View Full Version : Unexplained death
06-18-2009, 07:39 PM
While checking all the enclosures I found this little lite phase female, belly up. She is one of Spots babies. All this group have been doing great. All eating and active.
This is the part of raising and caring for these guys I dislike the most. I know that everyone of them can't make it but these unexplained deaths are hard to take. Rest in peace, little one. I would have loved to see you grow to an adult.
06-18-2009, 07:41 PM
She didn't want to be selfish, so she left so you can focus on the ones that need you the most. Sorry for your loss Steve.
06-18-2009, 08:08 PM
awwwwe, she was really pretty Steve! A very pretty pale radix... sorry for your loss. It's always nerve wracking when a seemingly healthy snake drops dead. reminds me of my male flame... i cried!!!:(
06-18-2009, 08:25 PM
awwwwe, she was really pretty Steve! A very pretty pale radix... sorry for your loss. It's always nerve wracking when a seemingly healthy snake drops dead. reminds me of my male flame... i cried!!!:(
I didn't really know this little one other than at group feeding time. Some will distinguish themselves at a young age but mostly at a later time. I'm more mad and that mad is directed towards myself. I believe some of these unexplained deaths should be explainable and preventable. I lack the education and intelligence to help them as much as I want. Money is also a problem as I would like to have more of the equipment to diagnose and treat many of the problems they suffer from. I do have a line on a lab. quality microscope so that I can do my own fecal checks. $35 a pop at the Vet. is too much for me. The microscope will save me money in the long run and save some lives along the way.
06-18-2009, 08:32 PM
NOPE. Steve, while I am sorry for your loss, I can't let you blame yourself. You save, treat, and care for lots of little ones. What about Sunkist, and Tang? You swoop in save as many as you can. You also have a running tab with your vet, you've opened your home, and you educate you young uns around you.
You do the work of 30 people. You can't help 'em all, but I applaud you for all the ones you do!!!!
06-18-2009, 08:56 PM
Thank you for your kind words of incouragement.
I do what I can.
06-18-2009, 09:38 PM
Sorry for your loss steve.
06-18-2009, 11:13 PM
If there is one thing good about death, it's that it reminds us that we're not in control. No matter how responsible we think we are, no matter much we might wish otherwise, it's the one inescapable proof that we're not God.
But I can't help but admire your love for these most helpless of creatures.
06-19-2009, 03:28 AM
your babe looks like our first and only birth named Uno. Last month Unos mom was about to give birth over memorial weekend. I got her out and had son feel the babies. Later that night she transed and I told boys she is late a has to go to vet if no birth by memorial day. The next morning showers running and I her a terrible yell and crying. My son found Pantherra dead. We have four males and no females.
06-19-2009, 05:22 AM
But I can't help but admire your love for these most helpless of creatures.
Funny you should word it that way. I don't think they are helpless at all. In fact, I'm the the one who's getting help from them. I need them a lot more than they need me. I'm glad they've let me interupt their lives just long enough to help me out.:)
06-19-2009, 05:26 AM
Sorry to read about the little one. Ithink you're right though ... :) snakes = therapy :D
count dewclaw
06-19-2009, 05:55 AM
Sorry that little one didn't make it. My critters are my therapy, too (I'll have to remind my husband they are cheaper than a psychologist/psychiatrist....:rolleyes:).
06-19-2009, 07:10 AM
Sorry about the little one dieing. really sucks!!! was a cute one!!!
charles parenteau
06-19-2009, 08:56 AM
Im sorry for your lost,Its easy to see how much you care about your garter snake and your not the one to blame !
06-19-2009, 09:42 AM
sorry for your loss, Steve
that was a pretty one
Snake lover 3-25
06-19-2009, 11:41 AM
so sorry for your loss...:(
06-19-2009, 12:52 PM
So sorry Steve... very pretty little one...
06-19-2009, 02:04 PM
Its the circle of life, none of us can be as godly as we would like to be! (I still try to pretend though...)
01-09-2011, 01:28 PM
I found this young radix dead today. I'd been expecting it for the last few weeks.
This beautiful radix started out quite normal and grew nicely.
Then approximately 4 weeks ago she stopped eating. Showing no interest in food at all. I tried everything to get her going again but to no avail. It will be chalked up to "failure to thrive" but that brush paints a broad stroke. Something inside this snake switched off. Something was wrong with her and nature set things right for the betterment of the species. I don't force feed snakes under most circumstances. I do believe there is a place for it. As in the case of Silv, who is being cared for by Ryachanira.
