View Full Version : Welcome to the Weekend!

07-24-2009, 05:47 PM
My newly acquired snake, Midnight, ate 2 pinkies yesterday. I fed her & Stewie again tonight and poor Stewie didn't even have a chance. Midnight ate 4 pinkies!!! I don't think I had my hand out of the tank before she scoffed one down. (Piggy)

Looks like Midnight had steak tonight and Stewie gets stuck with Mac'N Cheese (Night Crawler).

My newly adopted Snakes, Jesse & Noodle (he's as big as a piece of spaghetti!) Jesse had a nightcrawler and part of a pinkie. I'm still waiting for noodle to come to the snakey buffet.

They are doing well after their little exposure with the US Postal System. Poor things. :(

07-24-2009, 06:47 PM
It's always good to see the new additions settle in :D fingers crossed noodle will show an appetite for the ol' brown wriggly spaghetti soon ;)

07-24-2009, 07:40 PM
They'll do just fine. Now you have 4.
That was quick. Welcome to the addiction.:D