View Full Version : Birth order revisited.

07-25-2009, 02:58 PM
It looks like my preemy radix(as I call it) is about to die. She was the last one delivered. The two other deaths that occured yesterday morning were from last delivered, also. I was fortunate to witness the last couple of births from each mother. I have also witnessed no less than 10 other group birth.
Now to where I'm going with this thread. I know that two doesn't make a pattern but it sure makes me think about the correlation between birth defect, preemies,stillborns and jellies with the delivery order, fertilation order and nourishment distribution in a chain of eggs.
I know what some of you are thinking "he's back to that again. Yes I am.

What this suggest to me with my limited knowledge is the following
(1) That the eggs closest to the inception of the sperm get the strongest and healthiest sperm and therefore are afforded the greatest chance of survival.
(2) That these same fertilized eggs are given priority when it comes to nourishment because of there placement order in the egg chain.
(3) That the eggs at the other end of the chain are not fertilized at the same time as the others and/or fertilized with the less than good sperm and/or not given the same nourishment as the eggs at the other end of the chain.
I don't think there is any one answer to these occurrences. The variables are endless. Male and female health/strenght and genetics. Environmental issues: pollutions, prey conditions and prey availability. Not to mention all the stuff my brain can't come up with or comprehend.
I just wonder if we can improve the prenatal care for the babies to reduce the number of lost ones.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.

07-25-2009, 03:07 PM
Some interesting points and food for thought to be sure.
I've wondered too if the young closest to the start of the egg-chain could be compromised due to lack of space (with proximity to the mothers organs permitting less room for growth as opposed to the eggs resting on the 'fat-cushion' further on).