View Full Version : Need advise from snake experts

02-07-2009, 09:18 PM
OK heres the story: I'm in South Dakota, Sioux Falls to be exact..yesterday we found a baby garter snake in the basement...very slow, cold and damaged on the tail from one of the cats. Once I warmed him up he was OK, and active. I cleaned out an old plexiglass 5 gallon aquarium, put in a dry washrag to hide under ,and a bowel of water. Today I went to petco and got a heat pad, and bedding and a few crickets. He was FINE, happy looking. Set him up and gave him crickets. 2 hours later..I find him dead..hes limp, unresponsive, but still "loose" not stiff. Pretty sure hes dead since hes so limp. I am really upset...what did I do wrong??

02-08-2009, 02:08 AM
Not much, basically just the crickets. It sure seems like the injuries killed it. It could be a combination of the injuries, the low winter temperatures and dehydration, I suppose.

02-08-2009, 03:51 AM
As Stefan says, the crickets were the wrong food choice, but that certainly didn't kill him. It sounds as though there was nothing much you could have done to avert this outcome.

02-08-2009, 04:07 AM
Yeah I'm still broken up over it...as I said in the other thread....I got attached fast. If another appears...what to feed them?? That's what the gal at Petco told me to give them. They were nasty...ARE nasty...they're all in the empty tank. I hate them. Let me know what to go and get if this ever happens again...

02-08-2009, 04:09 AM

Some good info to start you off in this link, Heather.

02-08-2009, 04:26 AM
you did what you could, Heather
very likely that little snake had other stuff going on too
not sure what to tell you about the crickets
do you know someone with an animal that will eat them?
you could always bring them back to petco and tell them that garters don't eat crickets - it's the kind of something they should know
in fact - tell them to look at the petco care sheet for garters
welcome to the forum

02-08-2009, 05:07 AM
Snakes are very good at hiding illness and injuries till its almost too late to treat them. I had an adult eastern garter once who ate and drank, had plenty of space and seemed perfectly healthy for the 6 months I had her. One day she was cruising around her tank, the next I found her passed away :( The only thing I can think of was some sort of parasite or infection, but her tank mate is just fine to this day.
On another note, Petco is notorious for not knowing about the animals they have. They can't even tell the difference between a garter, ribbon, and keelback.
Don't give up if you really want to keep another garter snake, they are wonderful little animals with awesom personalities. Just make sure you read up on their care and husbandry before you get another and you should do just fine.

02-08-2009, 08:49 AM
Welcome, Thanks for giving the little one a shot at life. I have one right now that a friend found in his basement. Had it two weeks and no eating, yet. There are so many unknowns about these guys. You did what you could. If you need another snake I would be glad to let you have one of my young Radix children. If you ever get down to Council Bluffs let me know. You can come by and I'll get you set up.
Of course, they'll be my crying children to contend with. They think every snake should stay with us. I tend to agree with them but I won't be crying until after you leave.

Welcome to the best forum and people.

02-08-2009, 09:44 AM
Not sure what to say that hasn't already been said.

Welcome, Garter snakes can make very rewarding pets..

02-08-2009, 11:26 AM
Thanks Steve...a Radix huh...Snake lingo, I'll have to look those up...Are they VERY Hardy?? Right now I would take another basement case....LOL but am afraid to do it on purpose! So Maybe one day. I feel guilty despite what everyone said, but better than I DID...geeze you would think one of my cats I had for years had died instead of a snake I had for 24 hours....oh well I have learned a bit...actually done a LOT of internet reading, was thinking...maybe it was the bedding? I read dusty is bad for them? Hard to believe, I used to see them all the time growing up out there on those dusty gravel roads, or in the fields. What I got was: Jungle reptile bedding made by Critter culture. Says good for all snakes but while pooring spewed up a dust storm I put him in there about 2 minutes after. It looks like the stuff you find on the floors of shelter belts and tree groves...
Anyway I'm keeping my eyes peeled, and NOT letting the cats back down without supervision....no more causulities...
Gonna hang around here as well....learn what I can in case I need that info, I really did thinks were easier...but I have learned loads more than the average one thing a day...
Thnk you all so much your so helpful here...LOL I got treated MUCH more rough on craigslist...and only bc I called them GARDEN snakes instead of GARTER! LOL

02-08-2009, 11:50 AM
Garden snake! Very common mistake. Nothing to get roughed-up over. As far as for the Radix. "Tough as nails" and calm down quickly. Eats like a pig and very hardy. I just don't think you can go wrong with one of these. Let me know what you want to do.

