View Full Version : Close calls

Snake lover 3-25
01-07-2009, 05:33 PM
does anyone take there garters out when the weather is nice and let them roam the yard?

mine love going out and exploring and maybe even getting a meal on the run lol

got any close call stories? outside? inside?

i take meadow out often and she's always great.... she just chills and she actually follows me whenever i start to move away... i'm out there with her of course but i don't have to pay much attention.... i usually have her out with her 2 yr old kids... but they are much more unrulely than i ever would have imagined and although she's great they tend to burrow into the grass and disappear from view...

i had 2 close calls on the same day last year with them.... i had meadow out along with sooty and willow (her kids) and another big girl i called big mama who i later let go along with her 22 babies.... i went over to bring big mama closer to where i could supervise and when i came back i could no longer see willow... now as many of you know willow is a pretty bright orange color and so i dug around a little and then i just waited for him to pop back up... around 10 mins passed and no willow so i started to panic and got the idea to spray the area he was in hoping to flush him out.... i sprayed and then i waited and finally he popped out and i captured him and put him away....

so i was just sitting out there and i glanced over at the others and when i looked back sooty was nowhere to be found.... so i sprayed and sprayed and dug and dugand no sooty.... 20 mins later i decided to check one last time and there she was and she looks at me like "what are you doing tearing up the lawn?" so that said lol now i just take them out one at a time...

meadow usually doesn't need much supervision... she just lounges and basks in the sun unless i start to walk away... only had one scare with her and that was her first time in the back yard.... i was helping my bro launch a rocket and then i went to check on her and she had vanished... my back yard is about 2/3 the size of my front yard and is bordered with woods.... after about 30 mins of searching with the help of my parents and my brother i found her under some brush at the edge of the woods with a toad in her mouth lol

once i was working in the garden with willow roaming in the dirt and meadow basking on a rock the garden is in a strange corner and is surrounded by a wide concrete path and i was keeping a close enough eye on them to catch them crossing it... so i looked up from weeding and of course willow is gone... so i pick up each rock and look under each plant and when i eventually make it to the corner i pick up some leaves and there he is with his head in a hole with a HUGE nightcrawler in his mouth lol

01-07-2009, 05:38 PM
It sounds kind of risky to me, Shanley, to be honest. I think you could easily lose one (or more) of them letting them wander free like that. I never do anything like that.

01-07-2009, 05:42 PM
You've been incredibly lucky, Shanley.

Snake lover 3-25
01-07-2009, 05:50 PM
yeah i know.... no more going outside unless it's only one...... they just love it too much for me to take it away so i'd be happy to spend 3 times the amount of time i'm usually out there:D

01-07-2009, 06:41 PM
I'm too paranoid to even think about that. Maybe when they're older they'll calm down, but they're so energetic now, and I have a tough enough time chasing a 1year old human down, much less a little athletic garter!

I don't even let my dog off lead, as I am too paranoid that he wouldn't come back, or would get hit by a car. I did get him as an adult, so I imagine that I might be more comfortable with a dog I had from a puppy.

01-07-2009, 07:21 PM
OMG! If I tried that with the dekayi's or garters, I would loose them! I let George out a few times, but he is big enough, to keep an eye on. I won't let my other reptiles out either. I let them sit in the window on a warm day

01-07-2009, 07:34 PM
Wait till a hawk swoops down and takes your snake.Thats what I am afraid of.I'll have to get the shotgun and start blasting!HA!HA!

01-07-2009, 07:42 PM
Wait till a hawk swoops down and takes your snake.Thats what I am afraid of.I'll have to get the shotgun and start blasting!HA!HA!

that would suck!! men & their guns!

01-07-2009, 08:03 PM
Shanley, you're a crazy person!!!

I do regularly take my snakes of all shapes and sizes out into the yard, but it's only one snake at a time and unless they are a big snake, they don't go on the ground. I put them in one of the numerous small 3 or 4 foot trees/bushes we have and that way they can't go anywhere yet they still enjoy it, and I am in control!! Tightie whitie is my favorite to take out there, because once I put her in the tree she starts intantly waving her head side to side to blend in with the wind, and if I flutter my hand around she gets a crazy look in her eye and I know that she is thinking birds!!!!

