View Full Version : pickeringii-problem

07-08-2009, 02:47 PM

I have a small problem with a puget little man what I the last year has agreed!
Namely it is not about it I the animal exactly can arrange!
The parents are blue both pickeringii and little devils!
These have already got in 2007 younger generation, with this throw everybody was blue and now now in 2008 the "eccentric" was present!
All brothers and sisters animals are "normally" blue coloured auser this only little man!
He is completely orange, up to the lateral ingots, these are in …:confused: … humph, we say chartreuse!!
Namely it is for me in the reason taken about how I should arrange the animal!
Speak from the colour!
I know this the colour very differently can fall out, I have, for example, a puget little man more turquoise than is blue or a female where dorsalstreifen is yellow blue instead of! But such a thing an animal completely in orange!
Unfortunately, nobody could help me up to now really what approaches my problem, the only one what up to now came, besides, out it was the animal does not state Reinerbig would be!
Now I would hear with pleasure your opinion in addition!




07-08-2009, 02:56 PM
Unusual colouring, but lovely little snake!:)

07-08-2009, 02:59 PM
A color morph perhaps?

07-08-2009, 03:00 PM
Beautiful ... I would call it Thamnophis neutronos orangeous :D

07-08-2009, 03:27 PM
Hmmm, so what you are saying is that your blue pugets produced a bunch of blue ones and then this one too?! that's very weird... but i know there are other color types of pugets, such as red! I am not sure how that works.. but I would keep it and find out :D

07-08-2009, 05:14 PM
Very different and beautiful.

07-08-2009, 05:22 PM
Recessive trait from of of the parents maybe? I wonder what would happen if you bred him back to a blue female out of the same parents as him! Maybe really really striking orange babies or incredibly blue ones? (and if that is bogus I apologize, again just working off my knowledge of fish! hehe, i want a snake ><)

In any case he's defiantly unusual and a looker!

07-08-2009, 05:45 PM
Absolutely beautiful baby! What coloring! Keep him no matter what.

07-08-2009, 07:01 PM
very nice!!! pugets do come in other colors..... I would keep him!!!!

07-08-2009, 07:18 PM
it doesn't look like a recessive morph or anything, it just looks like the yellow or red phase of puget. I had no idea it was possible for them to pop up from the blue ones!!

07-08-2009, 07:45 PM
Doesn't seem like a problem, in my opinion, its pretty neat! :)

07-09-2009, 12:44 AM
Could indeed be a color morph, never seen a pickeringii like that.
Anyway it's a very nice animal :)

07-09-2009, 05:37 AM
that's a beautiful snake
I'd be curious to see the results if you cross him back with the mother
congrats on having this unusual animal turn up - it's very cool, I think

07-10-2009, 03:19 AM
Hello to everybody,
I have one more female brothers and sisters animal of this throw, I will try it with this because on the parental animals have I nobody accessed more!:(
Then I will see whether it is inheritable
So they tune to me so far to themselves around a Farbmorph could act!?:confused:
Now the question like me puts to itself Him should arrange?
Because I do not know like one is absent nehnt if blauanteil, is there for it generally a name??
I will keep Him, however, in any case, I love his colours.
She will hold I in any case on the running one what concerns him!:)

07-10-2009, 06:39 AM
So they tune to me so far to themselves around a Farbmorph could act!?:confused:
Now the question like me puts to itself Him should arrange?
Because I do not know like one is absent nehnt if blauanteil, is there for it generally a name??
Markus - could you give us this part in German, please? I want to get your questions exactly right - danke

07-11-2009, 01:49 AM
Hi MArcus

i have such a pickeringii too. I have a female of them.
I had the same problem like yours, but now im proud to have such a animal


Snake lover 3-25
07-11-2009, 02:58 PM
wow beautiful!

07-13-2009, 12:41 AM
In Deutsch ist es um einiges einfacher zu erklären!!:D
Also einigen wir uns darauf das es ein Farbmorph ist :)
Es geht mir nun darum ob mir jemand eine Richtung geben kann wie ich das Tier einordnen soll?
Gerade weil ich nicht weiß wie man das fehlen von blauen Anteilen nennt!

I hope this I now a little better Could explain!:)

She is wonderful!
I believe we must talk once more exactly about our foster children:D
From when is your female??

07-13-2009, 05:40 AM
In Deutsch ist es um einiges einfacher zu erklären!!:D
Also einigen wir uns darauf das es ein Farbmorph ist :)
Es geht mir nun darum ob mir jemand eine Richtung geben kann wie ich das Tier einordnen soll?
Gerade weil ich nicht weiß wie man das fehlen von blauen Anteilen nennt!
got it
Markus would like to figure out what exactly to call this morph, and where it belongs in a taxonomic sense
of course this is one of my weak areas, so you more exacting scientific types can have all the fun of discussing this issue
again - is there a term for a lack of blue or cyan?

07-13-2009, 06:54 AM
In Deutsch ist es um einiges einfacher zu erklären!!:D
Also einigen wir uns darauf das es ein Farbmorph ist :)
Es geht mir nun darum ob mir jemand eine Richtung geben kann wie ich das Tier einordnen soll?
Gerade weil ich nicht weiß wie man das fehlen von blauen Anteilen nennt!

I hope this I now a little better Could explain!:)

She is wonderful!
I believe we must talk once more exactly about our foster children:D
From when is your female??


ja das sollte man vielleicht mal bei Gelegenheit..
Ich habe mich auch gefragt wie soetwas sein kann..
Allerdings hat sie minimale Ansätze von blauen Punkten an den Seiten die aber kaum sichtbar sind...
Sie ist eine Nachzucht von 10/08
Allerdings bin ich unter etwas komischen Umständen zu diesem Tier gekommen. Angeboten wurde sie als Ordinoides...

07-13-2009, 09:23 PM
This is not a "morph" in the strictest sense of the word. Many wild animals have different color phases that occur naturally.

Here is a picture of T.s.pickeringii, showing the red phase of the Puget Sound gartersnake (click on the word Muster):

Muster (http://www.martinhallmen.de/t-sirtalis-pickeringii.htm)

Our own forum member, Daniel, has this photo in his gallery:


07-14-2009, 07:33 AM
I know this the drawing as well as the colour is very variably what pickeringii it begins and this the red as well as blue variation concerns!
However, nevertheless, animals with high yellow and orange portion are the exception! Whether are transmitted this now shows the future becomes, I will try it anyway!:D