View Full Version : Help with frozen rabbit..

11-11-2008, 10:35 AM
Ok i thawed out of the 5 lb rabbit.. someone told me to place it under a heat lamp which is what im doing right now..

my question is for how long and all that?

Snake lover 3-25
11-11-2008, 10:38 AM
lol no idea...... hmmmmmmm.... i wonder if you could put in the oven on keep warm for a little while just to thaw it out a little.... bet it'd cit down the defrost time quite a bit..... although i wouldn't want a rabbit defrosting in my oven.......:rolleyes:

11-11-2008, 10:43 AM
well i set it out at 6:00 in the morning yesterday and all night it thawed out but i need to get it warm so the snake knows it there if not it want even see it.. :(

11-11-2008, 10:57 AM
Put it in a big ziploc bag and drop into a bucket of hot water.

The core does not need to be hot, if the outside is warm (100 degrees) it should be enough.

Have some really BIG tongs?

11-11-2008, 10:58 AM
yeap lol i always have tongs.. thanks a bunch!!!

11-11-2008, 12:23 PM
yeah, I agree- hot water, make sure it is thawed all the way through though. you'll need to change the water a few times atleast as it cools down.

11-11-2008, 01:49 PM
I have had mishaps with our Ball python, can only imagine if a 200 pound snake grabbed a hand instead of the rabbit:eek:

11-11-2008, 03:40 PM
well i heated it up like you said and put it in there she didn't take it.. maybe to early to feed her i guess..

11-11-2008, 03:47 PM
Did you try teasing??

11-11-2008, 04:16 PM
yes everything i cant think of just no apatite .. got another question? once its thawed out is it bad can you re thaw it?

11-11-2008, 04:18 PM
I refreeze mice all the time...

11-11-2008, 04:20 PM
Even though she's bigger'un a barn, she's still a snake (can't use sniglette...). She needs time to settle in, get comfy, relax and realize she's safe.

I'd not snuggle her - but gods I understand why you want to! - on the couch... And let her settle in and get used to the newness - at the very least the smells if she's in her cage she came in.

I'd also put some kind'a something in there - scratchy log - or something so she's not totally alone.

And then leave her a week or two or three and THEN try and feed her.

She prolly doesn't know if she's a foot or horseback!

11-11-2008, 04:33 PM
Suggestion on the thawing time, get an instant read meat thermometer, so you can tell if the core is thawed. It may even do double duty, since when you pull it out, there will be a hole into the innards, and may help her smell it. Rub the pokey end all on the outside for good measure! :) Good luck with her, she's beautiful!

11-11-2008, 05:00 PM
thanks Gertie she in quarantine for 2- 3 months or more so she don't have something she can pass to my other snakes.. ;)

olive oil
11-11-2008, 05:04 PM
I refreeze mice all the time...

I wish I would have known that earlier:o
Good to know.

11-11-2008, 05:38 PM
hmmm... its not ike a burm to not want food!!! Burms are piggies!!!

i assume you used a hemostat and made the rabbit do the zombie dance?:D

11-11-2008, 05:58 PM
yep it was funny too she looked at me then at the rabbit like your kidding right? :D

11-11-2008, 06:22 PM
Nat, I wasn't talking quarantine, per se, but more of letting her settle in and get used to her new digs...

11-11-2008, 06:44 PM
oh ok lol sorry its been a long day for me lol.. I've been fight not getting sick for 3 days now.. i had to go to the ER Sunday morning at 4:30am i have a UTI, kidney stones and also gull stones I didn't know about and probably wouldn't know till i had a gull blatter attack... But I'm never one to complain lol..

I came back cleaned the house as good as i can and then helped getting in Izzy to her new house which took alot out of me.. but I'm good for right now i have vicoden for night to sleep a GOOD nights sleep..

11-11-2008, 06:54 PM
i had to go to the ER Sunday morning at 4:30am i have a UTI, kidney stones and also gull stones..

OUCH, ouch, ouch!!! I've had my battles with UTI's and kidney stones and yeah, you need some rest... poor girl!! :(:(:( Hope you feel better soon! Are they going to have to do surgery for the gall stones? Blech...

11-11-2008, 06:59 PM
They can now blow them up with like sumkind'a sonagram-thingy...

11-11-2008, 07:11 PM
yeah they might have to i have to call a dr tomorrow to see they have to do..

11-11-2008, 07:52 PM
I'll keep my fingers crossed that there are no knives involved :) I *almost* had surgery for a kidney stone... was all prepped and everything when my doctor literally ran in telling them to wait. The cat scan and xray were conflicting giving the doc different measurements. Turns out the stone was oblong so one measurement was taken lengthwise, the other widthwise. He decided to give me time and to xray every week to see if it was moving. Once it got out of my ureter I really wasn't in much pain, so even though it took 6 weeks to completely pass I was only in excruciating pain for a few days. Wouldn't wish those few days on anyone, though!!!

