View Full Version : The "Every Animal in the House" Thread
11-04-2008, 10:11 PM
I know we have done similar things. ;) But I thought I would start an "Every Animal in the House" thread. :D I have new additions so I needed to post them somehow. lol You have to post the name, age and species of every animal in your house. :cool:
In the order they appear in my room. lol!
Mara Jade: Adult Female TX Rat Snake
Anubis: Adult Male TX Rat Snake
Jacen: Adult Male TX Rat Snake
Alex: Adult Female TX Rat Snake
Vergere: Adult Female TX Rat Snake
Tahiri: Sub Adult Female TX Rat Snake
Bailey: Sub Adult Female Checkered Garter
Charlie: Yearling 100% Het Leucistic TX Rat Snake
Maya: Baby Checkered Garter
Soldier: Adult Male Checkered Garter
Keiran Halcyon: Adult Male Checkered Garter
Sun: Adult Female Redstripe Ribbon
Anakin: Adult Male Blue Puget Sound
Rachel: Adult Female Blue Puget Sound
Silvie: Adult Female Blue Puget Sound
Mikil: Adult Female Blue Puget Sound
Jaina: Adult Female Gulf Coast Ribbon
Lucy: Adult Female Western Ribbon
Elle: Adult Female Poss Het for Hypermel Wandering Garter
Peter: Adult Male Poss Het for Hypermel Wandering Garter
Eustice: Adult Male Blotched Water Snake
Jill: Sub Adult Female Blotched Water Snake
Falcon: Adult Female Okeetee Corn
Claire: Adult Female Patternless Steel Phase Wandering Garter
Kate: Adult Female Oregon Red Spotted Garter
Snowberry: Adult Female Checkered Garter
Will: Adult Male Rough Earth Snake
Liz: Adult Female Rough Earth Snake
Penny: Adult Female Hypo TX Brown Snake
Erin: Adult Female TX Brown Snake
Johnis: Baby Male Dark/Cherry Red Flame Eastern Garter
Karas: Baby Female Orange Flame Eastern Garter
Sylar: Adult Male Poss Hypermel Wandering Garter
Edmund: Baby Male Diamondback Water Snake
Calvin: Baby Male Diamondback Water Snake
Hobbes: Baby Male Diamondback Water Snake
Suzy: Baby Female Diamondback Water Snake
Pryzm: Adult Female Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Butterscotch: Sub Adult Male Red Sumatran Blood Python
Cinnamon: Sub Adult Female Red Sumatren Blood Python
Jin: Yearling Male Redstripe Ribbon
Balian: Baby Male Gulf Coast Ribbon
Aragorn: Baby Male Gulf Coast Ribbon
7 Baby Female Western Ribbons that are for sale
5 Baby Male Western Ribbons that are for sale
4 Baby Male Western Ribbons I am keeping, not named yet
5 Baby Female Western Ribbons I am keeping, not named yet
Corran: Baby Male Halloween Phase Amazon Tree Boa
Ganner: Baby Female Orange Garden Phase Amazon Tree Boa
Jack: Adult Male Desert Patchnose Snake
Jeremey Bentham: Adult Male Diamondback Water Snake
Kevin Johnson: Adult Male Diamondback Water Snake
Benjamin Linus: Adult Male Diamondback Water Snake
Stubby Ty: Adult Male Diamondback Water Snake
Punk Juliet: Adult Female Diamondback Water Snake
Claude: Almost Adult Female (I know she has a boy name. lol!) Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail Baldy Leopard Gecko
Alfred: Almost Adult Male Tremper line Reduced Pattern, Tangerine, Carrot Tail, Reverse Stripe Het for Eclipse, Emerald and Emerine. My pride and joy right now. :D
