View Full Version : Shipping over sea's and to the US...

Valley Pets
02-25-2007, 09:03 PM
Hey there everyone!
I am currently planning a trip to the U.S this spring/summer and will be taking some garters with me...(pallidulus)! I am planning on sending some over sea's and some to other places in the U.S... If anyone is interested they could set up a shipper from the U.S, and I would be glad to send some snakes to that shipper and they could ship to you... I should be able to send maritime garters, eastern garters, smooth greens and northern water snakes...
If anyone is interested in anything else just let me know...CB and WC animals available! Your choice! We usually come to the US atleast two times a year as it's only a 6 hour drive from us! Amphibians(frogs, newts, salamanders, and turtles) are also available! We take care of eveything, other then shipping cost, until they get to your US shipper! Easy as that!
Thanks for looking everyone!

Ryan-Valley Pets(Email me for costs)..Is there anything else anyone would like to have on here?