View Full Version : christmas eve bummer

12-24-2008, 11:20 PM
well, crap.....been a crappy night......my male eastern het piebald passed away today.....:( sucks...
and I got paged by the Lt...officers needed help out near where I live... deputies got a call to check on a house with an open door....animal services was called in....in the end we found 11 dead cats, 2 dead dogs, 1 dead goose, and a feral dog colony living under the house in the basement. we had to remove the dogs....nasty animals...the puppies might be savable, but most of the adults are wild and may get euthanized. one of the puppies was sick too. the dogs had dug dens in the ground under the house....the house had more cat crap in it than our shelter cleans up in a year!!!!!! one cat we found on our final walk thru had gotten his claws hung up in a curtain....the owner left the cat there.....the cat died hanging from the curtain... one dog had been dead since this summer, was found in a closet and had been thoroughly eaten by maggots..the other dog was in the garage.....eaten by the other 2 dogs in the garage.... will be meeting with the county prosecutors to see how far we can take this...just a simple cruelty citation isn't enough...this woman needs to be put in an institution..

well....time to get out of here and get ready for tomorrow. will be a better day!!!!!

12-25-2008, 01:36 AM
Wow Don- tough day. Hope tomorrow is indeed better!

12-25-2008, 01:54 AM
Don, that is horrible. & to see it all, I would have been in tears! How can someone do that to animals! I am in tears now.:(

I hope you have a Merry Christmas... I am going to hug & love on my cats!!

12-25-2008, 02:29 AM
wow. its never THAT bad on animal cops the tv show
merry christmas tho.

12-25-2008, 05:15 AM
Don - how horrible
I know your job probably isn't this awful most of the time, but this sort of thing would rip right into me - just reading it was hard
I'm so sorry you lost your baby - this was one of Brett's, right?
merry Christmas anyway - may the rest of it be wonderful

Lori P
12-25-2008, 06:56 AM
Oh Don... bless you for what you do. Animal control officers are my heroes. You guys see the most horrible things and so often the law just shrugs and looks away. You get this one, Don, nail her ***. One of my friends is a local AC and she's been having a really hard time with a particular cruelty case... it's been haunting her. I don't think you guys get enough support when you need it, either... emotional support, I mean. All I can do is send you a big HUG and my undying gratitude for the voiceless ones you do you best to protect.

12-25-2008, 07:04 AM
my male eastern het piebald passed away today

this woman needs to be put in an institution..

So sorry to hear about your baby. And I'm glad to know there are people out there looking out for the animals. Thank you for your rescue, despite the possible Euth of the feral adults. I'm glad you're there to look out for the people, too. You're right, this owner isn't negligent or mean, she's mentally ill.

Today is a new day, and I hope its a Merry and Beautiful one for you!

12-25-2008, 09:10 AM
Sorry to hear all the bad news, Don. Especially about you losing your Eastern.:(

12-25-2008, 09:14 AM

12-25-2008, 10:45 AM
What a horrible image that story puts in one's mind............
So sorry you had such a tough day, Don. I really hope the rest of your holiday season is wonderful, and I hope this woman gets the punishment she deserves. How sad.

12-25-2008, 10:52 AM
Dito, Speechless...........

12-25-2008, 12:28 PM
Terrible. Sorry, Don.

12-25-2008, 12:50 PM
What is this "Christmas curse" my hypermelanistic wandering croaked.

12-25-2008, 12:52 PM
Sorry about your loss, Don.

12-25-2008, 06:04 PM
Wayne, sorry to hear about your baby too. This seems to be a pretty bad X-mas, lots of "crossing over to snakie heaven". We're a little concerned about our ghost corn, he has an odd coloration kind of like the other Bloodred that died on us.

Gijs & Sabine
12-25-2008, 07:33 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss, Don. Life can be soo unfair....I just had a bunch of babygarters and at your place one pased away....:( I hope things will be better for you soon.

12-25-2008, 07:34 PM
Geez. Whats going on?I wanna go check on my brumating snakes now.They come out in a week.Sorry about the snake Don.Do you have a male to replace it?Anybody that has more than 2 cats is mentally ill in my opinion.LOL

12-25-2008, 07:57 PM
What is this "Christmas curse" my hypermelanistic wandering croaked.

Wayne, so sorry to hear it.
Man, this is one rough Christmas on Thamnophis.com.........:(

12-25-2008, 10:48 PM
I agree.... What is this "christmas curse"... Just lost 1 of my 2 baby male western ribbons.... AND a male Rough Earth Snake....
So sorry to hear all this. :(:(

And yeah. Animal cops shows irritate the heck out of me cause they are SOOO watered down... It's way the heck worse in real life...

