07-26-2009, 09:21 PM
I've read up on a lot of the fish that are or are NOT OK to use as feeders, but none have mentioned these fish which are often available, fresh, at supermarkets and fish markets here in the Southeastern US, so I was wondering how they'd work as feeders for my Water Snakes. The fish that I see most often are Croakers, Spots, Perch, Whiting, Mahi Mahi(also called "Dolphin fish"-that name is not good for commercial sales, needless to say)and Flounder. Flounder are available either wild-caught in salt-brackish water or farmed in fresh water. The local Piggly Wiggly carries fresh whole Croaker quite often. Sometimes these are a bit too large(although I'm sure some of my eating machines would give it a good try)but many weeks they get in these small dinky Croakers that would hardly make a fit human meal, after cleaning. I have never seen Silversides offered anywhere, and the only live fish I've fed are large Shiners, which are sold at bait shops. We do not have pet shops around here, and of course, they wouldn't carry appropriate feeder fish for a four-foot snake, anyway. My long-term snakes have all eaten Tilapia, but it is a bit more expensive and is normally only available in bulk, which means freezing the surplus, and I understand that's not good to do. Anyone got any information on those fish I mentioned, with regards to the whole thiamine-thiaminaise thing, or any other potential problems?
Two of my Water Snakes are on rodents, one still requiring scenting, but the others are more recently-caught and still on fish.
Two of my Water Snakes are on rodents, one still requiring scenting, but the others are more recently-caught and still on fish.