View Full Version : A Good Morning.

06-05-2009, 05:59 AM
When my alarm went off this morning I immediately checked on Rita(albino red phase radix), named after my friend Mark's wife. She was out cruising around and didn't seem to mind me up at the glass. I'll try to get her eating this weekend.
As I popped on the enclosure lights I spied my boy Krinkleback(male with scoliosis) He looked up at me as if to say HELP. My little man can't shed himself and requires assistance. This is his 3rd shed in 6 months. I took him into the bathroom and ran some warm water. He's always a calm snake but when he hit that warm water he really relaxed. Usually this chore is a 30 to 45 minute job. Today, 5 minutes and he was done. When I was done he looked up at me as if to say thanks. I have a lot of favorites here at the ranch but this little guy is something special. He's coming up on his 1st birthday and according to the Vet. the end of his life. I think he's going to blow right by that birthday and prove the Vet wrong. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to care for this little guy. He's never an inconvenience.

06-05-2009, 07:13 AM
I'm betting that the Vet didn't account for all of the special care you're giving him. :) Keep it up! It sounds like he's doing well.

Snake lover 3-25
06-05-2009, 06:47 PM
great job! hope he lives a good long life for you:)

06-07-2009, 09:30 AM
He's definatlely in the best hands :D