I did make an attempt to get food into her but she refused. While the others were feeding and filling up she wandered the enclosure. I offered food many times. Once I offered a piece of salmon and she took it in her mouth only to quickly release it. I think that once this chain of events is set in motion there isn't much hope to pull a snake out of it.
I think there is something inside that is developmentally wrong and the "self destruct" button is pushed.
It's sad to watch this happen and I know she passed quickly. I hate losing them but also know it has to be this way for some.
R.I.P. little radix. I don't know what was wrong but you will be missed.;)
01-09-2011, 01:30 PM
Poor little mite.
01-09-2011, 01:31 PM
Poor little mite.
Please Greg, don't say mite. I hate those things.:D
01-09-2011, 02:13 PM
Poor little squiggle :rolleyes:
01-09-2011, 02:17 PM
Poor little squiggle :rolleyes:
Much better, thanks.;):D
01-09-2011, 04:56 PM
I'm so sorry that another squiggle did not make it for long in this life.
01-09-2011, 06:05 PM
Much better, thanks.;):D
you sure are taking this well.:p
glad YOUR fealing better:D
01-09-2011, 08:00 PM
Steve...I am so very sorry for your loss. But, I have to agree with others that you do so much more for animals than many people in this world...and if it weren't for you (as well as others on this forum) Selena would probably not have made it this far. You help animals, you help others to help animals..and you appreciate all that animals have to offer you. Please try to think of that during this time.
Animals are definitely my therapy. I was going through a rough time before I found Selena...and she has given me happiness in the past month and a half that I haven't felt in a while. I hope she continues to thrive.
Sometimes things are just out of our hands and in God's hands...You are in my thoughts.
01-09-2011, 08:32 PM
Animals are definitely my therapy. I was going through a rough time before I found Selena...and she has given me happiness in the past month and a half that I haven't felt in a while. I hope she continues to thrive.
Isn't it cool how a little worthless(to most people) garter snake can do so much good. To converse with people I would have never had the opportunity to do so.
Garter snakes have allowed me to make friends all over the world.
So many people are missing out on one of life's great pleasures.
I think they are awesome.
01-09-2011, 08:45 PM
I agree, a lot of people who ask me what kind of snakes I have get disappointed when I say I have "just" little garter snakes and ask me why I wouldn't have something more interesting like a ball python or a cornsnake, or a rat snake... Or a boa, but to me they can't even compare to how amazing my little garter snakes are. Bigger snakes come with a bigger risk of really bad bites, but with a garter snake they don't hurt, except for if a lot of saliva gets in it... These guys make me so happy with their own little personalities and quirks.
01-09-2011, 10:44 PM
Sorry to learn of this loss, Steve. But I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope you realize you can't blame yourself.
Last year I took in a female T. elegans. A fellow found her in a local park. She gave birth to a number of young shortly afterward. The guy couldn't keep her due to limited space and his own collection of boas. So I took her and nine little ones. Mom and three offspring were real pigs, eating F/T mice like crazy. Fuzzies for mom, pinkie fillets for the youngsters. I worked with the young and got three more feeding well, and the final three finally taking pinkie parts from tongs.
I decided to give them up. I don't know why and I regret it to this day. An acquaintance knew someone who really liked garters and had kept them in the past. I kept one little fella for my son and daughter-in-law and turned the others over to the new owner.
They were all dead within a short time, including the young ones I'd finally managed to get feeding. But the one that went to my son is doing really well and is now large enough for full pinkies.
I can't help but think that if I'd kept the snakes, they'd be alive today. Now, I realize how much I like garters and plan to get serious about some in the spring.
We live and learn. Best wishes to you and all of your brood!
01-10-2011, 07:31 AM
Lately, I often think of how amazing life's little surprises can be. Who would have thought just a few months ago..that I would find a garter snake in my basement and then shortly thereafter, have a new pet, a love for garters, and a bunch of new friends that I look forward to chatting with everyday?
01-10-2011, 09:03 AM
Those little snakes have some real power.
They are amazing;)
01-10-2011, 12:21 PM
Amazing gifts come in very small packages. :D I don't know where I would be without all of my babies, and my friends here.
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