07-29-2009, 02:00 AM
Does the fun never end?
T. ordinoides - Little Bald Hills, Redwood National Park (Del Norte County)
June 25, 2009
T. atratus hydrophilus - New River, Denny, CA (Trinity County)
July 11, 2009
T. s. fitchi (typical phase) - Crescent Beach, RNSP
(Del Norte County) July 20, 2009
T. s. firchi (reduced lateral reds) - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
T s. fitchi or T. e. terrestris? - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
(Mid-body scale rows count 19, which is standard for sirtalis; 7 supralabial scales are also indicative; the classic lateral red indentations are also present. Most puzzling is the lateral and ventral red flecking on this individual - a trait normally associated with terrestris and often ordinoides. Hybrids? Varied recessive, co-dominant , or polygenic traits within a locality? Convergent dietary preferences?)
T. e. terrestris - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
This Coast Garter had the standard supra and infralabial scale counts: 8 and 10; color and pattern are also typical (with red flecks). Mid-body scale rows however numbered only 19.
T. ordinoides - Little Bald Hills, Redwood National Park (Del Norte County)
June 25, 2009
T. atratus hydrophilus - New River, Denny, CA (Trinity County)
July 11, 2009
T. s. fitchi (typical phase) - Crescent Beach, RNSP
(Del Norte County) July 20, 2009
T. s. firchi (reduced lateral reds) - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
T s. fitchi or T. e. terrestris? - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
(Mid-body scale rows count 19, which is standard for sirtalis; 7 supralabial scales are also indicative; the classic lateral red indentations are also present. Most puzzling is the lateral and ventral red flecking on this individual - a trait normally associated with terrestris and often ordinoides. Hybrids? Varied recessive, co-dominant , or polygenic traits within a locality? Convergent dietary preferences?)
T. e. terrestris - Crescent Beach July 20, 2009
This Coast Garter had the standard supra and infralabial scale counts: 8 and 10; color and pattern are also typical (with red flecks). Mid-body scale rows however numbered only 19.