12-25-2008, 10:50 PM
Sorry for the loss Amanda

12-25-2008, 10:54 PM
Thanks. And again you to. This sucks. :(

12-26-2008, 09:30 AM
You too, Amanda??:eek:
I'm going to be afraid to log on if this keeps up. So sorry for your loss.:(

12-26-2008, 10:01 AM
Wow, sorry for all of the losses :(

Don, Lori put it so well... thank you for all that you do... :(

12-26-2008, 10:06 AM
sorry to here about that don i know you were looking forward to seeing results from that het pied just been a bad christmas for too many members :(

12-27-2008, 06:43 PM
Thanks everyone!!! the animal cops shows don't quite show everything.....some of it would be a little too graphic for television.... It's a tough job, but I love it! I can kick off on people for not caring for their animals.... several of the dogs have gotten nice at the shelter, one red heeler was nice at the house. one puppy that I pulled out of the den the dogs had dug had to be put down that night at the shelter, this pup was really lethargic and sick. Two of the other pups are sick and isolated for now. several adults are now acting nice....I went in and visited with them. hopefully they will be turned over and we can work with the friendly ones to get them homes.....doubt the mother dog will be nice enough to adopt. we will be going to the district attorney's office to screen charges....could have cited her there, but want to get as much against her as we could and get the prosecutor's backing not letting her have any animals period!!!
things like this can be really disturbing to the average person.....after doing this for 11 years you tend to build a little immunity....get a little bit used to it....it always sucks to see, but you don't let it bother you that much....and also feel good that you are helping the animals....sometimes euthanasia is better for the animals than living the way they do....
Christmas was fun and brightened my day!!!! :D

12-27-2008, 06:54 PM
I couldn't do your job, Don. I'd end up hurting somebody.
I just read the transcript from the trial of a couple of guys in Oregon who tortured a black bear cub to death......
They wanted to keep the pelt in tact, so they killed the baby bear by repeatedly stabbing it in the eyes with a pen-knife. They took video of the whole thing, one of the guys even made his 7 year old son stab the bear in the eye.
They got 'community service'.
Personally. I would have been a little harsher.

12-27-2008, 07:07 PM
I couldn't do your job, Don. I'd end up hurting somebody.
I just read the transcript from the trial of a couple of guys in Oregon who tortured a black bear cub to death......
They wanted to keep the pelt in tact, so they killed the baby bear by repeatedly stabbing it in the eyes with a pen-knife. They took video of the whole thing, one of the guys even made his 7 year old son stab the bear in the eye.
They got 'community service'.
Personally. I would have been a little harsher.
yea.....would love to take a few of these people out behind the house and beat the living crap out of them with a 2x4!!!!!!
jeez....only community service????? stupid....should have been behind bars!!!!!

12-27-2008, 07:09 PM
To be honest, Don, it was more horrific than I posted.... but I don't want to post it on here.

12-27-2008, 07:54 PM
I couldn't do your job, Don. I'd end up hurting somebody.
I just read the transcript from the trial of a couple of guys in Oregon who tortured a black bear cub to death......
They wanted to keep the pelt in tact, so they killed the baby bear by repeatedly stabbing it in the eyes with a pen-knife. They took video of the whole thing, one of the guys even made his 7 year old son stab the bear in the eye.
They got 'community service'.
Personally. I would have been a little harsher.
Got a link?

12-27-2008, 08:51 PM
Got a link?

I'm curious, too... pm would be fine...

Snake lover 3-25
12-27-2008, 09:41 PM
wow that really sucks... sorry to hear about your bad day:(

12-28-2008, 03:55 AM
Got a link?

No, it wasn't on-line.

01-06-2009, 11:01 PM

last friday while I was off duty, the Captain, several officers, and police went back with a search warrant...we had to go remove the rest of the animals. we were unable to remove the cats on christmas eve due to lack of manpower and place to put the cats. we made room at the shelter and they romoved 6 or 7 cats. the dead animal toll tho was much higher....they found a box with dead puppies in it...at least 6 that they could tell...the puppies probably died from diseases....the owner put them in the box and left them...the bodies were solidified in a cube.... one more adult dog was pulled out of the basement, not sure where that one was hiding and they were able to get the one out of the garage. the owner came to the shelter to id a couple of them....none of the dogs recognized her or responded to her, even the friendly ones!!!! the investigation is ongoing and there will be numerous criminal charges. the health dept condemned the house.....should be flattened and hauled off to the dump!!!

01-07-2009, 05:37 AM
The whole story is not only sad but repulsive as well.

I don't understand how some people can operate like that.:mad:

01-07-2009, 08:54 AM
That's just awful, Don. :(
I don't know how you do it without killing someone off. My temper would get the best of me.:mad:

Snake lover 3-25
01-07-2009, 11:56 AM
wow that's just horrible

01-07-2009, 08:33 PM
I've wanted to club a few people to death out here...... :rolleyes: it's never easy, but you do build up a bit of resistance I guess to this kind of stuff when you see it often enough.....the fun part comes later when you go to court and hammer the idiots!!!!!! :cool:

01-20-2009, 10:22 PM
and another update.....we started getting calls about her livestock not being cared for either.....officers checked on them....some in bad shape, some dead...so we got another warrant and removed about 50 cows, 20 horses, and about 25 sheep and goats..... they are still working on the charges....gonna be lots of them.