Josiah: Adult Male Cannan Dog
Lucy: Adult Female Retired Racing Greyhound
Shift: Male Albino Breeder Mouse
Puzzle: Female Albino Breeder Mouse
Mikila: Female Siamese Dumbo Breeder Rat
MJ: Female Beige Dumbo Berkshire Breeder Rat
Harry: Male Dumbo Black Variaberk Breeder Rat
Tumble: Female Dumbo Black Capped Breeder Rat
Elouise: Female Dumbo Agouti Fuzzy Hairless Breeder Rat
The Terrible Twins: 2 Female Beige Berkshire Breeder Rats
Claire: Female Beige Berkshire Breeder Rat
Johnny: Male Beige Bareback Breeder Rat
Johnis: Male Beige Bareback Breeder Rat
Hiro Nakumura: Male Beige Berkshire Breeder Rat
Scufflin: Male Siamese Dumbo Breeder Rat
Dwight: Male Blue Banded Blazed Dumbo Breeder Rat
Ben: Male Agouti Fuzzy Hairless Breeder Rat
Michael: Male Dumbo Agouti Bareback Breeder Rat
Silvie: Female Beige Bareback Breeder Rat
Unnamed: Female Adult Agouti Field Mouse
Unnamed: Female Adult Agouti Field Mouse
Thousands upon thousands of mealworms and darkling beetle breeders
1.2 Madagascar Hissing Coackroaches. ICKY! I decided to start feeder breeding them. lol!!!
I THINK thats it................................................ ..... :eek::rolleyes:
11-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Amanda's house, front view....
11-04-2008, 10:31 PM
Ok...I'm going to abbreviate a bit, at least on names.
Nestle...cocker spaniel
Riley.....Lab mix
Leah, Livy, Lily, and Chance....the cats
Kane...anery radix
Female oregon red spotted garter yet to be named..
Yearling reverse okeetee corn snake
9 mice (pets)
5 tarantulas (G. rosea, B. smithi, B. vagans, B. emilia and A. versicolor)
2 male bettas
I always thought i had a lot of pets but i know that some of you are going to put me to shame. lol. I do have a good variety though.
11-04-2008, 10:47 PM
Wow, Amanda, that is one heck of a homestead you have going on there!!!!
Here's my list:
Clayborne- Pit Bull/Lab Mix
Quinn- Sheltie Mix
Zeus- Miniature Bulldog
Umolho- Calico Domestic Short Hair cat
James- Florida Blue Garter
Ernestine- Florida Blue Garter
(my husband named the following)
Toadie- Firebelly Toad
Froggie- Aquatic Frog
Loachie- Some kind of Loach
Fightie- Betta aka Siamese Fighting Fish
And one who doesn't live with us:
Mr. Roark- my absolute love, my raison d'etre, my Thoroughbred
yes, he raced, won $137,000 on the track
no I didn't get any of it
yes I ride him, and
yes he is an amazing, wonderful, trail, jumper,
do-it-all kind of horse.
11-04-2008, 10:55 PM
LOL! "Thanks" Wayne. :D:D The list kind of freaked me out when I saw it written out. Today was feeding day. Ouch. lol
Do you have pics of Mr. Roark. :D:D
11-04-2008, 11:01 PM
My list goes like this......
Cody - Male German Shepard
Pandora - Calico female cat
Clarick - BIG black male cat
Misha - Female Main Coon cat
Belamy - Figure 8 puffer
Pugwash - Figure 8 puffer
Evil **** - Figure 8 puffer
4 bala sharks unnamed
Ichabod - Male bearded dragon
Chili - Male bearded dragon
Pepper - Female bearded dragon
Iggy - Male bearded dragon
Dexter - Male wandering garter
Morgan - Male wandering garter
Skadi - Normal corn snake
Vyxie - Normal corn snake
Cypher - Normal corn snake
Sylar - Jungle corn snake
Zip - Anery corn snake
Teige - Amel corn snake
Nefertiti - Red tail boa
Oopsy - Lepord gecko
Maggie - Grested gecko
Barrel - Firebelly newt
Yakko - Firebelly toad
Wakko - Firebelly toad
I think that is it!! LOL!! For now anyway.
11-04-2008, 11:02 PM
well....most of my snakes don't have names......
