View Full Version : Freaked out over a shed!

01-29-2009, 09:46 PM
With the recent go 'round with those long thread-like worms, I freaked out when I saw my Anery Radix's latest shed. It was fresh, and it had areas where it was bunched up and folded upon itself. With the multiple layers of shed skin stacked, it almost looked as if complete segments of her had dettached along with with old layer. It wasn't until I had pulled out the skin and stretched it out that I realized it was just folded upon itself.

Color me sheepish. And relieved.

01-29-2009, 09:55 PM
I used a clear rubbermade container and a warm, damp dish towel for a shed box. If I see someone who is beginning to shed they go in the box. 15 minutes later out comes a fresh clean snake. The warm towel makes for high humidity and makes the shed a lot easier for the snake. Some of my Radixs will have trouble sheding from the vent back. A short time in the shed box and that problem is solved. Seems to work great and I think they enjoy the higher temp and humidity.

01-30-2009, 03:33 PM
I used a clear rubbermade container and a warm, damp dish towel for a shed box. If I see someone who is beginning to shed they go in the box. 15 minutes later out comes a fresh clean snake. The warm towel makes for high humidity and makes the shed a lot easier for the snake. Some of my Radixs will have trouble sheding from the vent back. A short time in the shed box and that problem is solved. Seems to work great and I think they enjoy the higher temp and humidity.

great suggestion Steve... will try that with my large female ball python, she sometimes has issues shedding around her head.