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07-01-2009, 08:44 PM
Ok.. I was just in Petco, where I got my albino garter snake from, and they still have a albino checkered that arrived when I purchased my guy back in October.... Ok my guy is running about 22-23 inches long and is a great eater.. now the baby that is still there is a sibling to my snake and it still is teh same size that it was back in October. Looks too small to take Pinkies,.... and when I questioned one the store clerks on what it was eating he told me crickets and feeder fish... I told him that I would personally like to see a garter actually eat a cricket since that has never happened with my two and then cautioned him on the error of feeding only fish......

Now my question is what could cause the snake to not grow...... Literally it is the same size that it was almost a year ago.....


07-01-2009, 08:55 PM
If it is the same as the Petco here they feed it a few crickets (I don't know what happens to the crickets) and a couple of goldfish every few days. I am going to guess that it is not a very strong eater to begin with and on top of that it gets very poor meals when it does happen to eat, its a formula that would stunt any creatures growth.

To be fair to both sides there are snakes that just grow at different rates. I have had 2 snakes from the same clutch where one of them did not shed after the first shed for almost a year, the second doubled its size in less than a month.

My money is on the first explanation!


07-01-2009, 08:59 PM
So is mine... I just feel terrible though... I have two male garters and would love to adopt this little one but it would have to be another male becasue I do not have any more tanks...ARggg I hate people that do not know what they are doing....

07-01-2009, 09:06 PM
males won't grow as big...but probably the issue is improper diet.....not enough food!!!!

07-01-2009, 09:09 PM
I know they do not grow as big,,, but this one has not grown at all.. it is the same size that it was back in October...

07-02-2009, 06:28 AM
Report them to a local authority ... plain and simple .... if they're not providing the right type of food (crickets) and feeding the wrong type of fish .... then that's neglect/animal cruelty in my book.

07-02-2009, 08:45 PM
Any chance any one here is living around Redwood City, CA.. I would really like to see this little one get a good home that can care for it properly...

07-03-2009, 05:38 AM
there is a member who lives around there, but I haven't seen him on the forum for a while

07-03-2009, 09:18 AM
If you see him online... head him over to this thread please. I really would like to get this little one in a good home.

07-04-2009, 03:29 PM
is it near ottowa
cause even though im in texas my best friend lives up there and she currently has no animals and i bet shed b willing to help post back on my page please!!!

07-05-2009, 05:18 AM
I do need to say here, that there really is no end to saving snakes from petco
you can bet that the moment this one gets rescued from them, they'll get another one to mistreat
it would be much better to get them educated, if there was any hope of that
but there are laws concerning appropriate treatment of animals and when it comes to businesses that aren't interested in learning what it takes to keep an animal appropriately, I am not shy when it comes to reporting them
incidentally, Petco has a garter snake care sheet that says nothing about crickets, and I'm sure it's available to their staff
we've written to petco before - about mislabelling - and the results seemed to be mixed

07-05-2009, 07:06 AM
I'm applying for a job at petco, with the objective of providing proper care to the animals and proper information for customers.

Maybe if I put together a portfolio of caresheets and information about all the reptiles and amphibians they sell it would give me a better chance of getting hired. fat chance though...

07-05-2009, 07:18 AM
there are people like you working at some petcos
I think it all depends on the management of any particular store
good luck

07-05-2009, 01:10 PM
Go to the thread titled ????? Rescued... I could not live with my self any longer knowing that they are killing the snake and there does not appear to be anyone else on here that lives in the bay area that could take it in.

07-05-2009, 01:36 PM
I'm working on applying at petco to. I'm getting to know the staff and have already schooled the " reptile certified " lady there several times in basic reptile husbandry. Hopefully next time the manager will be there when I confront them on why they are giving crickets to snakes.