View Full Version : LOL! Another post about Smooth Green Snakes

04-17-2009, 12:40 AM
Hi, im nick from northern minnesota and well many many years ago in a galaxy far far away, in northern minnesota, there were once the beautiful smooth green snakes here, but unfortunately in northern minnesota they are basically extinct at least in the north eastern part, and recently, in the last summer, i took an adventurous trip to various parts of southern minnesota for the very purpose of finding one of these specimens, but came out short. I asked around when i was in the southern parts where there are records of them being there but the only clue i could get out of anyone was that a farmer at a farmers market told me that the other day he came accross 3 or 4 smooth green snakes underneath a heybale and he said he killed them, and i was devastated. So, my question, to everyone out there, is that I WILL PAY AN ARM AND A LEG if it means getting one of these snakes, ok, i mean please someone, just catch one, where it isnt illegal, and i will pay whatever price, as long as its not like 2 arms, and 2 legs because then i would be a quadriped, lol so please i would really extremly and radically appreciate it please thanks

04-17-2009, 09:01 PM
I see them very often on the farm in pennsylvania. I advise against getting a WC smooth green. For one, its probably illegal everywhere, as thy are not exactly in good standings, because if idiots like that farmer. Second, as a kid when I knew no better I kept some as pets. They would live happily in their viv and feast on insects for me, but always die within a few months. Wild caught's simply don't do well in captivity. Try going for a captive bred rought green snake. It's not illgal to own and even better, it's CB. I see specimens pop up from time to time.

04-17-2009, 11:52 PM
hha i see well its not illegal in minnesota and well i have already kept numerous rough green snakes and well i dunno there awesome but its just i dunno its been a dream of mine is to have a smooth green snake and well ive never come accross anyone or any pet store that carries cb smooths so hmm well haha maybe ill keep dreaming i guess lol

04-18-2009, 10:15 AM
if you like green snakes, why not opt for something like a red-tailed green rat snake, or one of the other many ratsnake species that are bring green?!

04-18-2009, 11:56 PM
well thanks for your reply and concern and i appreciate it haha i have recently thought about it although i still have like a small obsession with smooth green snakes just because i was never able to even try to care for them lol well anyways ryt now there are a few top prioroties such as catching the little ******* ground squirrel that killed a bunch of garters at a huge snake den i discovered a few years back it was my favorite place ever but well i just wanna live trap him and release him a few miles down the road, i kno its natural that hes there but still i cannot help it

04-19-2009, 12:11 AM
i heard ur pretty much an enthusiast in the thamnophis genus so whats your favorite when it comes to the garters or other natricinae species i saw your red necks they looked beautiful

04-28-2009, 08:03 AM
you still looking for a rough green?

05-03-2009, 09:54 PM
hmm not anymore srry im just looking for a smooth but its like impossible hmm lol oh well ill be fine although i do love rough greens though

07-12-2009, 11:05 PM
hmm i recently missed a one in only chance at attaining the beautiful smooth green snake which for reasons is the snake of my dreams, well if there still is anyone, i mean anyone out their who is willing to get paid to catch me or find me one then please contact me it is NOT illegal in minnesota to catch or own one so there are no restrictions here, please thanks, nick

07-12-2009, 11:50 PM
Might I suggest posting a wanted ad on ReptileAuctions or kiji? That may help you a bit. I admire you're compassion to obtain a dream and hope that you don't let that fire die. If it's one thing we need in this world, it's a thing to believe in and to try with all our hearts to acheive

07-13-2009, 07:16 AM
keep searching i bet ull find one

07-13-2009, 10:48 AM
hey thanks man i appreciate it, ive always wanted one, once when i was really litlle about 5 i was at my neighbors house for daycare and for some reason she always had snakes in her yard and for some reason there was a smooth green snake in her flower garden, and it was a quite large one. The cool thing about it is that according to all records, there are no reports of any smooth green snakes in my part of minnesota ever, and i kno that it was not a garter so ever since then ive wanted one

charles parenteau
07-13-2009, 04:31 PM
GO get a rough green snake in a pet store you should be satisfy and probably live more than 4 weeks probably 6 or 8 weeks!!!Smooth green snake should be illegal everywhere!