I get so tempted to stick her out by the bird feeder :p:p:p

01-07-2009, 08:10 PM
the ONLY time mine are out in the yard is when I am taking photos....and only one at a time....too easy to lose one!!!

01-07-2009, 08:18 PM
seeing as a camera is actually a permanent extention of my arm.... I can say same here Don!!!

01-07-2009, 08:21 PM
5 seconds of being distracted by one of my kids called for an all out search by 5 kids and 2 adults. 4.5 hours later I found her in the dark and during a thunderstorm. Photo time and one at a time, by myself(no distraction).
As much as they may love it imagine how much you would hate to lose them. The 4.5 hours of guilt was enough for me to change the way I do things.

Snake lover 3-25
01-07-2009, 08:36 PM
yup lol 4 at a time was def. a dumb idea lol but my front yard is a great big square with 2 big trees and no holes to go into and it's got the road that almost never has cars on one side and my driveway on another and the house on the third so ther're pretty easy to keep track of as long as i'm paying attention lol and it helps to do it right after the lawn was mown.... but they're usually good.... i've taken them out i'd say 150+ times in the last 2 yrs and only 4 things have ever happened and i def keep to good an eye out for a hawk lol but i love 'em to death and so no more than one at a time anymore lol:D

01-07-2009, 09:03 PM
I won't say never, but not with any Garters.

Far too risky.

01-08-2009, 02:47 AM
I got a big kick out of reading about your snakes' yard roaming, but I'd be too scared to loose mine
the only one I let out to roam is the beardie and even that is scary

01-08-2009, 06:51 AM
Garters can be very quick and very clever Shanley, I just know how terrible you would feel if anything ever happened, Think long and hard if it would really be worth it to lose meadow or sooty forever.

They certainly get enough free roam time inside the house, where there is at least a good chance of getting them back if they decided to take off.

I won't take my garter snakes outside, unless they are in a snake bag going to the vet.

Is it really worth losing your best friends? Think back about some of those close calls you have shared with us on the forum.

01-08-2009, 01:43 PM
Yeah, way to paranoid here... You know, though, how much would it cost to get few sheets of plexiglass and either just jam them into the ground for a temporary outdoor enclosure or attatch stakes to the plexi and put the stakes in the ground? You'd still have to watch them, but they'd have to scale the plexi glass wall to escape? I may have to try that :) How tall is tall enough? Hmmmm...

01-08-2009, 01:48 PM
Yeah, way to paranoid here... You know, though, how much would it cost to get few sheets of plexiglass and either just jam them into the ground for a temporary outdoor enclosure or attatch stakes to the plexi and put the stakes in the ground? You'd still have to watch them, but they'd have to scale the plexi glass wall to escape? I may have to try that :) How tall is tall enough? Hmmmm...
It's not a cheap material and you'd need a lot of it. I'd say it'd need to be at least as high as the snake is long.

01-08-2009, 03:26 PM
Plexi in my area of the county if sky high in price. I went to buy a small piece of it.(Which you can't do) A large piece 2ft X 2ft was $40.00 and that's from a discount place.

01-08-2009, 03:28 PM
Yeah, way to paranoid here... You know, though, how much would it cost to get few sheets of plexiglass and either just jam them into the ground for a temporary outdoor enclosure or attatch stakes to the plexi and put the stakes in the ground? You'd still have to watch them, but they'd have to scale the plexi glass wall to escape? I may have to try that :) How tall is tall enough? Hmmmm...

A cheap alternative would be one of those "roll up" swimming pools, about 25 bucks, and the walls are about 30 inches tall.

I have contemplated that one myself.:cool:

01-08-2009, 06:11 PM
Great idea way Wayne, You can pick one up at a yard sale this spring for next to nothing. I will be doing that. The liner could be used as a small pond, if you have the room.

Snake lover 3-25
01-08-2009, 06:16 PM
neat idea wayne!!! i'll have to think about that!!!

01-08-2009, 08:14 PM
It's not a cheap material and you'd need a lot of it. I'd say it'd need to be at least as high as the snake is long.

Man, I would do twice as long as the snake for security!!!:rolleyes: