View Full Version : Calorique Flex Watt Tape

02-24-2009, 12:07 AM
Well, I got in contact with Calorique, and I can carry their flexible heat tape. However, I'm a little leery of ordering big rolls and making that big cash outlay if no one needs it, and I don't have any vendor arrangements for shows soon, and I REALLY wish the website were generating more traffic, but it's not. (I must stink at web promotion, I need to spend more time on that and less time on playing around forums. Except for thamnophis.com, that is! LOL)

Anyway, the smallest roll I could order would be 100 ft. Either 3 in 4 in or 11 in. Connectors/insulators etc not included, just the raw tape, but I can get them too. (Or I'm sure a bunch of people on here have many smarter and more cost effective solutions for that). Shipping would also be extra. I'd have to sell a good portion of the roll for it to be worth while, but of course I'm not asking for cash before I got the product and you actually placed an order. Just a linear foot count, and what size, and what you've paid for it in the past, so I can see if I can do better than that, or at least match it, for you!

And I know that just because you say you'd like some now, it isn't a commitment on your part or a promise to pay.