Cariad female het albino plains garter
female plains het albino garter
male plains het albino garter
female plains garter
male plains red phase x snow garter
2 male red spotted garters
3 female red spotted garters
female western terrestrial garter
female eastern garter het piebald
male eastern garter het pieebald
albino eastern garter
2 female het albino eastern garters
female eastern garter
2 female florida blue garters
male florida blue garter
female melanistic eastern garter
female orange eastern garter
female silver eastern garter
3 male yellow eastern garters
male eastern poss het melanistic garter
male checkered garter
female checkered garter
female albino checkered garter
2 female red sided garters
male anery red sided garter
2 female red sided garters het albino
2 male red sided garters het albino
female red sided garter golden x anery
male red sided garter
3 baby red sided garters
3 baby red sided garters het anery
4 male wandering garters
4 female wandering garters
3 male hypermel wanderings one is named Stripe, has full stripes on body
6 baby hypermel wanderings
3 butler's garters
3 baby eastern/checkered hybrid garters
6 baby wandering garters
male valley garter
male albino corn snake
male corn, white, tan (unsure actual morph name)
2 rough earth snakes
leopard gecko
10 breeder mice
2 female african soft furred rats
male african soft furred rat
2 female rats (not breeders)
white striped bird eater tarantula
rose hair tarantula
3 scorpions, local small species
about 15 baby scorpions
female black widow spider
numerous house spiders and wolf spiders (loose in house, garage and critter room)
male shih tzu Kenji
female shih tzu Maddie
1 shih tzu puppy
PJ maine coon mix cat
Tripod cat
Homer cat
Marge cat
Lyndi wife
Nikki daughter
Claire daughter
Kelly daughter
Keith son
hehehehe had to throw the last ones in!!!! :cool:
11-04-2008, 11:05 PM
Okay, here goes.
Oscar- silver toy poodle. My mom is in love with him.
Blue- Sour old cat. She hates Willow.
Pussy Willow- my new kitten. She was my 17th birthday present. :)
Myrtle- Red-eared slider. These days he lives in our outdoor pond.
Tina- Baby Red-eared slider.
Sugar, Spice, and Studmuffin- mice
Honeybunny- A bunny (duh). Netherland dwarf. My 16th birthday present.
AND: The garter that brought me to this forum. :) Haven't named him yet.
I want to get a blue puget sound, and maybe a flame. Not that it matters now, but I also used to breed guinea pigs as a small business, and I used to have frogs and a california newt. I am horrible with fish. They always die :(.
Lol, so my list isn't that exciting but I thought I'd contribute.
11-04-2008, 11:08 PM
Here's my big boy! This was him before he had to be hospitalized. He's fighting his way back to health, putting on weight all the time now. I can't wait to see a big round butt again!
Sweet Face!!!!
And some of the other animals:
Zeus as a puppy, with Gary (hubby)
And my Quinn
11-04-2008, 11:57 PM
He is gorgeous Stephi!!!!!!!!!! :D
Don, you have so many garters... :(:( Lucky you!! :D
11-05-2008, 12:20 AM
He is gorgeous Stephi!!!!!!!!!! :D
Don, you have so many garters... :(:( Lucky you!! :D
yeah......really really lucky you! I think i need 3 or 4 more.
11-05-2008, 06:22 AM
I concur, I need more garters too! I have some left over wood from the Aquatic Viewing Platform we built for Hanna, and it's calling from the garage now....
...If you build it, Don will breed them....
...If you build it, Don will breed them...
count dewclaw
11-05-2008, 06:47 AM
Here's my "zoo" -
Tracker - male beagle
Zorra and Smoky - female cats
Jasmine and Diver - degus
9 crested geckos - 4 adults, 3 juvies, 1 hatchling (some have names)
6 Vietnamese mossy frogs (I can't tell them apart, so no names :o)
~30 Rex rabbits - these are my daughter's 4H project, she knows the exact number and the names. She has blues, blacks, broken (spotted) blues, and broken blacks.