01-20-2009, 11:47 PM
OMG! how repulsive! I hope these ppl don't have children. If they are that way to an animal, they could be doing the same to a human.

That is just so sad & terrible. I don't know how you do it Don!! :(

01-21-2009, 05:18 AM
yeah, I don't either
is that person remotely normal?
I mean I can't even imagine someone letting this happen

01-21-2009, 06:04 AM
Animal hoarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_hoarding)

01-21-2009, 07:48 AM
Hoarding, of any kind, is a more common mental illness than people think.
When it's animals, however, the damage is far greater.
There is a couple in our neighbourhood who have been reported numerous times (they keep cats) and it still hasn't really stopped them. They've gone from letting the cats use their house as a giant litterbox all year, to just keeping them during the winter, then letting a swarm of cats loose on the neighbourhood to fend for themselves every spring. Most of them end up dead by the following winter.
It's really very sad.

01-21-2009, 08:43 AM
I could see how that sort of thing could sneak up on someone
Sean went to a house where there were close to a hundred pet rats roaming free
I don't think they've found homes for all of them yet and this was in early summer
my biggest fear is that I'll end up like one of those people and the moment I get a flu, or a little busy, I start panicking and thinking about where my critters can go - especially the beardies

Lori P
01-21-2009, 01:20 PM
Hoarding is something we see so often... and it usually starts out innocently. I know many people who started in rescue and turned into hoarders, and believe me, that is my biggest fear. I am so very aware of how easy it is to cross that line... and when you have a large number of animals, things go downhill very quickly. We've cleaned out sooooo many hoarding situations that just make you want to kill someone. Don, I hope you have some rescue groups there willing to help with the livestock... wish I could!

01-21-2009, 09:16 PM
well, with the livestock, the way the warrant was worded (and signed by the judge) we were to impound all the livestock, take photos and document their conditions for evidence. once all that was done, the owner would be notified and allowed to redeem her animals....she would have to pay all teh related fees, impound on each of the livestock, boarding fees, vet bills.....she probably won't be able to afford it and will have to turn them over to the county!! then we can adopt them out. if we kept them as evidence, we would have to hold them for months until we got to court...costing us tons...this way she probably can't afford to get them back, then by county ordinance they will be disposed of (county ordinance wording for adopting or rescueing the animals, or euthanasia on the ones in bad shape) one officer gave me an estimate of around $12,000 in fees she will owe... :D hopefully she will get smart and turn them over so we can find them better homes!!!!

01-22-2009, 05:32 AM
$12,000 seems low . . .

01-22-2009, 10:54 AM
well...i am not sure the exact amount....something like $100 each for impounds..don't remember what boarding fees for livestock are...I think $35 a day for each....as long as it's enough she can't afford it we will be happy that she can't get them back!!!!! :cool:

01-22-2009, 11:05 AM
This thread bummer now hoarding so I’ll put here;
21 January 2009
MOUNT VERNON, Wash. - Heartbreaking and deplorable. That's how law enforcers described what they found when they raided two suspected puppy mills.

Skagit County Sheriff's Department officers found more than 400 dogs at two locations – the latest in a string of similar raids in Western Washington.

Skagit County Fairgrounds is now serving as a temporary emergency animal shelter.

The two cases are not related, but authorities say the similarities are striking – female dogs churning out puppies like machines and their litters left to fend for themselves.

Law enforcers said the conditions of the more than 400 caged-in dogs are a crime.

The two raids Wednesday are the latest in a string in Western Washington following a pair in Snohomish County over the weekend.

No arrests have been made in Skagit County, but the investigation is continuing. Ultimately, a judge will allow the dogs to be released, and that's when volunteers will need to step in.

"We are looking for volunteers who can house these dogs and give them some of the special one-on-one attention that they need," said Teresa Letellier, SPOT. It appears that most of these rescued dogs can be nursed back to health and given the chance to live the life they deserve in a loving home.

Because no charges have been filed yet, we are not naming the breeders or listing their addresses.

Lori P
01-22-2009, 05:56 PM
I got a call last night about 12 donkeys seized in a neighboring county... there were 4 dead the field when they went to get them. :-( Luckily, someone else stepped in before I got the message and took them all in to foster, but we will be helping out with them. Unreal... just unreal. And yesterday there was a 30 horse seizure in south eastern Va, same circumstances, horses dead in the field and others euth'd on the spot. It's overwhelming.

01-26-2009, 02:46 PM
I got a call last night about 12 donkeys seized in a neighboring county... there were 4 dead the field when they went to get them. :-( Luckily, someone else stepped in before I got the message and took them all in to foster, but we will be helping out with them. Unreal... just unreal. And yesterday there was a 30 horse seizure in south eastern Va, same circumstances, horses dead in the field and others euth'd on the spot. It's overwhelming.

Yes, and some of the goats were pregnant when they came in so we have baby goats here at the shelter!:D they are SUPER cute!