View Full Version : Baiting snakes
03-15-2007, 12:05 PM
If you have been reading my posts here over the last few days you probably read that Cazador thought it was funny that I was baiting snakes with a heat lamp. Well that got me to thinking (always trouble) and since I apparently have no life, I thought why not? This morning was fairly cold and nothing was around. So I changed the bulb to 100w and set the light about 14 inches above the “snake hole” and waited to see what would happen. Came back about two hours later and this happened….. Pretty slick huh?
AWESOME !!! I luv it :p ...
03-15-2007, 12:56 PM
I want to live in your sunroom. That "bait" is working on me too!
03-15-2007, 02:32 PM
jealous doesn't even cover it
03-15-2007, 03:49 PM
That is just too cool..
(I am too a little green with envy!)
03-15-2007, 03:57 PM
Next thing you know, you'll be laying out newspaper and adding a little water bowl... maybe putting out half a can of tuna or something crazy like that. (Send us more pictures, ya nut. It's really awesome ;))
03-15-2007, 04:01 PM
Very fun, just great how they react on it!
03-15-2007, 05:19 PM
By popular demand. I thought this was a pretty good group photo. By the way, after the discussions with persons far more knowledgeable than me, and doing some internet research these may indeed be T.s.pallidulus. Admittedly I had never even heard of a maritime garter before. Oh well live and learn. If I get any more interesting photos, I’ll post them in the gallery.
03-15-2007, 11:13 PM
All I have to say is.....very cool. I am very jealous!:cool:
03-15-2007, 11:41 PM
Jealous? You bet. :D
Also reminds me of this crazy idea I once had. Anybody ever consider making an artificial hibernation den?
03-16-2007, 02:36 AM
Okay now this is something I'm going to have to try. I know there are tons of garters around my place but I can never find them. I'll just have to set up one of those snake traps. ;P
I envy you.
03-16-2007, 06:04 AM
Jealous? You bet. :D
Also reminds me of this crazy idea I once had. Anybody ever consider making an artificial hibernation den?
Well, I for one am thinking about it.
Since we will have a large garden, if we get that house, I'd like to keep the garters outside year 'round.
The Hallmen/Chlebowy book has a great section on building outdoor enclosures. Once I get into the process, I'll tell you all about it, I'm sure.
03-16-2007, 09:16 AM
Jealous? You bet. :D
Also reminds me of this crazy idea I once had. Anybody ever consider making an artificial hibernation den?
Actually yes I have! I've also seen plans on how to do so. There's this show on AnimalPlanet called Backyard Habitat, and they actually did one for garters, in Washington state I believe. Once I finally settle on some property you can bet I'll be putting one in.
03-16-2007, 10:07 AM
That's awesome, I can't try it here because there aren't any garters, but I hope anyone that tries this out has the same luck!
03-16-2007, 04:23 PM
I'm jealous too! I'd want snakes living in my sunroom (if I had one).
03-17-2007, 05:34 AM
Actually yes I have! I've also seen plans on how to do so. There's this show on AnimalPlanet called Backyard Habitat, and they actually did one for garters, in Washington state I believe. Once I finally settle on some property you can bet I'll be putting one in.
I'm checking out the backyard habitat site - very cool
03-17-2007, 06:59 AM
This one would of course not be for garters, but for adders and grass snakes etc. I guess the requirements would be a bit different, the temperature can drop to -40 degrees Celsius during the winter.
I'm actually considering presenting the suggestion to the university where I study. They have the resources and the land to make it happen and the biggest threat to local snake species is, according to herpetologists, the destruction of hibernation dens.
03-17-2007, 07:28 AM
Te whole world becomes your terrarium. :)
Really nice photos Stoneyloam. Thanks for sharing.
03-21-2007, 01:33 PM
Cazador said earlier:
“you'll be laying out newspaper and adding a little water bowl... maybe putting out half a can of tuna or something crazy like that”
Well…… He spotted me just before I sapped the photo but he was taking a good long drink.
03-21-2007, 03:19 PM
What fun! You've got an excellent garter snake "collection," and the best part is that they go elsewhere to poop :D. How's your wife doing with your new hobby?
03-21-2007, 03:49 PM
Also reminds me of this crazy idea I once had. Anybody ever consider making an artificial hibernation den?
Actually...I have an allotment for growing my own veg etc. I have built a hibernaculum out of sawn logs. It fills up with various rodents, amphibians and (the ubiquitous) hedgehogs in the winter.
03-21-2007, 06:47 PM
My wife thinks I am nuts! Every time she sees me with the camera she asks “don’t you have enough photos of those snakes yet? She is pretty tolerant though, and we both know that as soon as it warms up they will head for the hills till fall. I was a little worried about them because it is still below freezing out and they have been a more active than normal and I thought they might be getting a little dehydrated. I went to put more water in the little “bowl” and a really interesting thing happened (you have to remember that I have not had that much experience observing snakes up close). I added water to the bowl from my bike water bottle, and when I did all of the snakes (4) seemed to react to the sound of the water drops and looked right at me. I had to see how they would react to the water, so I dropped a couple of drops on them. One started shaking his head back and forth and flicking he tongue, then he drank a drop off his buddies back. Pretty cool! I just moved the bowl closer and it didn’t take long to find it. By the way the grass is really greener on the other side of the pond. I would love to have hedgehogs!
hey Terry ... I just luv this thread !!
thanks for sharing !!!
03-23-2007, 10:19 AM
A new one came out this morning. I had only seen its nose before. Much bigger, and much greener than the others. Almost no markings or stripes. This is getting to be fun!
03-23-2007, 11:07 AM
I don't even know what to say anymore
this is just too cool
03-23-2007, 11:39 AM
Are those two snakes trying to mate?
Terry, if your wife objects I'm sure we can get a petition together asking you to continue, lol !! As Rhea said, this is just way too cool ...
That sure looks to be a nice female and her male consort ... NICE :D ...
enjoy your day !!
03-23-2007, 04:10 PM
Nope, they are just trying to get warm. At least so far! ;)
03-23-2007, 04:41 PM
The way that smaller snake is positioned on top of the larger one sure looks to me like a male interested in mating. Does he follow her around when she moves? Are his movements "jerky"?
03-23-2007, 06:27 PM
Ok, now I have to think about it. He came out first and kind of curled up under the lamp. She (?) came out a little later and stretched out along the top of the foam insulation (they aren’t dumb they always lay on the foam, not the concrete). He (?) slowly (and I should say sensually) stretched out full length along her. No quick movements, actually it was kind of like flowing water, almost magic. I had to go do some stuff then, so I did not see what happened after that. I came back a little later and some of his buddies had shown up. Now I remember some of the things about garter mating, and you might be right, there may have been some hanky panky going on (or at least pre-hanky panky). She is about twice as big as the others (must be close to 3 feet {90 cm}). Below are some photos. Please be patient with me I am learning, slowly but learning. One of them, being a typical guy curled up by a window (his favorite spot when the sun is out) for an afternoon nap.
03-23-2007, 06:44 PM
Looks like a bunch of males that´s trying to "impress" a female.
Great shots!
