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View Full Version : Got Smooth Green Snakes?

03-03-2007, 11:24 AM
Hey, i have been looking for some smooth green snakes for a looong while, and i cant seem to find any, they arent present where i live, and the guy at my local petstore can only seem to find rough green snakes. So can anyone help me? Does anyone know of a website that does, or does anyone have some for sale, or is breeding them? please reply back, .....nick

03-03-2007, 12:29 PM
i see them sometimes in the netherlands on a exhibition....

Valley Pets
03-03-2007, 03:38 PM
Hey there,
I usually have a few CB smooths every year! Check out my site..Email me with any Q's...

03-11-2007, 06:06 PM
Hey THANX!!! I really appreciate it, haven't been able to find any anywhere ur a life saver thanks. Well hey keep me informed when u get some or have babies cause ill be more than happy to purchase a few, thanx a lot....nick. and Thank You...Everybody for ur help!

04-01-2007, 03:50 AM
Hi there,
we keep and breed rough green snakes since a few years and we are looking so hard for pictures of them in the wild! We also would like to visit the states to take some pictures of them by ourselves, but it's only possible in july! So can someone help me where there are good places in the states (and best day-/ seasontimes) to find them for photographing?
Yvonne & Thomas

copyright on the pics might be a problem, because we want to present some of them on our website.