View Full Version : Blind Snake.

06-09-2009, 06:31 PM
I received a couple of snakes in the mail today. I knew the male was having some medical issues. When I unpacked this male I noticed very quickly some of his problems. The first thing I noticed was no tongue flicking at all. He also moved very slowly. Like he was in slow motion. Since I had an appointment with my Vet. to pick up a recovering turtle I decided to take this little man over for a check-up. While in the exam. room it became apparent to me that this snake was blind. When my Vet. came in he quickly confirmed my observation. He also found out the eyes where rotated in an abnormal position. He believes it could be some form of meningitis.
He gave an injection of baytril(antibiotic) and a Vitamin A/D injection.
Needless to say this little one will be in our prayers.
From what I understand he's maybe the only survivor of his siblings. This also makes me believe his problems could also be genetic in nature. Time will tell.

Snake lover 3-25
06-09-2009, 07:12 PM
good luck he is in our thoughts.

06-10-2009, 08:34 PM
Bad news. He passed away this evening. I feel bad that I was intrusted with him and 36 hours later he is dead. Sorry Kyle.
I did get a photo of his glottis before he went into the freezer. I was interested in this since he didn't do any tongue flicking. Looks to me like he had some kind of growth in the end of the glottis. It was very hard and I couldn't find the opening. I think this snake had more than one medical issue and I'm glad any suffering, if there was any is over. It is a sad day at the ranch when we lose one. Even one that we haven't gotten to know. I wish I were skilled and smart enough to do more for these guys. I feel so inept when I can't help them.
He's off to that den in the sky and the land of endless pinkies, worms and thiaminase free fish. Travel well little man. I
didn't know you very well but do miss you being here.

count dewclaw
06-10-2009, 08:51 PM
So sorry he didn't make it. :(

Snake lover 3-25
06-11-2009, 04:19 PM
sorry he passed away......

06-11-2009, 05:18 PM
Poor wee mite ... :(