03-23-2007, 09:36 PM
If she were my daughter, I'd send her straight to her room and tell her not to come out till those rotten boys had gone home. I don't trust a one of them, but I bet in the very near future, they'll be ignoring her ;).
03-24-2007, 12:30 AM
And if those were your boys, Rick? ;)
03-24-2007, 03:40 AM
:D I'm not touching that one with a ten foot pole, Stefan :D.
Doesn't that lone male by the window look like he's lost out, and he's sad about it :rolleyes:?
03-24-2007, 04:46 AM
Life on Terry's sun porch - the story heats up . . .
03-24-2007, 04:52 AM
This is just an awesome thread:D
03-24-2007, 03:20 PM
hah wow, thats awesome. I remember in my cousins old house he had snakes in his basement on Cape Cod in MA. He had ringnecks, a couple milks, and maybe a garter or two. I'd go down there and be flipping boards as if I were in a field instead of a basement.
And ya, those are definetly maritimes. Undefined stripe and tend to be more red or green compared to the more yellow easterns.
Maybe it's time for me to quit my job and move to Western NY.:cool:
03-24-2007, 05:05 PM
Wow, this is like a soap opera or something.
03-25-2007, 03:24 PM
I am hoping that you are enjoying seeing these cuse I sure am having fun! I was a little warmer today and the sun came out so things were hopping (metaphorically speaking) in the “snake pit”. Big green came out and headed for the nearest window sill. She is pretty impressive. Not as ling as I originally thought, about 26 inches (66 cm). Guess I am not too good at estimating lengths (must be a guy thing). This is the first time that I have seen her in the sunlight. She is really striking, kind of a smoky green with almost no markings or strips. She is a real beauty!! Surprise surprise somebody new showed up today a youngeastern milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum).
03-25-2007, 03:36 PM
Very cool, your sun room must be the "in place to be" for snakes in the area! Love the nice green female....looks a lot like the female I'll be getting from Ryan at Valley Pets this spring.....but of course mines prettier! LOL :cool:
03-25-2007, 03:45 PM
This thread just keeps getting better!!
03-25-2007, 04:18 PM
I think you'd start a riot if you stopped posting your sun room pictures! We're hooked, and they're awesome :D.
03-25-2007, 04:24 PM
Things indeed get better and better :)
That Lampropeltis is also a very beautiful specimen.
03-25-2007, 04:28 PM
I couldn’t resist a couple more. Aaaaaaggghhhhh… I’m hooked!!!! As it started to cool off later in the afternoon the boys showed up for a little snuggle. How cute :) . And a better photo of the milk snake. Sure is purdy!
03-25-2007, 04:31 PM
Terry, stay hooked! I think I speak for many of us when I say we watch this thread waiting for your next post!!
Terry, Do stay "hooked". All of us are now very addicted. If you stop now we'll go into DT's.:D
hey there Terry ... this has to be the coolest thread ever and I do check it DAILY !! I would love to see that green girl after a shed. I can see nice subtle color hues blending perfectly with her overall 'smokey' green. Nice little diverse community you have there. :D
best wishes ...
03-26-2007, 11:53 AM
Sadly the day must come when you'll either have to feed them or turn off the heat lamp. After mating, and normally within about a month of emerging, they would normally disperse from the hibernaculum and set out in search of food. The higher temperatures from the heat lamp raise their metabolic rate and causes them to burn more energy. Personally, I'd offer some small chunks of fish in about a week, but you have some time to plan.
It also gives you a chance to enter the witness protection program in case you decide to cut us off from pictures of your sun room :).
[International significance: The witness protection program is a program run by federal law enforcement officials in the USA. It is rarely used (as far as I know), but it protects, relocates, and gives a new identity to people who testify against major criminals in order to protect them from revenge].
03-26-2007, 12:07 PM
If he relocates, can I have his sunroom?:D
03-26-2007, 02:54 PM
First of all I would like to thank everyone for all of their kind words. As it has been warming up they have been getting much more active and are pretty much ignoring the light. As a matter of fact they were spread out all over the room on the window sills today. So I expect that it will not be long before they will be leaving. I have no plans to feed them, but I will make an effort to find and photograph them once they leave. I went down to do a couple of things today: To get a couple of photos for the contest, and to take a good one of the milk snake. I am afraid that we may start to wind down soon. Rest assured, if I see anything interesting going on I will post it.
03-26-2007, 03:32 PM
you realize - you cannot ever move from that house
they'll be back
your sun-porch is part of their habitat and you need to protect it
03-26-2007, 03:38 PM
your sun-porch is part of their habitat and you need to protect it
Your sun room is part of this forum!!:D
03-26-2007, 03:40 PM
Terry, I think you should enter that first photo (from todays offering) in this months photo competition. It's perfect, I'll vote for it!
03-26-2007, 06:40 PM
[International significance: The witness protection program is a program run by federal law enforcement officials in the USA. It is rarely used (as far as I know), but it protects, relocates, and gives a new identity to people who testify against major criminals in order to protect them from revenge].
You know they made a weird book called "I am the Cheese" that we read last year about that. In the end you realize that the government is evil and stuff like that (In the book anyway).
03-26-2007, 06:50 PM
Keep them coming as long as it lasts!
How are things legally organized with snakes where you live, Terry?
Are you breaking any laws by this? Not that I mind :D
03-26-2007, 08:43 PM
The man can’t touch me see!!! I ain’t dun nutten wrong see!!!
Of 17 species of snakes in NY State only 3 are protected: Eeastern massasauga and timber rattlesnakes and queen snake (can’t disturb them), all others are unprotected (which means you can do pretty much anything you like with them). There is a prohibition on keeping dangerous reptiles, but does not apply to any of the native species. Besides they broke into my house!
hey Terry ... I had not thought of it before, but how fortunate that these animals found 'your' sunroom. I imagine there to be some folks that would be quite put off by your visitors, lol :eek: ...
enjoy your day ...
03-27-2007, 08:13 AM
lucky dog! so jealous.....i wish i could catch an eastern milk...would aslo like one to keep in the future.
thats so cool!
03-27-2007, 07:12 PM
Okay Terry, thanks for explaining.
Maybe you can take the snakes to court for breaking in in your house?
03-27-2007, 09:41 PM
Hi everyone: Well spring is finally here, it was a beautiful 65 F here today and it looks like the snakes are starting to hit the road. I was hoping to get a shot of them leaving, but I was pretty busy today and missed the big event. I did however find the nicest little (about 12 inches, 30 cm) garter since the “blue” one last year. She (I can’t believe one as pretty as this could be a guy) was just outside of the sunroom wall and I am sure that I have not seen her before. She is very light tan with a wide stripe and a double row of diamonds on her back. Her bottom side is a very light gray. A real beauty! I must admit I was very, very tempted to keep her, but common sense prevailed. I took a couple of photos of her and the “snake hole”. The first time I found the hole it looked like the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with 3 garters hanging out of it and two on the ground. I’ll keep posting as long as the action keeps going. See ya!
03-27-2007, 10:22 PM
Nice snake. It isn't a garter snake though. It is a Dekays snake, aka, brown snake. They don't get very big, about 15 inches or so. So that means now you have 3 species of snake around your house. If I were to guess the next species of snake you find will be a ringneck snake. They are common around houses as well.