02-08-2009, 11:53 AM
Garden snake! Very common mistake. Nothing to get roughed-up over. As far as for the Radix. "Tough as nails" and calm down quickly. Eats like a pig and very hardy. I just don't think you can go wrong with one of these. Let me know what you want to do. Here's a picture of a Radix

02-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Thnk you all so much your so helpful here...LOL I got treated MUCH more rough on craigslist...and only bc I called them GARDEN snakes instead of GARTER! LOL

You won't be treated roughly here.... all are welcome, we must all begin to learn somewhere.:)

02-08-2009, 01:39 PM
Awww, thank you for trying to save the little guy. Sorry the outcome wasn't better. He was probably already too injured or sick to help, but you tried your best and I think it's wonderful that you did. Lots of like minded, good hearted people here. You really can't go wrong with one of Steve's babies if you decide you'd like to keep a garter. That was a very nice offer Steve :) See what I mean about good hearted people? :)

02-09-2009, 06:10 AM
So is Radix the breed name? I was looking here: South Dakota Snakes (http://www.sdgfp.info/Wildlife/Snakes/SnakeIndex.htm) to see what snakes we have running wild around here, and found my snake was a Plains Garter Snake. There's another around here I guess, a Common Garter Snake...very pretty with all that red...but I have never seen one. And I also see a Smooth Green Snake...I really like the looks and sound of that one...wonder if their hardy?? So small...and easier to house..and feed. I was looking at what Garters like to eat on here...It seems I would need to feed a Garter Earthworms (NEVER red wigglers..and that petco lady was going to give me those but they were out) or pinky PARTS? Would I seriously need to tear apart a baby mouse? I don't know if I could do that...will they eat raw steak?? LOL

02-09-2009, 06:40 AM
plains garters are thamnophis radix
"common" garters are usually thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
smooth green snakes - opheodrys (liochlorophis) vernalis eat insects and I don't think they're hardy, in fact - I just looked it up for you - they're considered difficult to keep
most radix will take unscented rodents and no, you don't need to tear them apart - it's pretty easy to chop them into strips when they're frozen - think of them as very small steak with the legs still attached - but easier to cut

02-09-2009, 06:56 AM
Cutting up frozen pinkies is a breeze. Let them thaw and you're good to go. You might need to scent them with a cut-up worm at first but then they should take them without any trouble.
I wish you could have been here when I told my little Radixs someone might be adopting one of them. They cleaned there room and all took a bath. They want to be presentable:D

Lori P
02-09-2009, 07:39 AM
Welcome, and sorry your experience was not a better one! But do stick around, we'll have your house full of garters in no time.... :-)

02-09-2009, 07:58 AM
"common" garters are usually thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis

Well, it is the common name for the whole species T. sirtalis.

02-10-2009, 01:38 AM
Cool..I had a radix...LOL well I am concerned about housing as well...many things come into play with getting a garter or any other kind of snake...affordability..not just on food but housing...Its just me and my daughter and we have cats already...the only reason I thought the small green might be OK is I wouldn't have to upgrade tanks too much since they stay fairly small....and sounded cheap to feed. HMM.....well for now I have enough knowledge...if any more show up I can maybe keep them alive till it warms up...I'm sure if more show up...I'll be here asking if I'm doing it right....

02-10-2009, 08:53 PM
And you'll find plenty of support from everyone here. I knew absolutely nothing when I got my first snake and this forum has helped me out more than I could explain.

02-10-2009, 11:28 PM
Hello & Welcome Aboard...:)

Seems you got some good answers & help already!!

02-11-2009, 10:02 AM
Cool..I had a radix...LOL well I am concerned about housing as well...many things come into play with getting a garter or any other kind of snake...affordability..not just on food but housing...Its just me and my daughter and we have cats already...the only reason I thought the small green might be OK is I wouldn't have to upgrade tanks too much since they stay fairly small....and sounded cheap to feed. HMM.....well for now I have enough knowledge...if any more show up I can maybe keep them alive till it warms up...I'm sure if more show up...I'll be here asking if I'm doing it right....

Simone is by far my cheapest pet :) I spend maybe $15 dollars on nightcrawlers and pinkies for her last month and I still have a few pinkies left. vs $40-$50 a month on cat food, litter and toy's, I'm not even going to think about how much the dogs cost me a month.

Never i my wildest dream did I think I'd own a snake. Now that I do I wonder what took me so long to get one. The whole family spen hours just watching her. They are deffinately rewarding to keep. :)

02-11-2009, 10:36 AM
The little beggers do grow on you.

02-12-2009, 12:11 AM
Yeah I STILL miss my little one...thought it would fade but...
I'm going to keep a sharp eye out for a used tank/lid/setup, that i can afford. I already have an under tank heater I am hoping I can move from the plastic one to another tank without damaging it. (the heater) It wasn't cheap. If I can find an affordable setup I don't think I would mind getting another...problem is: How big of a tank will the snake eventually need? Whats the smallest I can go with and still be kind. And...do they get lonely? Or will I need to have 2 eventually?

02-12-2009, 01:26 AM
Okay, This is my final offer. You make it down to Council Bluffs and I'll give you a tank/lid/food&water bowls/hide and the choice of two Radix babies. Guaranteed to give my hours of viewing and holding pleasure.:) Just let me know if this works for you. Just look at these little scrubs.