Garter/ribbon snakes - see my signature
11-05-2008, 08:35 AM
He is gorgeous Stephi!!!!!!!!!! :D
Don, you have so many garters... :(:( Lucky you!! :D
I don't have enough!!! :cool:
11-05-2008, 09:23 AM
Awwwwwwwwww your horse is soooooo CUTE!!!!! I love horses. :D and your dogs awwwwwwww I love puppies
Here's my big boy! This was him before he had to be hospitalized. He's fighting his way back to health, putting on weight all the time now. I can't wait to see a big round butt again!
Sweet Face!!!!
And some of the other animals:
Zeus as a puppy, with Gary (hubby)
And my Quinn
11-05-2008, 12:21 PM
Awww, love the thouroughbred, he's gorgeous! Grew up with a sheltie, hard to not to smile at that happy face :)
My list is way too easy now... and are all listed in my signature... ages Chance, 12, Granite 10, Sly 7, Ella(who knows) adult, and the baaybees are 3 months old :D
11-05-2008, 01:24 PM
Thes are the garters that i have.
1 adult female californian red-sided - Luna, 3-4 years old
1 adult female oregon red-spotted - Lexi 2-3 years old
1 juvenile male oregon red-spotted - Ace 8 months old
1 adult female eastern black neck - Mirage 3 years old
1 adult male eastern black neck - Magic 3 years old
1 juvenile male red-sided garter - Leo 8 months old
1 yearling female checkered garter - Spot
1 yearling male checkered garter - Cody
1 adult female penninsular ribbon - Opal unsure of age
1 adult female comon garter - Kari 2-3 years old
and finally water snakes
1 female banded water snake - Delilah 2-3 years old
1 male banded water snake - Samson 2-3 years old
3 baby 08 northern water snakes - not named yet
Other animals in the house are:
1 adult male frilled dragon - Jar-Jar 5/6 years old
trio of adult ackies - not named 2-3 years old
1 adult female vietnamese blue beauty snake - Cerulean age unknown
1 sub-adult male blue beauty snake - Cobalt - nearly 2 years old
1 adult female BCI - Santana age unknown
1 sub-adult female albino burmese python - Andromeda 2-3 years old
1 adult yellow anaconda - Nicodemus - 3 years old. not sure of sex
1 red headed agama
trio of leopard geckos
2 female crested geckos
2 adult male tokay geckos
a group of peacock frogs
a trio of red eye green tree frogs
and one african bullfrog.
did have alot more snakes but theyve since been moved to our shop.
hmm.... didnt realise the list was so long :D
11-05-2008, 02:35 PM
After reading this thread, I suddenly feel a very distinct lack of critters.............
All I've got are:
4 female T. s. sirtalis
"Deejay" - captive born, age 3
"Chili"- wild caught, possibly same age as Deejay, same size anyway.
"Autumn"- wild caught, yearling judging by her size.
"Sweetpea"- captive born in June '08
2 male T.s. sirtalis
"Checkers" & "Inchworm", both captive born in June '08
1 American Toad
"Toadie", age 5
And that's all folks!:)
Snake lover 3-25
11-05-2008, 05:05 PM
HOLY COW!!!!!!!! you guys have alot of animals!!!!!!!!:eek::eek: :p
my list is short:(
Meadow- female eastern garter (5yrs)
Forrest- midland painted turtle (hatchling)
Willow- male eastern garter (2yrs)
sooty- female eastern garter (2yrs)
baby- juvinile female eastern garter
maya- female bernese mountain dog (5yrs)
duchess- female siamese mix cat (12yrs)
olive oil
11-05-2008, 05:07 PM
At the moment I have:
Golden Ret. - Charlie
2 cats - Fritter & Fantom
Yellow Bellied Slider - Tippie
2 African Dwarf frogs - Thi & Chi
Garter Snake - Olive Oil ( want to get her a buddy soon! )
Fresh water fish - Not adding any though wanting another reptile tank :D
11-06-2008, 04:02 AM
the last time I tried posting in this thread, I was almost done when I accidentally hit the wrong button and it all disappeared
I'll try again later when I'm more awake
11-06-2008, 12:19 PM
...If you build it, Don will breed them....