03-27-2007, 10:31 PM
Thanks Greyhawk! Guess my ignorance is showing. I have never seen a brown snake, that I have known of. I guess the only thing that I have not seen this spring is a “common” garter.
03-27-2007, 10:35 PM
Ya, i bet that milk snake is waiting for those garters to mate so it can feast on the young.
And just curious, do all the garter snakes you have seen in your area look like those garters? Because they definetly look like maritimes and on all the range maps I've seen maritimes don't live in NY and only eaterns do. I wonder if maritime is really just a phase of the eastern or what.
03-27-2007, 11:07 PM
I have seen some “regular” garters around last summer, but everything that I have seen this spring looks like the maritime subspecies. According to what I have been able to find out, they do occur in NY, but I would not expect them to be very common.
03-28-2007, 01:47 PM
You know they made a weird book called "I am the Cheese" .
WOW... I read that book about 27 years ago!!! when I was in school!
Cool twists if I remember....(hasn't the main character gone a little mad?)
03-28-2007, 02:20 PM
Yeah, they gave him pills or something to make him go crazy and they keep him locked up. Weird...
03-28-2007, 03:53 PM
Nice snake. It isn't a garter snake though. It is a Dekays snake, aka, brown snake. They don't get very big, about 15 inches or so. So that means now you have 3 species of snake around your house. If I were to guess the next species of snake you find will be a ringneck snake. They are common around houses as well.
Dekays are nice snakes to keep. I bred them once, about a hundred years ago, the babies are hard to feed though , they're so tiny, but I enjoyed every minute of it!
03-29-2007, 11:35 PM
Ya, i bet that milk snake is waiting for those garters to mate so it can feast on the young.
And just curious, do all the garter snakes you have seen in your area look like those garters? Because they definetly look like maritimes and on all the range maps I've seen maritimes don't live in NY and only eaterns do. I wonder if maritime is really just a phase of the eastern or what.
I think a lot of the range maps for T.s.pallidulus are out of date or something. For some time everything that I saw too, had said that they didn't range as far south as NY. But I've now seen some stuff stating that they are found in NY and are recognized by biologist there as a native speceis. Maritimes are really no different then Redsideds (T.s.parietalis) in the west....just another subspecies of Common garter (T.sirtalis) that looks some what different.
03-29-2007, 11:45 PM
So, now you have three species. I am curious if there will be coming more.
04-01-2007, 12:37 AM
It's been three days, man! I need a fix! What's happening in your sun room? Don't leave us hanging like this!!! Even an old photo or a story would do... anything to take the edge off! :rolleyes:
04-01-2007, 03:32 PM
Hi guys: I didn’t think you would miss me so much. Had to be away for a few days, and today was the start of trout season. Not too much exciting going on, but since you are easily entertained (as am I) ;) . I did find a couple of things to upload. I have to apologize for the picture quality, but they have gotten a LOT faster since it warmed up. The little brown snake has been occupying a mouse hole outside, just in front of the sunroom wall, so I have to watch my step out there. I have not seen big green or the milksnake, so they may have left. It does appear that at least three of the smaller snakes are hanging around. I caught one napping in the sun catching a few rays, and they seem to like hanging out in a pile of garden hose (maybe they miss “big green”). The last photo is what I found in the corner. The shed (what is left of it) is 20 inches long. I was not sure that it was a garter skin at first because I didn’t see the ridges on the scales, but then I realized that was the inside (right?)! Duuuuh. I’ll try to keep finding interesting things to post.
04-01-2007, 05:46 PM
Terry, we've missed your posts. So, it looks like your little freinds are deserting you as the weather warms up. Never mind, they'll be back next year.
04-01-2007, 06:36 PM
Hope the fishing was good. Trout fishing is another thing that really gets my heart pumping. The shed skin means that snake's been out of brumation for roughly three weeks, which seems to correspond pretty well with your posts. Thanks for the photos, and good luck with the trout. Best,
'trout season' ?? well then you are definitley excused :D !! Much thanks for your updates Terry ... Would like to see some trout pics ...;)
enjoy your day !!
04-03-2007, 01:02 PM
Hi Y’all: Remember how I said that I had no plans to feed the snakes in the sunroom? Wel l l l….. I was sitting here doing my taxes and had about enough of that for a while, so being of the mind to do something else, anything else for a while I thought about the trout in the frig, and wondered, if I was really, really careful I might be able to get one of the snakes to take a piece. I got a stick and whittled a sharp end on it and impaled a little strip of trout belly meat on it (I hope trout is OK) and headed to the sunroom. The milksnake (I couldn’t resist another pix, it is really nice) was back, looking out the window and a couple of the guys were sunning. The first took off as soon as I got close. The second was a little nervous, but hung around (I could see that he was getting ready to scoot). So I slowly put the fish up to his nose. He didn’t like it at first but when he tasted it with his tongue he changed his mind, and down it went. Pretty cool!
04-03-2007, 01:06 PM
Nice one Terry. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist! And yes, trout's fine!
04-03-2007, 01:07 PM
Trout is better than fine. :)
04-03-2007, 01:29 PM
Lordy Lou. I wished my snake had that appetite!
04-03-2007, 04:34 PM
Another awesome day with great pictures from the sunroom! They're just awesome little snakes, eh? That little guy will be even more willing to take the bait, if there's a "next time." What fun!
P.S. I just finished my taxes, too.
04-03-2007, 09:33 PM
I am glad you liked it. I do have a question: This is a wild snake, and it is a good bet that he has not had fish before, certainly not trout fillets. Do they instinctively go for fish? This guy loved it! He ate 4 pieces. He is eating #3 below (1&2 are a couple of inches down). Seems like slices of fish (with skin and scales) could be a good inexpensive food supply, even chubs and other “rough “ fish could be sliced up and frozen for later use. If this guy would eat it, it seems that others would too (of course after a 5 month fast he was pretty hungry).
04-03-2007, 11:32 PM
It sounds like you've stumbled upon a long-standing tradition of feeding frozen/thawed fish chunks to garter snakes. It's a common practice, and if you leave the bones within the chunks, they get an added bit of calcium and phosphate. Their preference for eating fish is instinctive, and garters are known to "go fishing" both above and below the water's surface to catch a meal. Trout and chub are both known NOT to contain thiaminase, so either would be a good food choice. Here's a link to a page that will give you an idea of some other common food items ( Cheers,
04-04-2007, 03:25 AM
It's getting better and better in this thread.
In about a few months you may become a "daddy" if you keep treating them so good. :)
04-04-2007, 03:28 AM
they may think your sun room is a good birthing place and next they'll ask you to baby sit
04-04-2007, 03:30 AM
Yes, Fons (Thamnophis) is right. If they think there's food available in your sun room Terry, they might hang around for a while. Go for it! Get a food dish in there, let's watch those beauties all year!
yes, I agree with James !! This all just too cool Terry :D
enjoy your day !!
04-04-2007, 08:29 AM
I want to see some grass snakes , any idea on how to go about finding one?
