View Full Version : How to make the most of the forum

12-08-2008, 09:29 PM
It seems I am frequently asked questions on how to do things, So I took the time to create some easy to follow pictorial instructions to assist folks with making the most of the forum features.

Todays topic, how to locate and reference past threads and posts.

By using the advanced search feature, anyone can locate a thread or post they read last week, last year or yesterday rather easily.

Simply click the search button located at the top of your screen at roughly 1:00 and select "advanced search". as illustrated below.


this will open the advanced search window in your browser and allow you to enter details that will eliminate many of the undesired posts or threads, for instance let's say you wanted to find Steve's "Snake trap" thread.

Steve's user name is Guidofatherof5, so just fill in the user name field, and type "snake trap" in the "Keyword" field, then select "search titles only" and select "Search Now"... If you select "search entire posts" the search engine will find every incident of Steve mentioning the snake trap, Such as Zephyr's "corn on the loose!" thread.


Upon opening the search results (The page you are looking for) move your mouse pointer to the address bar at the top of the screen and right click on it, then select "copy"


Now go back to where you wish to reference the thread and right click once more, this time select paste, and Presto, your link to the past thread will appear on your post

With a little practice, you too can "post like a pro":cool:

12-09-2008, 02:27 AM
Very well written!!! BRAVO!!;)

12-09-2008, 05:44 AM
Thanks Wayne.

12-09-2008, 08:07 AM
Looks like someone just found the snip tool on Vista?

12-09-2008, 08:13 AM
No actually several screen captures, edited with fireworks.

Snake lover 3-25
12-09-2008, 11:35 AM
great thread idea, wayne:D great post:D

12-09-2008, 11:59 AM
Well that was a informed post thank you Wayne. As a newbe all information helps. Now all i need to do is shrink some pic for show and tell.:)

12-09-2008, 12:04 PM
There is an excellent guide presented by James (Adamanteus) on how to do that located here....


12-09-2008, 03:33 PM
another question folks have asked, how to add multiple pictures in a single post.

The easiest method I have learned is to go to the "Start" button at the lower left of the screen and click, then select "programs" followed by "Accessories" and finally "wordpad" or in older versions of windows "notepad"

Do this while your gallery page is still open, and then each time you click "copy to clipboard" follow by pasting on your "wordpad"

tap enter twice to move the cursor down some after pasting each "http.... to make it easier to cut later.

once you have all your picture links saved on "wordpad" then proceed to the forum and type your thread or post and begin cutting each line from wordpad and pasting it on your post..

presto, you can now add several pictures to a single post without opening any new browser windows.

12-10-2008, 05:36 AM
this only works for people who can actually use the gallery without it shrinking their photos to thumbnails
those of us who use Macs don't have clipboards and wordpads, but do not despair - I did it for you
for those of us who have difficulty using the gallery, try posting your photos from an internet photo service directly into your post by cutting and pasting

12-10-2008, 05:48 AM
Nice tip Rhea:D

Photobucket is one such service.

Just make sure to keep your account open with them, or your pictures will vanish at some point.