View Full Version : Thanks mom!

10-27-2008, 07:35 PM
:)Being almost 50(almost) I guess I've taken it for granted that I've always had a love for Garter snakes. Even after joining this forum I didn't give any thought to where it all began. Well, after my 5 wonderful kids left for the evening to be with there mother for awhile. I was looking around the livingroom and focused on a photo of my Mom. It's been almost 5 years since she passed, at the young age of 83. Thinking back I can remember her introducing me to my first Garter snake. She had a great love for all creatures. As just a kid and then a teenager she would let me have as many pets as I wanted. So long as I was responsible and took good care of them. This was back in the late 60's and 70's. The list of pets is long:
100+ dime store turtles.
all the frogs I could catch.
50+ Gater snakes.
1 pair Golden Tagues
Nile monitor
Horned toads
Box turtles
Wood turtle
Painted turtles
50lb Snapping turtle
Bull Snake
It was about a month before she past away when we were having one of those mom/son talks, that I asked her why she let me have so many pets. She simply answer. "If you were busy taking care of them, you weren't out getting into trouble"
I'm so blessed to have had the great loving mother that I had and I can only hope that I pass a small part of her legacy on to my children. These little creatures can help teach us more than we sometimes give them credit for. More than anything I wanted to post this as a tribute to my mom. Peggy Ann Gilfillan. I wish you could have met her.

10-27-2008, 07:45 PM
What a great story. Thanks so much for sharing the memories of your mom. She sounds like a wonderful woman. I'm sorry she passed...

I grew up with a Gilfillan family in the Monterey/Salinas area of California. Dad was a substitute teacher, and their son, Billy, left for UC Santa Barbara in 87ish. Very nice family... must be genetic :)

10-27-2008, 07:45 PM
Your mom rocks. My dad is like that too. Nothing as exotic as yours, but Blue Front Amazons, farm ducks, oscars, and the like. He wasn't around too much when I was a tike, but what stayed was an affection for the critters.

10-27-2008, 07:56 PM
Guido... Gilfillian... Are there some up here in St. Paul? Oakland Cemetery? Or is it from Amador Township, Chisago County, I know the name. It's so familiar to me...

I like your mom. Neat lady and reminds me of my mother, who could play me like a violin. Hopefully your kids got to know her to a degree - less you'll have to imprint on them; a richer life your kids will have.

Sounds like you're kind'a down tonite - kids gone and remembering your mom because of being here. Please let that be a good thing. Try not to get down...

I really liked learning about your mom. Brings you into perspective more. THANKS! Great woman. Nice to get to know her.


10-27-2008, 07:59 PM
Dad was Air Force and was gone a lot. When he was there he really wasn't. Dad was fighting an addiction problem his whole life and left the raising for the kids to mom. He didn't like the critters, especially "snakes". Wished things had been different but also very glad I had the mom I did. My family was the flipside of a coin. I was like mom and my sister was like dad. She died at age 45 an alcoholic just like dad. It's a shame since she could have had a great life but instead she followed the path set by dad. Weird how that happens, when you can see the bad that's coming and choose it anyway.

10-27-2008, 08:07 PM
Garter Gertie,
Guido's just a nickname. My real name is Steve. Where I got the nickname is a whole other story. I'm not even close to Italian. My parents came from Coatsville,PA. Relatives on the east and west coast areas. Mom was adopted so I never knew my grandparents on her side. Dad still has a couple of brothers living. Thanks for your comments. Mom was very cool.

10-27-2008, 08:08 PM
Hay, Guido! Mr. Snake Guy!

Do you need to talk to someone? Commiserate? Dump? Chat? Ask questions of - even if maybe they couldn't answer?

I'm here...

Send me a PM if you wanna just reminisce... And I'll send you my phone number.

Holidays coming up. Hard times. Been there, are there, doing that.

Just let me know.

10-27-2008, 08:11 PM
I LIKE Guido! I think ittiz a COOLER nickname. If you'd prefer to go by Steve, yust say the word and it will be done. Like if you're uncomfortable using Guido...

But then I have teo ask, why did you use it to begin with?

ENKNEEWEIGH, let me know if you need a shoulder or an ear.


