View Full Version : Please Give Your Expertise in Catching a Loose Bull Sake.

11-24-2008, 05:41 PM
My good friends, I'm posting here what Dave sent. If you would please put down your ideas I will send them to him via E-mail, and - of course - I thank you for your help in advance.


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About the message below: I talked with Kris by phone and suggested that they continue trying luring the snake with food, since it worked once already. Then I emailed her to suggest they place a spotlight to create a basking spot. If you'd like to circulate this to your snake contacts for further suggestions, I can pass them on to Kris. Thanks!

Dave Crawford

Hi Dave!

Long time no write, see, talk etc. I left a message on the VC answering machine today. I'm trying to help my cousin out, and wanted to see if you have any advice. She has (had?) a small bull snake, which got out of its box and escaped into her mother's apartment. I can't say where she got the small bull snake on the grounds of incriminating her or myself (although I had nothing to do with acquisition of the snake). Needless to say, her mom's not too thrilled, my cousin feels bad, and although others at her seniors apartment building don't know about the snake, most probably wouldn't be too excited if the snake visited them. Last night my cousin's husband left a mouse out. The idea was to watch the mouse "bait" and see if the snake came to get it. Well, someone fell asleep at the switch. The mouse was gone this morning, but no one saw the snake. Do you have any ideas about how to lure this snake out of hiding? Its name is Bandit if that helps you out. It's about 8" long, and the diameter of a pencil. I hope you enjoyed the story, even if you don't have any ideas for us.

Take care, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

11-24-2008, 05:43 PM
Do it again but..... Stay awake!

11-24-2008, 05:45 PM
Sprinkle flour around the floor so you can see any tracks it may leave...

11-24-2008, 06:17 PM
Gosh. I feel for that poor bull snake...

11-24-2008, 06:19 PM
That was a serious reply, Gertie... evidently the bait worked...... If he wants the snake back enough, he must repeat the procedure but this time stay awake. I don't know a method whereby the snake will catch itself while he gets his usual beauty sleep.
But, if you wish, please feel free to gut my reply.

11-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Nah, James! BOTH posts are just hunky-dory now! THANKS!!!!

What about those bottles? Something about bottles? And blocking doors?

An look under the 'fridge and... Stove? Even if electric?

Thing is, James, prolly now the little booger's not gonna be hungry!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!

I really wish I'd not been drawn into this. I feel I'm a part o'it and have some responsibility. Ish.

Snake lover 3-25
11-24-2008, 07:59 PM
i watched a show on tv and the guy took a piece of string.... a kind that was harmless to the snake and tied it to a prey item..... the other end was tied to a stick lodged in the ground... he caught the snake and cut the string then the string just pased out the snake....... maybe you could use this and tie the string to a chair leg???

11-24-2008, 09:49 PM
This sounds like a job for my invention. Look at my post titled "Lost snake trap" Hope it helps.