04-04-2007, 12:03 PM
I know you all love garters, but this little beauty (Lampropeltis t triangulum) showed up this morning and I could not resist. He has a little ding on his tail but otherwise looks perfect. Guessing he is from late last summer. Last count, I have identified at least nine different individual snakes, three species.
04-04-2007, 01:00 PM
And another beauty!
04-04-2007, 04:38 PM
Beautiful little snake Terry.
hey there Terry ... while we do love garters I think we 'all' appreciate the beauty of all the creatures in your sun room. That little milk snake is just too sweet :D ... May your sun room continue to prosper, lol ...
best wishes & thank you !!
04-05-2007, 03:49 AM
I love all snakes, so do not hesitate to show pics of other species that invade your house.
04-05-2007, 08:20 AM
Good morning: Got my taxes done, so I decided to go through the photos I took yesterday to see if there were some interesting ones. After taking the photos of the baby milk snake I turned on the lamp for him (I am a little concerned about the wound on his tail, and thought a little heat might do him some good). He settled down pretty quickly for a nap, and let me snap away (he is so nice I am half tempted to keep him for a while). For a size comparison, the ladybug shell in the photos is about 5mm in diameter. After a while he stretched out in the groove in the insulation, and by coincidence the one that I fed did the same thing a few feet away. He looks pretty contented.
04-05-2007, 08:35 AM
I can't be 100% sure Terry, but it looks like the Milk Snakes has failed to shed the skin from his tail (from the wound to the tip). You could help him get that off, if you wanted. And maybe a touch of Pevidine or similar on the wound, while he's in your hands anyway.
04-05-2007, 09:01 AM
James: The skin on the end of the tail did look a little dull. In fact it may not be a wound, it might just be a clump of old skin that failed to come off. If I see him again I will take a close look, and see what I can do for him. Thanks!
04-05-2007, 05:00 PM
I was going to recommend a touch of Neosporin, but Pevidine or Betadine would work well if there is a wound. If it's just skin, hold his tail in water for 30 seconds or so, and it should peel right off. You might have to use tweezers to grab it, though. I'm sure the snake would be fine either way, but wild snakes very often lose a bit of their tail. I think it's a good idea to do what you can for it.
P.S. I recognize that little garter by the suspicious lump in its belly ;).
04-05-2007, 05:40 PM
Of course I realize this is not a captive... but I have had good luck with unshed tails (which this resembles) by placing a warm damp washcloth in the enclosure with the snake. They go rub around in it and VOILA!
04-10-2007, 06:29 PM
In case you are wondering what has been going on in the sunroom…. For the last 4 or 5 days, nothing! Had no sun and cold weather. Sun came out today and so did my resident friend, he curled up under the lamp in his place and stayed there all day. I found a timer and was going to put it on the lamp so it would cycle on and off by itself. Made the mistake of putting it on the table where my wife spotted it and said “I can really use this, what are you planning to do with it”? My mind raced to come up with a way to explain that I was going to use it for the snakes. So I came up with the perfect answer “uhhh nothing”, and that’s the last I have seen of the timer. It worked out OK though because when I went down to turn the light off the lampropeltis was coming out. I left them alone for a while, and this happened. Guess they are drinking buddies now. Glad they are both about the same size.
04-10-2007, 07:30 PM
I know you all love garters, but this little beauty (Lampropeltis t triangulum) showed up this morning and I could not resist. He has a little ding on his tail but otherwise looks perfect. Guessing he is from late last summer. Last count, I have identified at least nine different individual snakes, three species.
Now I'm not much of a snake lover myself (husband is the one that is more interested in keeping Pinky lol) But this little guy is adorable!!! :)
04-12-2007, 09:55 AM
one of my "stripeless"garters is growing to look like one in your heat lamp baiting operation
i assumed they were just abberant easterns but there looking a little different,i will try n get a pic of her up soon to compare.
after my doubts about them being easterns i was starting to think maybee maritimes?
mine still have faint stripes but the female is very brownish and starting to look like what you have crawling outa your concrete
04-13-2007, 01:01 PM
It has been pretty cool and cloudy for a while, so the bait lamp is working pretty well again. A new Lampropeltis T triangulum came out this morning. Looks like it was thirsty. I have not seen this one before, a little larger and different pattern on its head than the others. This one was pretty shy, so I could not get a real good photo. Nice snake!
04-13-2007, 01:10 PM
Another nice snake Terry, nice head pattern. Have you seen the little guy with the un-shed tail recently?
04-13-2007, 01:13 PM
Best "blog" ever, Terry. :)
And I'm not just saying that because L. t. triangulum is on my wishlist. :D
04-13-2007, 01:42 PM
James and Stefan: The weather has been a little crappy lately, so the little one has not been around. It is pretty amazing, you want one, and I have them coming out of my walls.
04-13-2007, 01:45 PM
How about the Dekays snake (Storeria dekayi), have you seen her since you posted her picture? I'd like to see more photos of that one.
04-13-2007, 02:01 PM
James: It has been pretty cold and wet, so I have seen nothing outside. My guess is that they are holed up till it gets a little warmer.
04-13-2007, 02:02 PM
It is pretty amazing, you want one, and I have them coming out of my walls.
Well put. :)
Not much of a market for "common" species. You can get almost every other species of Lampropeltis, including the more typical subspecies of L. triangulum. One of these things I tend to whine about.
04-13-2007, 04:01 PM
Funny, I recognized it as a new (different) snake, too :D.
:D As usual, a great job Terry. I have a Dekay's (Storeia Dekayi) and a small Gray Phase Redbelly Snake (Storeia occipitomaculata) I just found here in the woods by my home. I'll have to get some photos and share with you.
04-13-2007, 04:15 PM
Yeah Sid, I'd like to see those photos when you get the chance.
04-13-2007, 05:52 PM
Here is a photo of the three Milk snakes. The patterns on the head are really a distinctive identifying mark (this is all new to me). I think what is kind of cool is how symmetrical the markings are on all three of their heads.
04-14-2007, 02:37 AM
It's amazing how distinct these individuals are , when seen together for comparison.
04-14-2007, 02:12 PM
Marvelous to see those updates!
04-18-2007, 06:05 PM
Hi guys: I thought I would update what is going on as this weird spring evolves. The cold, snow, clouds and nor’easter shut things down for about 5 days. Things started picking up the last two days. My buddy came out along with MS#1 (I numbered them in order of appearance). It is interesting that potential enemies seem to get along OK, must be because they are similar in size. Today there was only one garter out, a small brown one. Very shy, but I wanted to see how he would react to me, so I caught him. He was pretty frantic at first, and I was afraid that he might hurt himself, but after a minute or so he calmed down and sat quietly in my hand. He was happy to be let go, but did not panic. I can see why they can make such good pets, and they do seem to have individual personalities. MSs #1 & #3 came out and soaked up a little heat under the lamp, and late this PM my buddy showed up to join them. I am looking forward to seeing what happens as the weather warms up in the next few days. I did get a pretty good head shot of MS#1.
04-18-2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks for the update Terry, I was wondering when you might post in this thread again! No sign of the little guy with the un-shed tail (MS 2) yet then? I've been worried about him!
04-18-2007, 06:20 PM
MS2 has not been around, but it has been pretty cold, so I will be looking for more activity as it warms up toward the weekend. I would really like to find him again.