07-13-2009, 05:08 PM
GO get a rough green snake in a pet store you should be satisfy and probably live more than 4 weeks probably 6 or 8 weeks!!!Smooth green snake should be illegal everywhere!
ok mr.hotshot lets c u got a san francisco dont ya well those are also endangered so keep those kinds of opinions to yourself or ill unleash my wrath on u.... sorry got a little carried away

charles parenteau
07-13-2009, 05:09 PM
Its not mine !!!Legal also....

07-13-2009, 09:00 PM
well thanks for your reply and concern and i appreciate it haha i have recently thought about it although i still have like a small obsession with smooth green snakes just because i was never able to even try to care for them lol well anyways ryt now there are a few top prioroties such as catching the little ******* ground squirrel that killed a bunch of garters at a huge snake den i discovered a few years back it was my favorite place ever but well i just wanna live trap him and release him a few miles down the road, i kno its natural that hes there but still i cannot help it

Long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, I purchased three WC smooth green snakes... a trio. They were shipped from Connecticut, I believe. On arrival, I opened the package to find that one of the females was gravid, and the other was not, because the package was full of eggs... eggs that did not hatch, probably due to the shaking around that occurred during shipping. :(

I put all three snakes in an aquarium that was tall and vertical in space... hung fake ivy from the cover, put in a climbing branch or two, etc. Created a nice arboreal type viv.

They loved the ivy and hung in it alot.

They refused to come down and eat the crickets, waxworms, and other insects I offered. They required that I mist the ivy so they could drink... a water dish was a foreign concept to them, apparently.

I had some luck getting them to eat snowy tree crickets, but one cannot capture enough of these to feed a snake!

Next, the other girl laid her eggs... all dozen of them... but not in the nesting box I had provided with loose soil in it - instead, she laid them IN THE WATER DISH! :( They were probably in the water for hours before I found them, and they had obviously drowned. I tried anyway, but no go.:(

Next, the male died. No obvious reason... just found dead on the floor of the viv.

Not wanting to kill the remaining female, and knowing these snakes can be found a couple of hours drive from me, I broke the usual protocol and released the remaining female, facing the obvious that I was not able to feed them adequately, especially in the spring and fall.

charles parenteau
07-13-2009, 09:22 PM
Smooth green are insectivorous they love spiders and crikets but in captivity they don't eat at all,I talk about adult specimen.For many reasons its not a good pet. I think its over 95/100 chance to die.
Try to find one take as many pictures as you want then released it.ITs been a while since my last one,caught less than 1 kilometer from my appartement.I tried to find new mention for the Atlas of reptiles du Quebec,for SOciété d'histoire naturelle de la vallée du Saint -Laurent.I
FOund few new spot.

charles parenteau
07-13-2009, 09:31 PM
I love all green snake.old pictures.

07-14-2009, 01:04 PM
excuxe me charles but ive already had a couple of rough green snakes before and well it wasnt the same, i cant explain it to the likes of you because you probably wouldnt understand, but i just want a smooth green snake, ok, end of story, and they ARE NOT illegal in minnesota, and they ARE NOT illegal in EVERY state, only in a few, and you didnt have to be rude my friend, its just my dream, and for everyone----im not interested in a rough green snake, i would do anything and everything to make sure that the smooth green survives, i mean anything, and plus i have a great reptile vet nearby so it will be fine, and thanks mustang and kitkat

charles parenteau
07-14-2009, 03:25 PM
Need to put a lot of debris ,tole ,board etc ,everything they could hide under.Its hard to find them other way.