...If you build it, Don will breed them...
LOL!!!!! yeeessssss....... :cool:
count dewclaw
11-06-2008, 12:23 PM
9 crested geckos - 4 adults, 3 juvies, 1 hatchling (some have names)
Yes, most days I can add correctly! That should say 5 adults! Oops. :o
11-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Bearded Dragon- Beardie 7 yrs
Green Iguana- Rocky 1 yr
Ball Python- George 1 yr
2 Leopard Geckos- Jenna & Bella
1 Red Sided Garter- Kyle 4 months
2 Brown Dekayi's- Brownie & Mikey
2 cats - Jake 2 yrs ,& Ginger 1.5 yrs
4 fishes in a 55 gallon tank
On the way....
Red Sided Garter, Florida Blue, Eastern Garter & an Eastern Milksnake
11-06-2008, 05:00 PM
alright, here it goes
1.0 T.e.vagrans (wandering) - Don
1.1 T.m.marcianus (checkereds) - Chica & Orioski
1.1 T.s.concinnus (O. red-spots) - Maya, Jackson
0.1 T.s.infernalis (cali red-spot) - Mesa
1.2 T.s.pallidulus (maritimes) - Chloe, Jade, Oliver
1.2 T.s.parietalis (red-sideds) - Whizzy, Thing, Slither
2.2 T.radix (plains) - Spunky & Radix (normal), Momo & Simon (anery)
3.2 T.s.sirtalis (easterns) - Sammy, Boyfriend, OJ (normal - het for misc.); Blu-babe (fla blue); Ember (flame)
other snakes
1.0 L.g.getula x L.g.floridana (peninsula intergrade king snake) - Drache
0.1 L.g.nagrita (mexican black king snake) - Layla
2.1 L.g.californiae (cali king) - Lav (lavender albino), Rorschach (high white)
1.0 H.n.nasicus (western hog) - Casey Jones
0.1 L.pulcher (tri-coloured hog) - Prica
other critters:
1.1 P.vitticeps (beardies) - Sandy & Henner
1.1 Uromastyx - Gwen & Retro
1.0 R.ciliatus (crested gecko) - Olive
2.2.1 L.caerulea (dumpy tree frogs) - forget their names, except for Ronnie & Spotty
0.1 A.avicularia (pink toe tarantula) - Marieke
several dozen - blaptica dubia (orange spotted roaches)
a few dozen - blaberus craniifer (death's head roaches)
a few dozen - blaberus fusca (dwarf cave roaches)
a couple dozen or so - gromphadorhina portentosa (hissers)
a gazillion or so - blatta lateralis (turkistan roaches)
1.1 bipeds - Mikhaila and Jeff
1.1 felines - Sienna & Rascal
some fish
I think that's it
in the time that took, I could have given most of them fresh water
olive oil
11-06-2008, 05:10 PM
Wow Rhea, nice big family!!! Bet that did take a while:)
11-06-2008, 05:57 PM
RHEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, you're cracking me up!!!! "in the time that took, I could have given most of them fresh water"
You've got a houseful. And you're doing cockroaches, too! YIKES! (shudders)
11-06-2008, 06:12 PM
I got a trio of hissers too Gertie. YIKES! They freak me out.......
Well, here goes, but less the names.
Eastern Garters
3.4 adults
2.1 2006
0.1 2007
4.3 2008
Eastern Ribbon
1.0 2007
Red-sided Garters
1.1 2008
North Western Garters (Blue)
1 adult female
2.1 2008
Wandering Garters
1.1 2007
Corn Snakes
1 adult female- normal
1.1 2007
Black Rats
1 adult male
0.2 2008
Eastern Kings
1.1 2008
cockatiels- 18-20
Society Finches- 8 and eggs hatching
Zebra Finches- 2
Quaker Parrots-2
Sun Conurs- 1
Koi- can't count
Gold fish- again..can't count
11-06-2008, 06:26 PM
nice collection, Sid
are the birds a lot of work?
count dewclaw
11-06-2008, 06:29 PM
Oh, I forgot my koi...I think there are 5, but there may be some babies from this year that I haven't seen, yet. :rolleyes: They are in an outdoor pond and they like to hide...