04-18-2007, 06:27 PM
how big is that small milk snake u have in ur hand in that 1 pick? looks tiny:eek:
04-18-2007, 06:28 PM
It's crazy...They can take care of themselves fine in the wild, but over the past couple of weeks I've kinda got attached to MS2 and I was concerned about his tail! How about a name for him?
04-18-2007, 06:40 PM
He is pretty tiny. I am guessing about 6 inches (15 cm). There is a pretty good photo on page 10 of him curled up next to a 5 mm ladybug shell.
04-18-2007, 06:42 PM
I remember that picture. So let's call him (or her) Ladybug?
04-18-2007, 06:44 PM
OK ladybug it is.
04-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Now I feel even more attached...and more concerned! Ha!
04-18-2007, 06:49 PM
Is it a girl or boy? I don't think a guy would appreciate ladybug :p
04-18-2007, 06:58 PM
Well, I guess it's down to you now Terry...we're all waiting for updates and photos of Ladybug!
04-18-2007, 07:25 PM
I have no Idea, so we will just assume girl;). James: it's too bad you are not about 2000 miles closer. I'll bet you could find space for her. Since you got to name her you owe me at least 5 spider IDs:).
They are all your 'BOYS' Terry :D ... You make for a lovely daddy snake, lol.
enjoy your day !!
04-19-2007, 12:59 PM
I have a ladybug update, but it is a kind of long and harrowing tail, so I will post later tonight, going for a bike ride now, beautiful day last.
04-19-2007, 01:39 PM
Terry, That sounds ominous!:(
Yea, keeping us in suspense this time.:rolleyes: Seriously, looking forward to the update Terry.
04-19-2007, 06:57 PM
Ladybug update: We have sliding glass doors in the sunroom (you can see where this is going already). This morning was the nicest in about two weeks, so I was expecting to see snakes (at least indoors if not out). Saw a couple of heads sticking out, but nothing much going on, so I went out to clean the leaves off of the pool cover. After about an hour I came in (through the sliding glass door) being very careful and looking for ladybug (the first time I saw her she was wedged into a space near the doorjamb). OK no snake, so as I started to close the door all of a sudden I saw tiny brown rings moving along inside the door track between the door and the aluminum guide awwwww S%$#!!! Then she disappeared under the door! OK the door is half open and I can’t close it for fear of cutting her in half with the guide wheels (then I would have to make up some story for James, like uhhh “she ran away”). I decide to take the door off to get her out, so got the electric drill and started to remove the half dozen screws that hold the upper door guide in place. Got them all out and tried to remove the door gently—gently WHAT THE……It won’t move! Seems like over the years the upper frame had warped slightly and the top of the door had worn a groove in the frame holding it in place. In order to remove it I had to close it about a foot. So I very slowly started to close the door and after moving it about a foot, guess what? The snake came out. Great, so I started to reach down for her and the door fell out and I had to catch it. What now, I couldn’t move the door back because she was there. Finally I tapped my foot behind her and she moved, jammed the door back in place and caught her. Way too exciting! She was not happy! You know that web of skin between you thumb and finger, well she latched on pretty good. You wouldn’t think a bite from a snake that small could hurt. Think again! Finally got to look at her tail. She does have a small wound and some unshed skin. She can shake it pretty good (milk snakes shake their tails like a rattler, pretty intimidating) so I think it will be OK. I got my tweezers and cleaned it up a little, then decided any more would do more harm than good. So I just put a little Neosporin on it and am temporarily housing her in a 15 gal aquarium we keep for rescuing tadpoles off of the pool cover, (another story). Tried to feed her, but that turns out to be another kinda funny story I’ll tell you about in my next post. When the weather gets a little better I will probably relocate her to the woodpile, so I won’t have to worry about the door. With her attitude she should be just fine. Kind of a long story but it is all true I swear.;)
04-19-2007, 07:10 PM
What an ordeal, but it sure beats the alternative(s). You're developing quite a relationship with that little ladybug. I wouldn't be surprised to see her lose that part of her tail. She may not, though, if you keep the Neosporin on it, and if you've cleaned all the old skin off.
04-20-2007, 01:18 AM
I was scared of reading that post Terry....I thought the outcome was going to bad! Hats off to you (again), removing the door etc. not many people would go to such lengths. What luck that you saw her moving though.
I agree with Rick, that tail wound looks quite nasty, Ladybug may well lose the tip of her tail. Getting the skin off might help.
04-20-2007, 03:32 AM
what a story
I'd also been scared of the outcome
I'm glad you're taking care of the little snake
with some luck she may even keep her tail
great story Terry ... I would have quickly become obsessed with getting that door off as well :p ...
enjoy your day ...
04-21-2007, 08:13 AM
Ladybug update: I have been keeping Neosporin on her tail for the last 3 days, and she seems healthy. She has not eaten, or drank much, so I think captivity does not agree with her. It looks like we are having a good stretch of weather so am planning to release her this PM. I picked out a nice spot neat the woodpile, plenty of mouse holes and shelter. Wish her good luck!
04-21-2007, 02:08 PM
It sounds like Ladybug will have a nice home in your yard, Terry. Were you able to get the skin off the tail before you released her?
04-21-2007, 03:56 PM
I'll have one last "Ladybug" update coming later, looks like a happy tail.:)
04-21-2007, 11:39 PM
“Ladybug Ladybug fly away home”: Pre release update. I was beginning to wonder if the coloration of her tail was caused by necrosis and the tail was in fact dead. It felt kind of stiff so I was a little worried. So thought I would give it one more shot to see what was going on. I smeared the Neosporin all over the tail to see if it would soften the unshed skin if that was the problem. I needed to see what was going on, so got out the 10X magnifier and took a look (her tail is only 2mm thick at that point). Still pretty hard to tell so I decided what the heck, and scraped the tail with my fingernail (if you have looked at the photos you can see that my fingers are not exactly precision instruments). Lo and behold it looked like some of the skin started to loosen. Worked on it fro a few minutes and all of the old skin came off leaving beautiful fresh skin behind. The tail was soft and flexible and the wound , though nasty looking has scabbed over pretty nicely and I think she will be OK. You all were right (start patting yourselves on the back) there was a layer of unshed skin there. The last photo is her heading to her new home, she moved pretty fast and I didn’t get a very good photo (stupid autofocus). I’ll let you know if I see her again.
04-22-2007, 01:29 AM
Nice job, Terry. For what it's worth, old skin comes off a lot easier if it's been wet first. The difference is amazing, but at any rate... you may have saved her tail. Good on yeh, mate ;)
wonderful job Terry ... such a great feeling to lend a helping hand :)
enjoy your day ...
04-22-2007, 07:44 AM
Good one Terry. Let's hope we catch the odd glimpse of Ladybug in the future.
04-22-2007, 03:07 PM
Hi everyone: I had thought things were going to slow to a crawl (pun intended) in the sunroom. No way! I have been having more fun than ever (amazing stuff… at least to me), and have enough for at least a couple of more posts. But first things first. The one that ate the fish (I think) let me pick her up today and I had a chance to examine her. Question: Is she a she, and has she been “plugged”, or is this other stuff?
