View Full Version : Snake is lazy and is not eating

06-29-2009, 08:50 PM
Hey guys I have been lurking around the forum for about a month now. Just recently.

I have a garter snake, and it's usually really active. Especially in the evening. A few days ago I fed him some fish, and he quickly ate it all up, and slithered off to his hide to digest. After a few days he was back to his normal self. Last night he was really active, and climbing it's vines and making tunnels in his substrate.

I tried feeding him, and he had no interest in eating. I tried today, and put a plate if cut fish fillet in it's tank. It's been laying around his water bowl all day. Tonight when I got home from a class I teach I picked it up. It's body is cool, and limp.. It's not dead and is moving about some. It's still not eating. I am at a loss of what is wrong.

One thought is maybe turning down the air conditioner at night has caused his tank to get to cool. I tun it's light off, and we usually keep the house at 78. The last to nights it has been 75 in the house. Any ideas would help greatly

06-29-2009, 10:00 PM
I dunno- maybe about to go into a shed?

06-30-2009, 04:47 AM
going into shed would be my first thought
I hope it's nothing more serious than that

06-30-2009, 05:54 AM
Turning up its heat may increase some activity and aid in digestion.
Good luck and welcome to the forum. Post a photo when you can.