11-06-2008, 06:33 PM
42 Garters................... and an all black cat called 'Snowflake'.:D
11-06-2008, 06:37 PM
Garters and some other stuff.
11-06-2008, 08:28 PM
Garters and some other stuff.
Amended to suit me: Not enough Garters and too much other stuff :D
nice collection, Sid
are the birds a lot of work?
Thanks, Rhea. The biggest work with the birds is cleaning up. Really messy cages and plenty of feathers and seed everywhere, but they are a pleasure.
11-07-2008, 02:40 AM
Nice lists everyone. I dont have enough time to do that right now. Maybe later. :)
11-07-2008, 02:52 AM
I'll give it a whirl...
Other than the garter gang that can be seen elsewhere on this forum, I have two small dogs. I got them both while I was stationed in Italy. One I got as a pup, Duke, and one I got when he was five years old and ditched by some other Americans...
Lori P
11-07-2008, 06:58 AM
Awww, Jason, they are just adorable!!!!!! Erm.... is that a Superman bed cover? (giggle)
11-07-2008, 08:13 AM
Awww, Jason, they are just adorable!!!!!! Erm.... is that a Superman bed cover? (giggle)
Yes it is, don't judge.
Lori P
11-07-2008, 05:44 PM
ROFL!!!!!!! I'm not judging, I swear... it's cute. :D
Ok, I don't usually go in on these because there are just too many to count. But what the heck...
Dogs: 15+/-, depending on new rescues/adoptions
Cats: 20-30, mostly ferals relocated here to the farm, all spayed of course
Horses: 6 currently here, changes depending on rescues/adoptions
Donkey: 1
Emu: 1
Chickens, ducks: no idea; lots
Turkeys: 3
Pigs: 3 resident potbellies, farm pigs on occasion
Goats: 15
Birds: 1 lilac crowned amazon
Snakes: 5 garters, 2 ribbons, 2 bp's, 1 cali king, 1 honduran milksnake, 2 hogs, 2 ratsnakes
Lizard: 1 Schnieder's skink
Turtles: 2 Box
Mice: many
Rats: 3
Peppered cockroaches: 4
Hissers: 2
Lobster roaches: many
Fish: Jeffy the goldfish and loads of minnows
I KNOW I've forgotten something...
11-12-2008, 05:06 AM
Male Red Tail Green Rat Snake
Female Red Tail Green Rat Snake
Amazon Tree Boa
Male Rhino Rat Snake
Female Rhino Rat Snake
Pueblan Milksnake
Male Banded California King Snake
Male Florida King Snake
Female Florida King Snake
Florida Blue Garter Snake
Yemen Chameleon
Mexican Black Tarantula
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
1 Planted 70 litre Amazon biotope aquarium
And finally, the...Cats
British Black - Minnie
Black and White Tabby - Bronwin
That's all :)
11-12-2008, 12:22 PM
Nice list! Will you be breeding your red tail green rats and rhino rats? If so how much for the babies?
11-13-2008, 04:01 AM
Nice list! Will you be breeding your red tail green rats and rhino rats? If so how much for the babies?
Thanks, I might be mate if I can get a trio of each together, off to germany next year I suppose :) but I'm in the uk, so not sure about shipping to the usa
11-13-2008, 04:02 AM
I also missed my Chihuaha Mountain King off my list, lol
11-13-2008, 09:33 AM
well....most of my snakes don't have names......
