new permit for people who sell, transport or possess venomous snakes not indigenous to Texas, plus four species of pythons and one species of anaconda.
Under House Bill 12, enacted by the 80th Texas Legislature, the commission is required to establish permits authorizing the possession and transportation of the following snakes:

ALL non-indigenous venomous snakes
African rock python (Python sebae)
Asiatic rock python (Python molurus)
green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
reticulated python (Python reticulatus), and
southern African python, (Python natalensis)
A hybrid of any species listed above
The bill also prohibits the release of these snakes into the wild in Texas.
The proposed regulations would require anyone who possesses one of the controlled exotic snakes, but does not sell snakes, to buy a $20 Recreational Controlled Exotic Snake Permit. Permit No. 580
People who buy a controlled exotic snake from a pet store could use their sales receipt as a temporary recreational permit good for 21 days, giving them time to buy an official Texas Parks and Wildlife Department permit.
Dealers who possess or transport controlled exotic snakes for sale would need to pay a $60 Commercial Controlled Exotic Snake Permit. This permit would be required for each permanent place of business where controlled exotic snakes are sold. Permitted businesses would need to maintain a daily record of snake sales, which would have to be kept for two years and made available to TPWD upon request. Permit No. 581
Either permit could be obtained anywhere Texas hunting and fishing licenses are sold. When you go to obtain your permit, be sure to tell them the permit number you are wanting to purchase.

08-21-2009, 10:55 PM
I wont have too worry about this.

08-22-2009, 08:05 AM
thats good woohoo.... that means you could sale me a trio of eastern Blacknecks:D:D:D

08-22-2009, 08:11 AM
thats good woohoo that means you could sale me a trio of eastern Blacknecks

08-22-2009, 08:16 AM
thats good woohoo.... that means you could sale me a trio of eastern Blacknecks:D:D

08-22-2009, 08:19 AM
aaa sorry about that lol

08-22-2009, 12:03 PM
There is a "Texas garter" that is endangered if you check their endangered list for Texas.

I also live in San Antonio :P I have a checkered that showed up in my swimming pool. (luckily drained mostly or it would have taken me much longer to catch her)

08-22-2009, 01:54 PM
There is a "Texas garter" that is endangered if you check their endangered list for Texas.

I also live in San Antonio :P I have a checkered that showed up in my swimming pool. (luckily drained mostly or it would have taken me much longer to catch her)
where in SA ...north side?

08-22-2009, 01:56 PM
this is from texas parks and wildlife!!! no garter snake
Snakes State Status Federal Status (Listed) Scarlet Snake
Cemophora coccinea Threatened Black-striped Snake
Coniophanes imperialis Threatened Indigo Snake
Drymarchon corais Threatened Speckled Racer
Drymobius margaritiferus Threatened Northern Cat-eyed Snake
Leptodeira septentrionalis Threatened Brazos Water Snake
Nerodia harteri Threatened Concho Water Snake (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/species/endang/animals/reptiles_amphibians/conchows.phtml)
Concho Water Snake (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_bk_w7000_0013_concho_water_snake.pdf) http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/images/media.gif(PDF (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/site/software/#adobe) 335.9 KB)
Nerodia paucimaculata Threatened - Proposed for Delisting Smooth Green Snake
Liochlorophis vernalis Threatened Louisiana Pine Snake
Pituophis ruthveni Threatened Federal Candidate for Listing Trans-Pecos Black-headed Snake
Tantilla cucullata Threatened Chihuahuan Desert Lyre Snake
Trimorphodon vilkinsonii Threatened Timber (Canebrake) Rattlesnake
Crotalus horridus Threatened

08-22-2009, 03:09 PM
[quote=sirtalis01;116928]aaa sorry about that lol[/quote
thats okay lol mabey in the future when I get some babies :).
Thanks for the help mustang will help alot!!!

08-23-2009, 11:40 AM
[quote=sirtalis01;116928]aaa sorry about that lol[/quote
thats okay lol mabey in the future when I get some babies :).
Thanks for the help mustang will help alot!!!

lookn foward to some pics!!! when u get em

08-23-2009, 12:05 PM
For Mustang:

Please have a look at this: CHAPTER 65 (http://info.sos.state.tx.us/pls/pub/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=31&pt=2&ch=65)WILDLIFE SUBCHAPTER O (http://info.sos.state.tx.us/pls/pub/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=5&ti=31&pt=2&ch=65&sch=O)COMMERCIAL NONGAME PERMITS RULE §65.331Commercial ActivityThe limitation I mentioned about T. radix and the limitation on trading in T. sirtalis comes from this. Please read before knee-jerking...

Neither garter snake is listed as threatened. However, regarding trade, Texas has a blacklist and a whitelist. If a species is on the blacklist, you cannot breed and sell or trade them. This, unfortunately, includes the plains garter snake and the "common" garter. Since Texas has listed it only at the species level, this would include the area with Texas garters in central to north Texas as well as the area of eastern garters in SE Texas. I've kept and bred Texas garters before, and they are neat snakes that are spottily distributed but not currently endangered. However, I could not keep and breed them now, unless I wanted to keep all the babies myself.

The whitelist shows the species that you can trade in. You won't find radix or sirtalis on the whitelist.

08-23-2009, 04:35 PM
For Mustang:

Please have a look at this: CHAPTER 65 (http://info.sos.state.tx.us/pls/pub/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=31&pt=2&ch=65)WILDLIFE SUBCHAPTER O (http://info.sos.state.tx.us/pls/pub/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=5&ti=31&pt=2&ch=65&sch=O)COMMERCIAL NONGAME PERMITS RULE §65.331Commercial ActivityThe limitation I mentioned about T. radix and the limitation on trading in T. sirtalis comes from this. Please read before knee-jerking...