04-22-2007, 03:52 PM
I'll be honest Terry. It doesn't look like a plug to me. If you catch her again you might want to soak her in luke warm water, to see if the bulk of that muck will wash away. It doesn't look quite "right" to me.
04-22-2007, 04:19 PM
James: I put her in a bucket of warm water and let her swim around. Guess it was just poo.:(
04-22-2007, 04:22 PM
It looked like poo to me Terry! But a mucky cloaca (bum) isn't right. You did right to let her take a bath.
04-22-2007, 04:33 PM
Nice job guys.
04-22-2007, 07:24 PM
Thanks for the help (she looks really great after the swim). Now that the snake clinic part is over, some kinda fun stuff has been going on. I will apologies in advance, this is kind of longwinded.. The interesting stuff started a few days ago while I was trying to get Ladybug to eat. I tried a little bit of fish, no luck, there was a garter hanging around so offered the fish, no luck. Offered water to Ladybug, again no luck. Took the bowl over to the garter, and it took a drink, cool. I was still trying to get Ladybug to eat so went out and found a couple of tiny worms, again no luck. I dropped one worm in front of GS and it was gone instantly. Hmmmmm….dropped the other ..gone! Found a bigger garden worm and he took it right away. OK this was getting serious now so I went up to my bait supply in the frig (Dawn made me label the container after the first time she thought it was cottage cheese) and got a medium night crawler. GS had kinda retreated in to one of the blocks but stuck his head out just enough to see what I was offering and took it out of my fingers (pix 1). The worm was crawling in the same direction as he was swallowing so it was gone in no time. So I am now inspired to try to handle these guys and see how much we could interact, see if they would get used to me. That brings us to today. MS#1 was out so picked him up. Was not happy but settled down after a couple of minutes, and I was holding him and picked up the water bowl and offered it to him. He drank while I was holding him, WAY cool! Now I have to see if the GSs will let me do the same thing, and that is when I spotted my buddy, and tried the water bowl…. Success! Now I am out of control, and spotted the worm eater and sat buddy down by the bowl and grabbed GS#2 and held her over the bowl…. Success (pix 2)! The next logical (logic at this point replaced by obsession) thing is to see if they would eat. Time to dig some worms. Came back in and buddy was lounging so picked her up and offered a worm. The photo (3) says it all. A wild snake taking food from one hand while being held in the other.... not what I expected! This by the way has done nothing to change my wife’s assessment of my sanity.
04-22-2007, 07:36 PM
And the story continuous...
Terry, keep posting. Love to read the stuff you write.
04-22-2007, 09:01 PM
From the looks of that garters cloaca, I think it looks all crusty like that because it has been mating. I once found a garter that had a weird cloaca and I thought it was injured but then I read it happens from mating.
04-22-2007, 10:01 PM
Another awesome story, Terry, and who (other than us) would ever believe such stories without those pictures as proof? Would you have believed it a year ago?
BTW: The picture of the messy cloaca definitely included uric acid crystals and a bit of feces. The mating plug is hydrophobic (not easily washed off with plain water).
04-22-2007, 11:12 PM
After a couple of minutes of swimming around, she cleaned up pretty nicely. I guess if I had not had a BM for 4 or five months I'd be kinda crusty too. When wet she is a beautiful golden color.:) I'll keep posting as interesting things happen. My next quest is to find my "blue"garter. Wish me luck.
04-23-2007, 02:20 AM
Again it was a very interesting continuation of the plot. Thanks for the posts!
04-23-2007, 03:11 AM
thanks so much
it's all so cool
you lucky guy
and I feel I get to be there a little bit myself
when you post with stories with details and pictures
05-09-2007, 08:56 AM
Hi everyone: Before I go any farther I wish to thank everyone who took the time to read my sometimes rambling narrative (I thought it was great when it got to 200 views), and to help me learn about these fascinating snakes. I thought that it was about time to write an ending (for now) with a couple of photos just to let you know what has been happening. Most of the snakes are gone, big green, the “guys” MS#2 have not been around for a few weeks, and Ladybug has a new home in the woodpile. MS#1 had been hanging around up until a couple of days ago, and I caught him a couple of times, and he would drink from my snake water bowl while I held him. I was a little worried that he may not have been able to find his way out, so I caught him and took him outside, released him next to the “snake hole”. He promptly crawled inside and I found him in exactly the same spot the next day. So much for the lost snake theory. So right now I am left with one snake, my “buddy” he is there nearly every day and I have been handling him regularly. Been feeding him worms, and this morning he let me pick him up and he sat in my hand while I dug him a couple. I must be feeding him enough because He did poop on the floor (it looked pretty healthy). With a little luck they should be back in the fall.:D
Thank you Terry for sharing your unique experience with all :)
05-09-2007, 11:24 AM
Yeah Terry, thanks for that.
I don't think you really realise how unique this all is.
05-09-2007, 11:36 AM
Yes, Terry, thankyou so much for sharing these events. I've really enjoyed reading about your guys and seeing the pictures. I'm a little bit concerned that you say "an ending". I hope we will still see you on the forum, even though your snakes may have scattered far and wide. It is not a prerequisite of this forum that you must own a Garter. Your continued contributions would be eagerly welcomed. So don't go away!
05-09-2007, 11:10 PM
Very cool Terry, thanx for sharing this with was really nice to see how these "wild" snakes were coexisting with you.
05-09-2007, 11:13 PM
A big thanks for sharing, Terry. I know I'd have to try real hard not to keep them all. :D
05-10-2007, 02:48 AM
And don't forget to keep us posted about the young that are going to be born...
05-10-2007, 10:42 PM
Hi Terry,
Thanks again for the story and pictures. It's always entertaining reading, and you've certainly contributed well beyond this thread. It's good to see that the snake(s) in the most recent photo look strong and healthy. I hope to see them again. In the meantime, I hope they have a good summer ;). Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I haven't read one word from you that I haven't enjoyed :). Talk to you soon,
05-11-2007, 02:17 AM
Like the others said. Thank you very much for the last update and sharing the experience.
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed this thread immensely. What I wouldn't give to have a place where I could bait snakes!
05-17-2007, 12:28 PM
I thought I had closed out this thread but I guess not. It’s kind of like when you say a sad goodbye and then come back 10 minutes later because you forgot your gloves, so I guess it may never end. Anyway for those of you who developed some interest and affection for the sunroom snakes, MS#1 is back and is becoming a permanent resident, and he is getting ready to shed.
05-17-2007, 12:39 PM
Ol' blues eyes is back! No sign of Ladybug?
05-18-2007, 07:51 AM
No Ladybug, but I'll keep looking.
05-21-2007, 10:41 PM
Hmmmm. The thread that wouldn't die :D. I think I feel a pulse after reading about the two pallidula and the common, Easterns that you recently "adopted." I'm charging up the paddles just in case. ;)
04-08-2008, 10:53 AM
About 3000 of you folks have joined this forum since this thread went into semi-permanent burmination, and some of you seemed to kind of enjoy it, so I thought I would bring it back for at least a couple of updates.:D
It has been a long cold winter, and even longer cold spring, but it has finally gotten warm enough that my little friends (one so far) have come out from under the sunroon floor. Saw a very shy head a couple of days ago, and caught this little guy sunning yesterday afternoon. A very nice looking little classic eastern, with his very dull post burmination skin on. It will be a nice green when it sheds. Hopefully a few more will show up and I can get some good pix.