Cariad female het albino plains garter
female plains het albino garter
male plains het albino garter
female plains garter
male plains red phase x snow garter
2 male red spotted garters
3 female red spotted garters
female western terrestrial garter
female eastern garter het piebald
male eastern garter het pieebald
albino eastern garter
2 female het albino eastern garters
female eastern garter
2 female florida blue garters
male florida blue garter
female melanistic eastern garter
female orange eastern garter
female silver eastern garter
3 male yellow eastern garters
male eastern poss het melanistic garter
male checkered garter
female checkered garter
female albino checkered garter
2 female red sided garters
male anery red sided garter
2 female red sided garters het albino
2 male red sided garters het albino
female red sided garter golden x anery
male red sided garter
3 baby red sided garters
3 baby red sided garters het anery
4 male wandering garters
4 female wandering garters
3 male hypermel wanderings one is named Stripe, has full stripes on body
6 baby hypermel wanderings
3 butler's garters
3 baby eastern/checkered hybrid garters
6 baby wandering garters
male valley garter
male albino corn snake
male corn, white, tan (unsure actual morph name)
2 rough earth snakes
leopard gecko
10 breeder mice
2 female african soft furred rats
male african soft furred rat
2 female rats (not breeders)
white striped bird eater tarantula
rose hair tarantula
3 scorpions, local small species
about 15 baby scorpions
female black widow spider
numerous house spiders and wolf spiders (loose in house, garage and critter room)
male shih tzu Kenji
female shih tzu Maddie
1 shih tzu puppy
PJ maine coon mix cat
Tripod cat
Homer cat
Marge cat
Lyndi wife
Nikki daughter
Claire daughter
Kelly daughter
Keith son
hehehehe had to throw the last ones in!!!! :cool:
what was mean!!! jkjkjk:D
we dont have the shih tzu puppy anymore.male corn, white, tan (unsure actual morph name) what is it anyways????
11-13-2008, 11:53 AM
Oh ok Dave. ;) Too bad. :( They are beautiful snakes!
You should put under your name where you are located so everyone knows. :D
olive oil
11-13-2008, 08:03 PM
Olive Oil has a new bff... He is a tiny little Butler.
Thank you Kyle. :D
olive oil
11-13-2008, 08:12 PM
They haven't met yet...Going to give the little guy some time to himself to get to know me. The first picture is of when I just unwrapped him. The second is of after his first feeding. He took a little nap. I know my camera is crappy but, he was laying his little head on a leaf. TOOO SWEET!!!!!!
Snake lover 3-25
11-14-2008, 02:27 PM
awwww cute pics!!!!! adorable snake!!!! :D
olive oil
11-14-2008, 04:08 PM
Thanks Shanley :)
11-14-2008, 05:39 PM
Congratulations, Zoey! What a cutie! I'm very happy for you.
olive oil
11-14-2008, 06:29 PM
Thanks Gertie, hope you are finally on the road to recovery!
How are your new babies getting along?
11-14-2008, 06:35 PM
Actually, today I was able to concentrate more on work than my tummy or my... Well, YOU KNOW - THAT other place! LOL!!! I still am a bit rocky and don't get in my way when I go running! BUT!!!! Actually felt like my ol'piss and vinegar self today.
The kids are GREAT! Thank you, Sweetie, for asking. The ROBOTIC SNIGLETTES (aka The Blues Brothers) enjoyed pinkies last nite. I had to bag them up and get Peepers and Jeepers fed first else the P & J Team would have gone hungry.
Not a pain in the butt! Just more fiddle-farting around with the snakes which I can't get too much of! :)
11-14-2008, 09:21 PM
Well, I guess since I have some time....warning: This list can change at any given moment. LOL!
