View Full Version : Hello everyone

02-09-2007, 02:55 AM

I just joined because I'm looking after a friend's snake for a couple of months. I've never had a snake before, so this is a total learning curve.

He's a year-old 2ft checkered garter called Boskov, really smart and affectionate, almost kitten-like, and I'm going to have real problems giving him back :)

I think he might be due for a shed, so I'm all nervous (read paranoid). Probably more because he's not mine and I'd hate to give him back with a bit of his tail missing or some other horrible thing, the thought of which totally freaks me out!

Anyway, I'll probably be here for advice.

02-09-2007, 04:09 AM
Hi Karl,
I don't think a lot of people realize how affectionate and entertaining garter snakes can be. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time with Boskov, and feel free to chime in on the forum whenever you feel like it. For the most part, shedding happens without any trouble.

Before the shed happens, the eyes will get really cloudy for about two days. Then they'll clear. About two days later (sometimes three), the snake will shed. Between the time the eyes clear and the actual shedding occurs, you could help the snake along by ensuring Boskov has fresh water in his dish. You could even add a "moisture box," but they're really not necessary. If Boskov has any problems with the shed, just post in the "Urgent Care" section, and someone will reply quickly. Have a great time.

Gijs & Sabine
02-09-2007, 02:10 PM
Welcom to the forum, Snakesitter. I have to warn you, once you have a garter (or just look after one), it's really getting an addiction:D

02-09-2007, 03:01 PM
A welcome from South Carolina. I'll also ehco the addiction part, big time.


02-09-2007, 03:33 PM
And a welcome from Belgium:)

02-09-2007, 07:12 PM
Welcome here, Snakesitter!

02-12-2007, 11:47 AM
He left me a perfect skin overnight, so I'm chuffed. All the way from the tip of his tail to his face, completely flawless :)

02-12-2007, 03:32 PM
He'll probably be rather hungry now, so be sure to offer him a little extra for the next feeding or two.