View Full Version : Strange goings on in the worm ranch

04-06-2009, 08:07 PM
I live in Michigan so I can only get worms from the garden for a few months out of the year. Thanks to info from a member here, I ordered a Magic Worm Ranch and it worked great. I ordered another so that I could move them when they had used all of the bedding.

This last time, I just ordered a large bag of bedding. I prepared it and put it into the empty ranch. I got about 75% of the worms moved, but then something came up and I didn't get back to it until today (4 days later).

When I opened it and started looking for worms to feed, I found a lot of pieces of worms. They were all about the same size. The worms I moved were all sizes, but the pieces were about 1/2 inch long (average), from medium-sized worms. I also found some of the worms that the pieces came from. They didn't look well.

In the last 6 months since I've been doing this, I've only seen a couple of pieces like this. Now I have about 15, in 4 days. I can't find any information on what this is all about. How are my worms getting split? No one else has access to them.

I know, you all think I am an idiot. I really debated posting this because it sounds ridiculous.

04-06-2009, 08:34 PM
Don't worry about your question. Sounds to me like dead worms. They break apart very easily when they are dead. Sounds like you had a number of worms die. If they are dead they will have a very unpleasant odor and get runny.
Too much heat can kill a large number in a very short time. Are you keeping them in a cool, dark place? They can consume a lot of material. Keeping them well fed is important. How did they look when you moved them? Full, firm and active?
Did you catch them? Sometimes they get injured when they get pulled from the ground. Usually, an injured worm will stay towards the top of the bedding. I feed those off first to get them out of the way. Can you post a few photos?
Hope some of this was helpful.

04-07-2009, 04:19 AM
don't feel silly posting this - i'd be worried too
my worms have just gone soggy when they've died
wasn't there some other kind of worm that breaks?
yes, I'm sure Kyle started a thread about these a year ago or so
I'll go see whether i can find it

04-07-2009, 04:47 AM
Is it possible that there might be a Carabid beetle (carnivorous Ground Beetle) in there with the worms?

04-07-2009, 09:07 AM
couldn't find that thread with the weird worms - sorry

04-07-2009, 02:55 PM
Good luck on the worm peice mystery!
You have sparked two wormish questions;)

So... if they consume a lot of material, can you just assume that what they come in is OK/enough for them to eat? I bought my first nightcrawlers in a styrafoam pack from a pet store a week or two ago and they are 'chillin' in the fridge, seem OK but want them to last.

Also anyone here have a wormbox outside that lives in a temperate & dry climate like me (austin texas) that can advise on theirs? Used to have a worm box in chilly & moist seattle but that probably has different set up and needs, as my compost there was different from here too...

They can consume a lot of material. Keeping them well fed is important. Hope some of this was helpful.

Snake lover 3-25
04-09-2009, 04:33 PM
i have a worm farm..... i got a bag of worm bedding from the fish department at walmart and one of those big styrafoam coolers..... keeps the habitat perfect for them:)