View Full Version : BAD Winter Weather..

12-27-2008, 08:06 AM
It's been a nice 65-68 here for 2 days now.. Nice and all but where I live what happens we get large tornado's.. :( Keep my family and all my snakie pet in your prayers.. I am terrified of tornadoes.. So this isn't going to go to well for me..:( Last year not 2 hours from me they got an EF5 Tornado.. Thank god no one got killed.. Just winter storms have me really shook up.. This is what we're at looking at so far..




12-27-2008, 08:25 AM
Just checked on the storm warnings here we go.. this is like about 2 hours from me.. it can only get worst thu out the day.. Ill keep you posted as stuff happens if i don't get back on line for while it is because the power was shut off.. Keep these people that live there in your prayers.. :(:(:(


12-27-2008, 08:34 AM
Your family is in our prayers. Keep us updated but unplug your electronic when the lightning is near. Unless you have insurance for surges. I didn't at one time and found out the hard way.

12-27-2008, 08:47 AM
oh we have 100,000 in insurance.. but if the sirens go off my kids are the first to be safe.. then i have to get the turtles which they spent the night in the bath tub where he hide for tornadoes.. most of the reptiles are in our bedroom bathroom closet already.. People have made fun and thought i was mean for doing that there a reason they are safe there if a tornado would hit.. usely the only thing i have to get in the bath in our bedroom bath room is izzy but we put her there this morning.. the sucattas and the king snake will be with us in the bathroom we hide in.. so everyone one is prepared.. Except i cant find momma cat but she usely goes under our house when a storm hits...

12-27-2008, 09:50 AM
update.. 3 tornado's confirmed so far around us.. not here yet tho it just started to rain hard.. im in springfield..


12-27-2008, 10:37 AM
My thoughts are with you Nathalie!
That looks really scaring.
We have always news about your bad weather and big catasthrophes in our TV.
Its cold here but clear sky and no matter to be afraid.
Hope youŽll get the better end ;-)

12-27-2008, 11:05 AM
Hoping the best for you, Natalie. Fingers crossed.

12-27-2008, 11:07 AM
well the storm is a little better no tornadoes here yet.. I'm praying there's not any..


12-27-2008, 12:40 PM
that is scary, please be safe!!! thinking of you all!

12-27-2008, 02:09 PM
You're in my prayers. I hope nothing horrible hits you. Just hang in there!

12-28-2008, 04:43 AM
nope nothing hit us thank god.. its now 28 degrees out.. weird how it can go from a 65 down to 28 in a matter of a few hours.. :confused::confused: thanks for all the kind thoughts for us..

12-28-2008, 06:50 AM
glad you and yours are okay, Natalie

12-28-2008, 07:04 AM
Glad to hear all is well, Natalie. Take care.

12-28-2008, 05:30 PM
I'm SO glad the worst missed you, Natalie. I've seen one tornado, and it was only an F1. Scary enough though.
Strangely, we went from 15C yesterday (record high temps) to 1C this morning. We had some wicked wind gusts, but no storms came with it. This was on the heels of a huge snowstorm and bitter cold spell last weekend.
It seems wild and wacky weather is hitting everyone lately.

12-28-2008, 05:33 PM
sheesh glad you're okay... I would be the same way... stuffing snakes in closets and hiding in my basement!!!! I am terrified of tornadoes and have never even seen one!!!

When we were driving down to daytona and we began hitting that hurricane that was down there.... that was scary!!! the sky looked like it was going to start spitting out tornadoes at any second!!

olive oil
12-28-2008, 08:44 PM
Glad all is well Natalie!

12-29-2008, 11:01 AM
Glad to hear it didn't get to you all!!!