11-11-2008, 08:28 PM
i had a kidney infection when i was 8 months pregnant with my daughter had a silent UTI broke out in a 103.7 fever.. that pain was worst then my labor pain EVER was.. after i had Jenna my husband asked wich was worst i told him the kidney pain BAR none ...

11-11-2008, 08:46 PM
OUCH!!! I hope you feel better soon. Damn I thought labor hurt worse lol. I know mine did with my youngest child because I was in labor and gave birth to her within 3 hours and had to have meds free birth because there was no time to give me my meds and DAMN IT HURTTTTTTTT I was screaming for my meds LOL :eek::eek:

11-11-2008, 09:09 PM
nope me i went thu 13 hours of labor with jenna and 45 mins of pushing no meds then 6 with connor and 3 mins of pushing no meds im a trooper lol i remember the dr telling me i was one of the mose qutest people hesd ever met.. what the pint screaming it just make you more tired and dnot help you any at all lmao

11-11-2008, 09:38 PM
I found labour and delivery a walk in the park compared to the hell of pregnancy. If I could just skip that nine months of "prep time" I'd have had half a dozen kids!

11-12-2008, 06:01 AM
Yeah, I still remember the pain I felt when my daughters were born.

I felt nothing when my son was born..

11-12-2008, 06:03 AM

Hope you feel better soon. A friend of mine had the ultrasound stone-blower-upper procedure done and got good results, hope it works out for you.

RE the preggo stuff, I'll take the 9 mos of Pregnancy, the labor and delivery (16hrs labor, 2 hrs pushing, no meds), if I could trade off the first 11-14 years til the kids can get jobs!!!!! (I had my first job at 11, lazy kids waited til they could get working papers at 14 for summer jobs. Actually, I had my first job at 6, I sold stationary door to door, to earn 'points' and got a record player, then got Barry Manilow and Disco Duck as my first records. Shut up, I was 6, and it was 1976)

11-12-2008, 06:06 AM
Disco, Disco duck "Quack quack"

Shhhh I am old too:eek:

11-12-2008, 07:49 AM
I'm old too. I remember Disco Duck, but I never sold stuff to get the record. I was one of those "lazy kids". Still am, if I can get away with it!

11-12-2008, 09:07 AM
My 9 year old son it was 13 hours of labor and i had my meds then 3 1/2 hours of pushing!! My 4 year old daughter i was in labor for 20 hours and about 4 pushes she was out and well my 2 year old daughter no meds and 3 hours of labor and about 3 pushes she was out. Yes im a wimp I HAD to have meds. Boy i wished I had them with my 2 year old LOL.

OMG I love that song Disco Duck LOL :eek::eek::D Damn I think im gonna go listen to it now LOL

11-12-2008, 11:56 AM
I love Disco Duck.

I actually took disco lessons and could give John Travolta a turn on the dance floor.

Does ANYONE remember "Telephone Man"?????????

11-12-2008, 12:33 PM
WOW im to young lol i dont remember any of that lol

11-12-2008, 09:12 PM
And nobody had any comments about Barry Manilow! I think he is a guilty pleasure of many people! (...At the Copa! Copacabana! The hottest spot north of Havana! ...You know I caaaaan't.... smiiiiile... withouuuut... youuuu...)

I had some Do the Hustle album too, with a fold-up sheet with footprints on it to learn how. So me in all my 6 years of wisdom thought it would be cool to get my Dad to dance with me. LOL. I taped a quarter on my record player's yellow plastic arm, spread out the diagram, waited til Dad had a Manhattan after dinner and roped him into Hustling with me. He hurt himself about the third try (or so he said) and that was the end of that.

I don't remember Telephone Man by title, I'll look on KaZaa for it. ;)

I do remember Rubber Band Man and still love that one!

11-12-2008, 09:14 PM
Disco, Disco duck "Quack quack"

Shhhh I am old too:eek:
ummmm....:o I remember that song real well....Rick Dees.... was on the very first album I bought when I was a kid.....Disco Dynamite...:o

11-12-2008, 09:16 PM
Sorry I didn't mention the blond beagle lover for you...

It's funny how things change with time.. When I was a kid if ANYONE got caught listening to Neil Diamond, you were doomed to get picked on for it.

There was a movie not long ago "Saving Silverman" that was targeted for younger audiences, and in the movie, Neil makes an appearance, and it seemed almost fashionable for young folks to listen to him.

Snake lover 3-25
11-12-2008, 09:17 PM
lol wow way to thread jump lol defrosting a rabbit to stones to pregnancies to disco......... :p

11-12-2008, 09:32 PM
Sorry I didn't mention the blond beagle lover for you...

It's funny how things change with time.. When I was a kid if ANYONE got caught listening to Neil Diamond, you were doomed to get picked on for it.