07-14-2009, 07:26 PM
sweet pics by the way that makes me want one even more uggh lol haha

07-14-2009, 08:23 PM
Dude look on kingsnake.com, im think its ken over at exoticpets in las vegas who has wat your looking for

07-14-2009, 08:30 PM
My mistake those are rough green snakes at exoticpets

07-15-2009, 07:22 PM
yea well he had one last week a smooth green and an adult female but it was purchased before i could order it i was sooo devistated

07-16-2009, 11:02 AM
Its not mine !!!Legal also....
apparently ur not familiar with the US because san fransisco garter snakes are endangered everywhere and smooth green snakes arent im in texas and iv seen a few myself ...the reason why green snakes arent endangered here is because they populate here ok ! and san fransiscos are endanged all over in the US beceause theyre only found in a few places and they are rare there while smooth green snake is common in some places

07-16-2009, 11:03 AM
go to reptilesncritters.com theyll get some in stock eventually

07-16-2009, 11:55 AM
ok thanks man appreciate it...yea i agree 100% they maybe protected in some states but not all, and like texas, here in minnesota they are abundant but it seems that they all vanish when im around lol, i talk to someone who says go here you are guranteed to find some i do all the time, so i go and i dont even find a redbelly, and i go for a few days straight but well no luck

07-16-2009, 11:58 AM
dude that place has snakes that ive wanted for a longtimw and not just smooths either they have racers, coachwips, hognose, nerodia sipedon (aside from garters and greens they are my favorite) awesome im sure they will get one in at one point in time, i remember once at animals.com they had a smooth once, but when i ordered it the guy emailed me and said that he just shipped out the very last one i was like aaahhhh

07-16-2009, 12:04 PM
but animals.com is stupid now because it isnt the site it used to be, they used to be an online petshop but now its a community database :mad:

07-17-2009, 07:10 AM
dude that place has snakes that ive wanted for a longtimw and not just smooths either they have racers, coachwips, hognose, nerodia sipedon (aside from garters and greens they are my favorite) awesome im sure they will get one in at one point in time, i remember once at animals.com they had a smooth once, but when i ordered it the guy emailed me and said that he just shipped out the very last one i was like aaahhhh
LOVE WESTERN COACHWHIPS ...they got em on that site they got many snakes reptilesncritters.com

07-18-2009, 11:59 PM
i kno right

08-09-2013, 01:17 AM
I actually caught one earlier today she's living under my outdoor shower (I have a pool) and I live in southern Minnesota in Andover

09-10-2013, 08:16 PM
Hi, im nick from northern minnesota and well many many years ago in a galaxy far far away, in northern minnesota, there were once the beautiful smooth green snakes here, but unfortunately in northern minnesota they are basically extinct at least in the north eastern part, and recently, in the last summer, i took an adventurous trip to various parts of southern minnesota for the very purpose of finding one of these specimens, but came out short. I asked around when i was in the southern parts where there are records of them being there but the only clue i could get out of anyone was that a farmer at a farmers market told me that the other day he came accross 3 or 4 smooth green snakes underneath a heybale and he said he killed them, and i was devastated. So, my question, to everyone out there, is that I WILL PAY AN ARM AND A LEG if it means getting one of these snakes, ok, i mean please someone, just catch one, where it isnt illegal, and i will pay whatever price, as long as its not like 2 arms, and 2 legs because then i would be a quadriped, lol so please i would really extremly and radically appreciate it please thanksHi--I came across your post while searching for smooth greens/I had one a long time ago that lived for 7 years/ I really enjoyed that time and have been searching for another.IT won't be the same--but I think it will be close. Have you had any luck? I saw a post from Michigan from someone who had hatched young--but they decided not to sell because of the law stating the young were considered wild even though they were born in captivity.Anyways--I keep Electric Blue geckos and Chameleons ( meru jacksons)--and wish you luck and hope we both find the smoothies, Cheers,Jim