04-08-2008, 11:01 AM
Finally. :) It will be interesting to see what will crawl out from under your floor this year. ;)
04-08-2008, 11:12 AM
At last! I've been waiting for this post to appear! It's been a long winter indeed.
04-08-2008, 11:16 AM
Oh, I'm so glad they're finally coming out! Can't wait for all the pics!:)
04-08-2008, 11:17 AM
Will we see Ladybug? I wonder.
04-08-2008, 11:21 AM
Remind me who Ladybug is.........I don't have the time to go back thru the whole thread, and there were just too many snakes in Terry's sunroom last year for me to remember!
04-08-2008, 11:33 AM
Never mind...........I found Ladybug on page 13!;)
The little milksnake with the tail issues! I also wonder if it will show up again, that would be cool!
04-08-2008, 11:33 AM
Will we see Ladybug? I wonder.
Exactly what I was thinking. :) Would be nice to see a familiar face.
Snake lover 3-25
04-08-2008, 02:34 PM
cool!!! i think that this is my fav. thread!!!:):):):):):)
04-08-2008, 05:11 PM
Shanley, I think this is EVERYONE'S favourite thread!!;)
04-08-2008, 06:38 PM
awsome count me in to, can't wait to see more, and we need to kepp this one around for good, thanks for sharing Terry............:D
Snake lover 3-25
04-08-2008, 07:06 PM
i wish my sun room was old.... :(:(:(:(:)
04-08-2008, 07:19 PM
Spring is here!
I smelled it today - and now this!
nice first visitor, Terry
04-10-2008, 05:45 AM
Great to see this thread started again. Good first visitor!
04-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Wellllll… look who is back! I do believe that this is MS#1 from last year (see head pattern in photo from last spring, no Ladybug yet). That is kind neat! Feel pretty good about it.:) I have learned that water is probably more important than food this time of year, so you can see that I put out a little drinking place for them this year, and even though I missed it by a second or two this guy was taking a drink. Slick!! More to come hopefully (the bait lamp is on).:D
MS#1 last spring
04-11-2008, 01:50 PM
welcome back MS#1
oh this is so cool
04-11-2008, 01:56 PM
The pattern certainly seems similar. :) Nice.
04-11-2008, 02:07 PM
The longer first spot on the left and the dimond shaped fifth spot connected to the fourth are also exactly the same. I kind of wish that I had measured it last year. I might try to take lengths and weights this year. Just for the heck of it.:D
04-11-2008, 02:38 PM
I was also looking at the pattern of spots along the neck
that longer first spot with the indent on the left side . . .
it must be bigger, but hard to tell how much
04-16-2008, 07:05 PM
Things are kind of slow this year, only one garter. This guy (I think an adult male) was out sunning this afternoon on the windowsill, and let me get pretty close. Thought I would see if it would take a worm, it got kind of excited and tasted it, but just would not take it. Well I needed a head shot for the contest so I picked him up, didn’t seem to mind at all. He drank from my little water bowl (couldn’t get a pix, both hands were occupied), then outside for a photo shoot. This is a very nice snake, healthy looking, and when it sheds it will be really nice. Hope more will show up. :rolleyes:
04-17-2008, 05:50 AM
think he knows you from last year?
04-17-2008, 07:00 AM
Great that it started again! Hopefully more will start to come out soon... :)
04-17-2008, 08:49 PM
No new garters, just the one hanging around today, but this new guy showed up today. I have not seen it before, so this is officially MS#6. This one is pretty big, so I may relocate it for the safety of my local garters.:( Nice snake though.
04-18-2008, 04:45 AM
very nice and that would be a great idea.....but a wounderful find.....:D
04-18-2008, 04:56 AM
Ooh, pretty snake!
What type?
04-18-2008, 07:06 AM
Eastern Milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum.
04-18-2008, 01:13 PM
I wonder, if he's that big, if maybe that's why you haven't seen as many garters around..........maybe he's a bit of a threat to them?
He certainly is a handsome fellow, though!;)
05-07-2008, 07:12 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and have thoroughly enjoyed Terry's account from last spring. Thanks Terry! Any news since moving MS6?
05-13-2008, 08:01 AM
Nothing more, so it looks like the baiting season is about over for this year. Kind of dissapointing,:( only one new garter, but with the weather this spring I think they came out late and left early. See ya next March.:D:D
03-15-2009, 12:44 PM
It must be spring cus my little friends are back (and so is this thread). The first one to show up catching a few rays on he windowsill.:D:D:D
03-15-2009, 12:51 PM
That's great news, Terry. Keep an eye open for Ladybug!:)
great to see that your Scaley friends are returning, Terry. Love this thread.
03-15-2009, 12:59 PM
That's great, Terry. :)
By the way, have a look at the middle picture in post #52. :D
03-15-2009, 01:24 PM
so good to see you
and that looks like a possible relation of Chloe's
03-15-2009, 02:05 PM
I've been waiting for you to start the new season of my favorite snake reality show.
Stonyloam- The Real Story
Snake lover 3-25
03-15-2009, 08:27 PM
so glad they're back! and you too! it's nice to see you around here:)
03-16-2009, 10:23 AM
YAY :D I love this thread :D Thanks for taking the time to update us :)
03-16-2009, 12:43 PM
I think this is the most intriguing post I have seen on any forum. I was not around for the last two years but I caught up on the story and am excited to see what this and following years bring. Thanks Terry!
03-16-2009, 01:08 PM
This is the first time I'd seen this thread. The whole thing is really awesome. Ladybug is adorable! I hope you see a lot of snakes!
03-16-2009, 04:25 PM
Oh, I just love this time of year! Hope to see lots more visitors to your sunroom, Terry. This thread rocks!
03-17-2009, 01:36 PM
It has taken years, but finally it happened! It is warm and sunny so I thought today might be it. Went down and checked the sunroom, nothing, but it was early yet. Took a look outside… nothing …… ##@%@! guess not today. Took a walk around the pool to see if any of the “outside” snakes were around. Nope, guess it is still a little early. Turned to go back inside and it was happening!! The snake coming out party. Yea!!! Saw it once about 4 or 5 years ago, but have not seen it since. Not exactly Indiana Jones but pretty cool anyway. Nice little snakes, love that green, would not be surprised if they are offspring of “big green”. Still pretty cool, so they should be around for a little while yet.
All in all it has been a pretty good day.:D
two coming out
shall we come out?
coming [I]and going
03-17-2009, 01:39 PM
Thanks for the pics Terry! Keep them coming!
03-17-2009, 01:50 PM
very cool, Terry
looks like this year will be better than last
03-17-2009, 01:53 PM
Awesome :) Great timing :)
03-17-2009, 02:09 PM
That's great, Terry. Just what I needed to raise my flagging spirits. I hope we see a whole lot more of your photographs this year. We miss your posts through the winter months.
03-17-2009, 02:39 PM
Fantastic :D what a great start to the year!