There was a movie not long ago "Saving Silverman" that was targeted for younger audiences, and in the movie, Neil makes an appearance, and it seemed almost fashionable for young folks to listen to him.

"Sweet Caroline" is big in the bars around here with the One-man-band kind of shows, and my absolute favorite is "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show". :D

And yes, growing up, Neil Diamond was an old man who played old people's music, and you better not like it, well, until that "America" song came out, that's kinda patriotic, but you can't like anything else.

I've even heard DJ's mix in some "old" music and LOVE when they can play Neil Diamond backed with a serious house beat, or mix some Pat Benatar and Fergie, or Ozzy and Madonna. No, I am not making that up, and I actually had a copy of "Ozzy vs. Madonna- Crazy Train" with Madonna singing the vocal track too.

11-12-2008, 09:33 PM
My other half is 42 years old and he LOVES Rubber Band Man:eek: Im 33 years old.. We listen to Classic Rock and 70s and 80s. My fav Group is ELO.. His is Journey..I love that song Copacabana!!!! Hey I like Neal Diamond :eek::eek:.. 4 years ago when my daughter was a month old me and my other half went to see Boston in concert.. Such a great concert we saw them again the following year :D

11-12-2008, 09:59 PM
Gee don't we already have a "music" thread:D


11-12-2008, 10:13 PM
Yeah, I still remember the pain I felt when my daughters were born.

I felt nothing when my son was born..

What kind of pain was that ???

pregnancy with Sarah was ok, 24 hour labor, stupid NAVY docs
had an emergency c section, after 5 hours of TRYING to push her out.

Gavin, well i had a horrible pregnancy, I was sick(sinus problems-coughing)
he was simple delivering.. I had a c section with him, the after going home. I went nuts. I was severely depressed!!! took me a year to realize & get on medication!

11-12-2008, 10:13 PM
Gee don't we already have a "music" thread:D


OMG!!! I spit my drink all over my keyboard, from laughing so hard!!!

11-12-2008, 10:28 PM
What kind of pain was that ??

I am a "cut the cord" dad:D

The pain I am talking about is induced by the woman giving birth.

My first wife tried to yank my arm off.

The next kid born (long story) "mother" grabbed my hair:eek: Doc said push, she heard pull!

My son was already 4 before I ever met him, so I guess I did feel something (ANGER) but I can't even say what I was doing when that kid popped out. Never even knew that frustrating 8 weeks produced a kid.
(Let's just say I demanded DNA be done)

Oddly, we are going over to his Moms house for dinner on thanksgiving.

I had to forgive and move on, for my son's sake.

11-12-2008, 10:32 PM
I am a "cut the cord" dad:D

The pain I am talking about is induced by the woman giving birth.

My first wife tried to yank my arm off.

The next kid born (long story) "mother" grabbed my hair:eek: Doc said push, she heard pull!

My son was already 4 before I ever met him, so I guess I did feel something (ANGER) but I can't even say what I was doing when that kid popped out. Never even knew that frustrating 8 weeks produced a kid.
(Let's just say I demanded DNA be done)

Oddly, we are going over to his Moms house for dinner on thanksgiving.

I had to forgive and move on, for my son's sake.

oohhh I had to ask!! Well that is nice of you to do that for your son.

I do alot for my daughter, her biological dad, well he doesn't do a thing.
Ask Aundrea, she knows him!! Doesn't call, write or anything.
I send a letter, with pictures every few times a year. Letting him know, how things are.

My husband Randy, has been in her life since she was 1.5 yrs old. AND this is not his kid, but he takes care of her!

How old are your kids?

11-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Amanda (25) + Alivia (18 months), Kayleigh (14) & Brendan (9)

Dorothy has Samantha (12) who has a real piece of human garbage for a father, Court ordered to stay clear and not even call or write.

Yep, a grandfather with a 9 year old.

Runs in the family, I have a brother who is 23 :eek:

11-12-2008, 10:50 PM
Amanda (25) + Alivia (18 months), Kayleigh (14) & Brendan (9)

Dorothy has Samantha (12) who has a real piece of human garbage for a father, Court ordered to stay clear and not even call or write.

Yep, a grandfather with a 9 year old.

Runs in the family, I have a brother who is 23 :eek:

awww what a great family!!! sorry to hear about Dorothy's Sam - garbage dad!

Sarah(13), & Gavin(4)
I am done!

11-12-2008, 11:03 PM
Dorothy has Samantha (12) who has a real piece of human garbage for a father, Court ordered to stay clear and not even call or write.

sounds like my ex-wife!!!!!! unfortunately we havent gotten the court orders...cant afford a dang attorney!!! ridiculous prices...got a good one here that specifically helps dads!!! said I have a hands down case to hammer my ex....but don't have 1700 for the retainer!!!! :eek: she does her own thing anyway and the kids see her only a couple times a year. they could care less too!!! :cool:

11-12-2008, 11:08 PM
No need to apologize for Sam's Dad. He's a lazy pill popping, crack smoking child molester who has no right to consume oxygen.

