View Full Version : Good Bye To All

03-09-2009, 06:47 AM
Adamanteus informed me yesterday that he's limited my privilege because of the fight form the other forum that's fine hes a mod he can do what ever he wants deleting my post and what not.. but after all this crap and that what it is crap with the other website I'm not going to be on any more..

I can't deal with the stress. Can't deal with the 2nd grade bull crap can't deal with any of it.. They took a person that cared whole hearty about the well fare of reptiles and lied and bashed and manipulated till they made me lash out in ways I never should have..

I don't know how to defend my self and I'm not smart enough to chose my words correctly to defend myself..

Anyways I'm off all the forms.. Just wanted to tell everyone good bye and hope everyone hobby will do well for them..

03-09-2009, 12:34 PM
Okay. Explanations may be necessary. Not for Natalie, she understands perfectly my motives for placing certain restraints on her posting. The expanation is for the rest of you.
As most of you already know, Natalie got into a difficult situation on another forum. In brief, she claimed to be registered reptile rescue, others claimed she was a fraud. This lead to a huge argument and 'head-hunt', from which Natalie was forced to back down.
When this first happened I told Natalie that she was safe here at Thamnophis.com, because she had never caused any ill feeling here or tried to pretend she was anything she was not. One or two others tried to attack her on this forum, but I prevented it, as I felt that her dealings on that other forum were not relevant here.
However, yesterday Natalie chose to start a topic on Thamnophis.com, attacking the methods of other reptile keepers, and claiming she was a rescue which had been destroyed and forced to close by the malice of others.
It seems to me, that if I allowed such a topic to stand, I would be openly inviting the old argument to be rekindled here. This I will not permit.
The only limitation I placed on Natalie was that she must not raise the subject of these 'malicious others' nor claim to be a registered rescue.... which she clearly is not.
It is a shame that Natalie sees this as cause enough to quit the forum, but so be it. I will not allow the ill-feeling and bitterness she has helped to generate on that other forum to spill over onto Thamnophis.com.
Below is the transcipt of my PM to Natalie, outlining the limitations placed on her posting.......

Rescue topic
Hi Natalie,

You may notice that your posts regarding reptile rescue have been erased from the Oh So Quiet thread.
I'm sure you understand why I have done this. Your recent history on other forums brought you a lot of trouble and I don't want that ill feeling to cross over onto our forum. We have many members here who are aware of what happened on those other forums, and they don't all take your side.
I think it would be unwise in the extreme (and asking for confrontation) for you to openly discuss rescue on the forum.
Please feel free to join in any other topic. I'm sorry to put limits on your involvement in the forum, but I feel that under the circumstances I have no choice.
I have discussed this with the other Moderators, and they are in complete agreement with me on this.
I trust this limitation will not spoil your enjoyment of our forum.