03-17-2009, 02:43 PM
Excellent. I wish I could see that in person, Terry. :)
03-17-2009, 03:40 PM
So much for the great outdoors. This little guy decided that the window sill was warmer dryer and safer than the cold hard world outside.:D I am pretty sure that there are at least three different snakes so far.
03-17-2009, 03:47 PM
Terry, I so envy you. You're one lucky guy. Thank you for sharing this stuff with us less privilaged folk!
03-17-2009, 04:04 PM
They seems to have such a lovely light colouration where you are :D
03-17-2009, 06:52 PM
Great pictures! Looks like you turned around at exactly the right moment!
03-17-2009, 07:30 PM
They look great, Have you tried to hold any. How close can you get. Will they allow any touching? Some of my wild radixes will allow me to touch them but a can't pick them up, yet.
03-18-2009, 11:32 AM
LeAnn and I have it made, especially this time of the year. They have been pretty relaxed so far, don't get too excited when I pick them up, but don't handle them too much, they are wild animals after all. Sometimes I just can't resist.:) Cool and rainy today so I dug out the old "bait lamp" and turned it on. Will see if anything shows up this afternoon. The camera is charged and the wife doesn't suspect a thing (yet).:D
count dewclaw
03-18-2009, 11:38 AM
LeAnn and I have it made, especially this time of the year. :D
We sure do! I love having a place where the garters choose to hibernate just so that I can see them emerge in the spring and congregate in the fall. :D I don't even have to go hiking to find them.
03-18-2009, 07:05 PM
Lamp is on, will he rise to the bait:confused: 4:00 PM
got him!:) 7:00 PM
count dewclaw
03-18-2009, 07:08 PM
Very sweet!
03-18-2009, 08:44 PM
Awwwe!!!! that's fantastic to see! Your garters look so much like the potter county easterns I encounter on the farm!!! I love seeing them!
03-19-2009, 09:11 AM
Going back through this thread is just great. Glad to see you can still bait them ;)
03-19-2009, 12:06 PM
I remember when I found this thread. It was in an off season. I read every post and looked, with great anticipation to every page. I was captivated. Glad to see the viewing season has returned.:)
Snake lover 3-25
03-19-2009, 01:14 PM
wow very cool!!!! congrats on catching the party!!:)
03-19-2009, 08:42 PM
Went out to watch the DEC do a trout survey on one of the streams around here this morning. When I got back it was pretty cold but sunny, a good day to look for my friends lounging on window sills. Sure enough, walked into the sunspace and BINGO! New snake (nice green "Maratime"). And one of the regulars hiding in a pile of garden hose. Kind of funny.:) The concrete floor is starting to warm up, so they are getting more active.
Hay Rhea do you think that this is Chloe’s sister?:confused: Sure would like to see her after she sheds.
lots of hiding places! Just like two years ago, good spot for snakes.
03-19-2009, 08:48 PM
Ooooo, look at the pretty green one! That's one colour I have not seen in any of the garters around here. Yet!
03-19-2009, 09:02 PM
Ooooo, look at the pretty green one! That's one colour I have not seen in any of the garters around here. Yet!
Check out post#41, I think there is a family resemblance there. Speaking of posts, #52 is pretty good Stefan.:D I do believe that they were getting a little spoiled.:rolleyes:
03-20-2009, 04:38 AM
Terry - it looks like a relation
something about the face too, but I may just be seeing things
03-20-2009, 05:47 AM
Are we being Punk'd. These are really yours aren't they. They're not wild at all. Captive bred. After each post you and your buddies sit back and laugh. I can see it. You sitting there, drinking a nice cold glass of tea and the snakes munching on a few worms, laughing and talking about your next set-up:D
These are great photos and truly show how these wild snakes trust you. I can't wait for your next installment. If your wife gives you too much of a hard time, let us know. We'll all sign a petition in your favor. I know, I'm addicted to this thread and during the season, need it.
03-20-2009, 10:11 AM
Anji: I do love that green!
Rhea: It's not just you, the shape of her head, eyes and color (almost no markings till she gets rid of that old skin) struck me too.
Steve: It would be WAY too much trouble to fake this stuff.:D:D
I keep forgetting a lot of folks have joined since I started this thread two years ago. Chloe is a snake that I gave to Rhea in 2007 when she stopped by to see the sunroom (proof it does exist Steve). Here she is after her first shed in captivity. You can see the similarities.
03-20-2009, 12:46 PM
Maybe these two should get a room!:eek: Oh! Wait they have a room.:D:D
03-20-2009, 12:48 PM
lol X-rated sunroom :D ... that green is amazing.
03-20-2009, 12:51 PM
If we had a "Best Thread Ever" contest, this one would get my vote. :)
03-20-2009, 02:29 PM
mine too
Steve, I have seen the sunroom, and it totally didn't look like I had imagined from Terry's photos
that's such a cute baby picture of Chloe, and she still has that same head shape, whereas the other maritime female I have, has a flatter, more squarish head shape
03-20-2009, 06:57 PM
Well I just got finished reading the entire thread... absolutely fantastic! Best drama I have read ever! Interesting content, awesome pictures. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into posting so that the rest of us can enjoy your sun room Terry! What ever you do please do not stop!! I am definitely another addict.
03-21-2009, 05:12 AM
How did I manage to overlook this thread for so long??? It's amazing! Apart from your incredibly entertaining style of writing and the beautiful photographs, this must be a very valuable scientific observation- watching a certain group of snakes over the course of two years (and ongoing I hope! :D).
Absolutely brilliant, Terry! Thank you so much. :)
charles parenteau
03-22-2009, 10:16 AM
Wow its an amazing story ,Im almost jealous.Its very interresting.
many milk inside:) I have to read it again...
03-22-2009, 11:05 AM
nothing quite like snakes makin' whoopie on the windowsill!! :D
03-22-2009, 02:41 PM
It was a cool and cloudy morning so I turned on the lamp to see what would happen. The sun came out this afternoon and some friends and I decided to go fishing this evening. Went down to get my stuff and decided to take a look at the lamp. Nothing under the lamp except one pretty good size wolf spider, thought I should get a pix for James, went to take it… poof gone!:eek: Warm those babies up and they can MOVE! OK time to check the window sills. Nothing more to say, these two do seem to LIKE each other.:o I am half tempted to keep them for a while, luckily only half tempted.:D
03-22-2009, 03:37 PM
I think they call that afterglow, snuggle time. I think they've been get'in busy;)
Even your slow, cold days are great.:D
Snake lover 3-25
03-22-2009, 05:03 PM
ooo very pretty snakes!:)
03-22-2009, 05:18 PM
Shame you missed the photo opportunity on the Wolf Spider, Terry... but I forgive you, in view of the nice picture you did manage to get. I can't imagine how great it must be to have these snakes coming right into your house. So envious!
03-24-2009, 12:23 PM
One photo today, one of my worst,:mad: and best:). The lighting was lousy, the scene cluttered, composition poor….. but the subject….. Well had never seen this before, I consider myself to be pretty lucky. Felt kind of like I was intruding and did not want to disturb them (even though they seemed oblivious to my presence). Looks like there will be a few more snakes around this August.:D
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