She does not even miss him a bit, Back when he did call all he ever had to say was how badly he was going to hurt mommy for running away.

I insisted that the courts blocked him from all contact.

11-13-2008, 07:35 AM
He's a lazy pill popping, crack smoking child molester who has no right to consume oxygen.

Sounds like my biological parents.. my great aunt and uncle adopted me when i was 17 months old..

11-13-2008, 09:11 AM
Sounds like my biological parents.. my great aunt and uncle adopted me when i was 17 months old..

And they did a wonderful job Natalie:D They should be proud.

11-13-2008, 11:10 AM
No need to apologize for Sam's Dad. He's a lazy pill popping, crack smoking child molester who has no right to consume oxygen..

I've decided that if I'm ever diagnosed with a few months to live, I'm going on a "Cleansing Mission" and taking out those who deserve it. I'll put him on my list for if the time comes. Anyone else with candidates, I'll take orders then.

11-13-2008, 11:54 AM
I've decided that if I'm ever diagnosed with a few months to live, I'm going on a "Cleansing Mission" and taking out those who deserve it. I'll put him on my list for if the time comes. Anyone else with candidates, I'll take orders then.
great!! how about my ex???? :cool:

11-13-2008, 12:09 PM
Don, I have a better idea....

Lets introduce your ex to Dorothy's ex:eek:

She can drive him mental, and he can beat her for it.

Better than death:cool:

11-13-2008, 12:20 PM
I like that idea!!! :rolleyes:

Snake lover 3-25
11-13-2008, 01:33 PM
wow how come we've never seen pics of your family wayne???? PICS!!!!!!!! lolidk what i'd do if I was ever involved in any of those situations..... luckily i'm not..... although wayne and don.... i'm sure you love the people you got from those bad relationships!!!!!!

12-02-2008, 02:09 PM
No need to apologize for Sam's Dad. He's a lazy pill popping, crack smoking child molester who has no right to consume oxygen.

And someday he'll wonder why no one cares when he's ill and no one cries when he dies...

12-03-2008, 04:54 AM
wow how come we've never seen pics of your family wayne???? PICS!!!!!!!! lolidk what i'd do if I was ever involved in any of those situations..... luckily i'm not..... although wayne and don.... i'm sure you love the people you got from those bad relationships!!!!!!

I'll be sure to post a few on the "Pictures of you" thread:D

And yes I am thankful, in more ways than one;)

And someday he'll wonder why no one cares when he's ill and no one cries when he dies...

Don't really think people like him care. It's always someone else's fault.

12-03-2008, 02:18 PM
Don't really think people like him care. It's always someone else's fault.

My dad once asked why he always got the "funny" cards while my mom got sentimental ones... I tell ya... he was lucky to be getting anything at all... you don't know how long it takes to find an appropriate card for someone you can't stand and are only doing it to put on a good show for the kids/grandkids.

12-03-2008, 02:38 PM
I suppose this would be the wrong place to mention that I have the best parents ever. Seriously, I can't think of anything really bad to say about them. My dad doesn't like snakes, but that's about the worst flaw I can come up with.

12-03-2008, 02:43 PM
I suppose this would be the wrong place to mention that I have the best parents ever. Seriously, I can't think of anything really bad to say about them. My dad doesn't like snakes, but that's about the worst flaw I can come up with.

Why not Stefan, that's where the conversation headed...

I myself was blessed with a fab mom, and a pair of grandparents that filled in for the absent dad.

Mom had a few Garter stories, She encouraged me as a child, and even taught me very early on how to get a wild garter to release my hand when it decided it had enough of me messin' with it.

Proud to pass that upbringing along and share it with a child that never knew such a family bond.

My step dad was who I learned not to be like...

12-03-2008, 02:49 PM
Why not Stefan, that's where the conversation headed...
Well, it seemed like bragging to a cancer patient about never even getting the common cold.

12-03-2008, 04:38 PM
LOL... The cancer patient is very glad that you have the awesome parents that you do and I sincerely wish that for everyone :) I wasn't that fortunate, but it's not really that big of a deal to me anymore either. Just a speed bump that made me who I am.

Btw, I used to think my mom was the most amazing woman... so giving, so nice, truly unselfish... until I realized that she was also an idiot and could have saved my sister and I so much hassle had she drummed up some courage, quit being a doormat, and got us out of there. I like to think I'm somewhere in between... will I ever be adored by everyone like my mom is? Nope. And I could care less. I try to be genuinely giving of myself and my time without jeopardizing myself or my family. Jaded, yes...Cold Hearted, Nope :)