1.0.0 Colombian red tail boa- Sid
1.0.0 Colombian Rainbow boa- Drake
1.2.0 Ball pythons- Kovu, Kali & Aria
0.0.1 Sumatran Blood python
4.2.3 Corn snakes
1.0.0 Brook's king snake- Remmy
0.1.0 Gray banded king snake- Liadan
1.0.0 Western hognose snake- Chubby
0.1.0 Sinaloan milk snake- Belinda
0.1.0 Albino checkered garter snake
2.6.1 Leopard geckos
0.1.0 Tokay Gecko- Took
1.0.0 Mali Uromastyx lizard- Rufus
1.0.0 Burton's Legless lizard- Burt
1.0.0 Citrus Bearded dragon- Spartey
0.2.0 Cats- Keller & Ellie
Too many to count- Lobster roaches
Dozens- African soft furred rats
olive oil
11-14-2008, 10:50 PM
sorry link didn't work
olive oil
11-14-2008, 10:56 PM
Picture taken today of Olive Oil... She /he? is growing so fast. :D
11-15-2008, 11:14 AM
Here i' goes:
1.1 Bearded dragons
1.2 Leopard geckos
1.1 Plated lizards
1.1.7 Society finches
0.0.1 Western Hognose
2.2 Corn snakes
2.3 African clawed frogs
1.0 Barking tree frog
0.0.1 Pacman frog
1.1.1 Firebelly toads
0.0.1 Wood frog
1.0.1 American toads
0.0.1 African square-marked toad
1.0.3 Chubby frogs
0.1 Dekay's snake
20+ assorted garters (So... Very... MANY!!!)
1.1 Rhinoceros cockroaches
0.1 Giant fishing spider
1.2 Mice
0.0.3 Pearlscale goldfish
0.0.1 Oscar
0.0.1 Plecostomus
0.1.0 Bristlenose plecostomus
Colonies of:
Field crickets, mealworms, red wrigglers, panfish worms, pine crickets, red flour beetles, peppered roaches, giant cave roaches, dubia roaches, lobster roaches, orange head roaches, six-spots roaches, Unidentified Eublaberus sp. roaches, bolivien roaches, madagascar hissing roaches, discoid roaches, death's head roaches, surinam roaches, cuban burrowing roaches, smokey brown roaches, egyptian sand roaches, oriental roaches, horseshoe crab roaches... Um... colossal cockroaches, glowspot roaches... I think that's all.
11-15-2008, 11:19 AM
Great pic o'Olive! She is SO CUTE! Very pretty, regal lady!
olive oil
11-15-2008, 02:15 PM
Thanks Gertie, my hubby brought out the camcorder. It does MUCH better than my old camera.
olive oil
11-15-2008, 02:17 PM
Kyle, do you breed your corns? My son wants one-one of these days.
11-15-2008, 02:32 PM
Kyle, do you breed your corns? My son wants one-one of these days.That's next year's project. :P
I'm waiting for them all to be 3'+ before I breed them so the babies will be nice, big, and healthy.
11-15-2008, 03:56 PM
Here are my doggies:
Molly (The Unsinkable Molly Brown)
And Butler (Captain Red Butler):
11-25-2008, 08:34 PM
No pictures, but I had to share this, and here seems the thread to post it in.
Our daughter Samantha takes her pet cat into the bathroom with her when she showers, the cat always comes out wet.
Yesterday I had to use the can, and Sammy was in the shower, the cat was too.
This silly cat actually gets into the shower and has no problems with it!!
Every single cat I have ever had as a pet hated water, Not Silver, she digs it!
One day I will have Sammy get in with her bathing suit on so I can photo this cat taking a shower:eek:
On another silly pet note, Our dog Ace thinks the mice colonies are his to protect and watch over.
We used to have the colonies in our bedroom, and Ace would spend the night guarding his little friends..
A few days ago he followed me into the reptile room, went over to the mouse colonies and sat on the floor staring in.
seems as if he missed his little buddies.
And Ace begs for fruit flavored Tumms antacid tablets! (Calcium, so who am I to complain)
House full of weirdos eh:cool:
Snake lover 3-25
11-25-2008, 11:04 PM
lol too funny:D:p
11-27-2008, 03:59 PM
30 guinea pigs (not goin to put everyones name)
8 rabbits
3 dogs - elmo frazzle and cao
7 rats
3 hairless rats
1 lovebird
1 hamster
think thats everyone other than snakes
7 corns
1 baby boa
2 radix (if i can find ketu)
i think thats everyone
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