View Full Version : Garters are something else...

06-04-2009, 10:17 AM
I've had my Puget Garter Snakes for almost a year now. When I first got them the male refused to eat period, until I gave live baby mouse to him. Then I got him on live fish, which I had to toss into his container without water to get him to 'find' them, with a thawed baby mouse. Of which i've been doing ever since. The local pet show decided to raise prices of baby mice from 1 dollar to 2 sky rocketing feeding costs. I had been feeding my female telopia fish, but got salmon this time. After tossing in a few pieces into her water bowl, without removing the male, he'd never shown the least bit of interest in fish chunks. The female was carrying her 'prize' around like a dog bone and the male came out of his hide and was just hanging around the female (normal response) and then he kept trying to get near her head and then out of no where lunged at the food she was carrying around and proceeded to have a tug of war contest. :eek: I was smart enought to see that this could have dire consequences so I pulled him out and into his feeding tub, and then quickly refused to eat the salmon chunks I gave him....:confused:

After about a 1/2 hour I finally got him to attack the chunks.... So after about a year of trying he's finally decided he does infact like fish chunks which was the first thing I ever tried to feed him.... I wish they had an eye roll smiley...

Thamnophis Man
06-04-2009, 10:55 AM
Haha! yeah that's funny! Half the time they don't know what they want until they see another of their buddies in the same cage go after something. Almost like they don't want to miss out on what the other one is getting. Like a bulley they will try to take what the other one has got and when you break them apart and offer them the same thing they seem to don't want it anymore. I think they do it just to stir up trouble sometimes.

06-05-2009, 06:13 AM
He knows exactly what he's doing. He's messing with your mind and laughing behide your back.:D
You've got a little smarty pants, there. Enjoy.