Neither garter snake is listed as threatened. However, regarding trade, Texas has a blacklist and a whitelist. If a species is on the blacklist, you cannot breed and sell or trade them. This, unfortunately, includes the plains garter snake and the "common" garter. Since Texas has listed it only at the species level, this would include the area with Texas garters in central to north Texas as well as the area of eastern garters in SE Texas. I've kept and bred Texas garters before, and they are neat snakes that are spottily distributed but not currently endangered. However, I could not keep and breed them now, unless I wanted to keep all the babies myself.

The whitelist shows the species that you can trade in. You won't find radix or sirtalis on the whitelist.
but it dosnt say anything about the breeders who had them before this permit so they wont be imported since they were born here ...also u can goto reptilesncritters.com beceause theyre office is in NY but breeders are in TX ...i believe ammarillo so if theyre born here theyre not imported!!! Also this so called white list i believe is just a general idea beceause its too broad of a topic or else the would have made a big post about it...i emailed Texas Parks & wildlife about it i shjoud get a reply sooner or later

08-23-2009, 04:51 PM
it dosent say anything about T.Cyrtopsis Ocellatus "eastern blacknecks" only the radix and sirtalis:p:D:D

08-23-2009, 05:03 PM
it dosent say anything about T.Cyrtopsis Ocellatus "eastern blacknecks" only the radix and sirtalis:p:D:D
but on the more commonly visited restrictions i havnt heard or seen of a ban on radix...but hey if born here their not tchnicly imported so order from reptilesncritters if u really want one!....legally

08-25-2009, 05:30 PM
o ya im right i got email from texas parks and wild life u can have up to 6 of em!!! i asked this

in texas is it correct u can have any indiginous venoumus snake
and non venoumus snake(except endangered) and almost any exotic
snake without a permit( excluding anacondoas and certain
pythons)........my friend wants a specific pet garter snake
"thamnophis radix" and some people say he needs a permit i do
not beleive he does
The garter snake mentioned below is on the non-game "black list," and thus not legal to sell commercially nor possess more than six without a non-game dealer permit.
Information concerning non-game dealer permits is available at TPWD: Wildlife Permits (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/business/permits/land/wildlife/#nongame)

Thank you, and please let me know if we may further assist you.

Karen Pianka
Wildlife Permits Coordinator
Texas Parks & Wildlife
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, Texas 78744
I deleted her #

08-25-2009, 11:42 PM
o ya im right i got email from texas parks and wild life u can have up to 6 of em!!! i asked this

in texas is it correct u can have any indiginous venoumus snake
and non venoumus snake(except endangered) and almost any exotic
snake without a permit( excluding anacondoas and certain
pythons)........my friend wants a specific pet garter snake
"thamnophis radix" and some people say he needs a permit i do
not beleive he does
The garter snake mentioned below is on the non-game "black list," and thus not legal to sell commercially nor possess more than six without a non-game dealer permit.
Information concerning non-game dealer permits is available at TPWD: Wildlife Permits (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/business/permits/land/wildlife/#nongame)

Thank you, and please let me know if we may further assist you.

Mustang your e-mail proves Micheal's point. He did not say Ian could not have Radix, he stated that he could not have a commercial breeding project. Ian mentioned in his previous post that he wanted to start a breeding project, Micheal's point was that he can't do it (with Radix) unless he wants to keep or give away all of the babies for nothing in return.


08-26-2009, 04:27 PM
So I can only have 6 well I guess the screwed my projects :(. Then I might have to part with my red female later on if I cant rilly use her for any breeding projects. I will probly just keep my two females when I get them from steve to grow them up bigger :).

08-28-2009, 08:13 PM
Mustang your e-mail proves Micheal's point. He did not say Ian could not have Radix, he stated that he could not have a commercial breeding project. Ian mentioned in his previous post that he wanted to start a breeding project, Micheal's point was that he can't do it (with Radix) unless he wants to keep or give away all of the babies for nothing in return.


Yes! Thanks - I'm at least being understood by some people.

08-28-2009, 10:21 PM
Mustang your e-mail proves Micheal's point. He did not say Ian could not have Radix, he stated that he could not have a commercial breeding project. Ian mentioned in his previous post that he wanted to start a breeding project, Micheal's point was that he can't do it (with Radix) unless he wants to keep or give away all of the babies for nothing in return.


Theoretically, Ian, you could sell me a stone you found in your yard with a "free" snake as part of the deal. Questionable, yes. But I bought a stone, not a snake, from you. And if the permit is only $60, wouldn't that be worth it??? I mean, after you sold $60 worth of "yard stones- free snake with purchase". ;)

Let me know when you're selling those "yard stones" with a free black-necked for my purchase, I just LOVE yard stones!!!!!! ;)

08-28-2009, 10:37 PM
Theoretically, Ian, you could sell me a stone you found in your yard with a "free" snake as part of the deal. Questionable, yes. But I bought a stone, not a snake, from you. And if the permit is only $60, wouldn't that be worth it??? I mean, after you sold $60 worth of "yard stones- free snake with purchase". ;)

Let me know when you're selling those "yard stones" with a free black-necked for my purchase, I just LOVE yard stones!!!!!! ;)

Haha that would work I like it :D

08-30-2009, 12:21 PM
So I can only have 6 well I guess the screwed my projects :(. Then I might have to part with my red female later on if I cant rilly use her for any breeding projects. I will probly just keep my two females when I get them from steve to grow them up bigger :).
WHat if u get buyers before u get ur snake pregnant! get at least 16 people that will be ready to purchase the moment they come out! (make sure u only have two snakes 1male 1female incase extras come out!)