View Full Version : Can Someone Explain?

Jack Neary
03-30-2009, 07:37 PM
Within the last 2 weeks, my large feamle Concinnus and my female Eastern, Jacqueline, and my other female Eastern have each developed insatiable appetites?
All 3 of them have been striking at the glass when I get near them. I fed both of them on Saturday almost a whole bag of small Pinkies.
Tonite I go to the basement, again they're jumpy and nippy like they have not eaten in weeks? Is it because of the start of Spring?
Also, my 6 month juvenile Eastern's are also displayinmg great appetites as well!
By contrast, all 5 of my Puget's are eating very little, showing no interest in food? 90% of the time they all are buried in the Care Fresh or in their hides?
Why the difference between the Pugets and the Easterns and Concinnus snakes?
Any ideas?
Hope everyone's well!

03-31-2009, 03:27 AM
not sure what to tell you, Jack
all of my sirtalis species seem to have a greater than normal appetite

03-31-2009, 03:50 AM
They sound like they are gravid.Have they been with any males?

03-31-2009, 03:55 AM
some of mine that seem extra hungry are definitely not gravid unless through parthenogenensis
but it's true that the females over-all are more voracious
I've even had to resolve a couple of food fights, which is very unusual with my adults,

03-31-2009, 06:12 AM
I would say its nothing to worry about. I had the same experience a month ago with my eastern. It was VERY interesting I never saw this behavior from her. Now she is a tame as could be but still has a monster appitite. I started using liquid supplements a week or so before and I actually thought that was related.

**edit** I am STILL breaking up a food fight every now and then. All though I adapted to that just by shoveling the pinks in quicker :)