10-27-2008, 08:32 PM
Well, since you asked. Guido was the nickname given to me by my Sgt. when I worked the midnite shift on the Sheriff's Dept. I was given that name for my ability to find trouble. "The Pott. Co. Hitman" Guido for short. It stuck like epoxy. When I started teaching the D.A.R.E. program(19 years ago) I took it into the classroom and my students(over 7,000+ strong) loved it. I've always told them I hope I'm the only Guido they'll ever have to know. Thanks for the shoulder offer. It's very quiet here without my 5. Thank goodness it's only for a short time.
I don't look at these times as bad. It feels good to look at the things that mold us and shape us. I've been sent many guardian angels in my life and it's nice to think about them from time to time. For without them, my life would have taken a much different path.
Lots of rollover minutes and free long distance 402-319-3769. Thanks

Snake lover 3-25
10-28-2008, 05:04 AM
what a good story:D your mom sounds like she was a wonderful person:D thanks for sharing that:D

10-28-2008, 06:09 AM
Dad was Air Force and was gone a lot. When he was there he really wasn't. Dad was fighting an addiction problem his whole life and left the raising for the kids to mom. He didn't like the critters, especially "snakes". Wished things had been different but also very glad I had the mom I did. My family was the flipside of a coin. I was like mom and my sister was like dad. She died at age 45 an alcoholic just like dad. It's a shame since she could have had a great life but instead she followed the path set by dad. Weird how that happens, when you can see the bad that's coming and choose it anyway.

Sounds so familiar... Dad is why I don't even look at alcohol in my adult life.

Our moms would have had a lot to talk about.

10-28-2008, 06:41 AM
in my case it was mom who was the quiet alcoholic
she taught me to suffer - not a great role model in that way
but she also knew how to take care of injured wild birds and it was cool when they got to fly off all mended
and she taught me to leave the lizards alone, so they could save their tails for more urgent escapes
stuff like that

10-28-2008, 08:11 AM
WOW What a very VERY COOL mom you have!!! I dont like saying "had" because she still lives in you so shes still alive in you :D My mom passed away also 13 years ago at the very young age of 38 to cancer. I was 21 years old. Its hard and still is hard but im stronger now.

My kids LOVE our animals. They have no fear at all so I want them to respect animals and learn about them also :D

Thank You for that GREAT WONDEFUL story

10-28-2008, 10:04 AM
My mom passed away also 13 years ago at the very young age of 38 to cancer. I was 21 years old.

Aundrea... How sad... Have you wondered if there were a reason she had you so young? Like someone knew she needed to start early and live life as fully as possible before she left? Young parents are often looked down upon, but in your case you were very lucky that mom started early and gave you a good start before passing...

10-28-2008, 10:09 AM
My mom passed away also 13 years ago at the very young age of 38 to cancer. I was 21 years old. Its hard and still is hard but im stronger now.
I can't even imagine how hard that must be to deal with

10-28-2008, 10:49 AM
Aundrea... How sad... Have you wondered if there were a reason she had you so young? Like someone knew she needed to start early and live life as fully as possible before she left? Young parents are often looked down upon, but in your case you were very lucky that mom started early and gave you a good start before passing...

Seems so true. in 1964 a 20 year old single woman with a kid was not popular. (often called some unpleasant names)

Lost her at the ripe old age of 62, She took an early retirement, got 3 pension checks and passed away.

Mom made sure the house was paid off, the truck was taken care of and she even caught up all the back tax leaving a clean slate.

She was instrumental in my love of reptiles, It was she who caught that first garter snake for me, and handed over the snake.

SHE was the one who encouraged me to keep Xena when we found her.


10-28-2008, 11:17 AM
Aundrea... How sad... Have you wondered if there were a reason she had you so young? Like someone knew she needed to start early and live life as fully as possible before she left? Young parents are often looked down upon, but in your case you were very lucky that mom started early and gave you a good start before passing...

My mom had me when she was 16. I was an oops. My dad was 18 at the time. My parents got married right away but didnt last. They were only married for 4 years and I was 4 when they got divorced. Mom remarried and had 2 more kiddies. My moms mom (grandma) is only 56 years old. She was 16 when she had my mom and my aunt who is my moms sister is only 4 years older then me. We are super close. She had her first child when she was 17 so Guess who drilled in my head NOT TO GET PREGNANT AS A TEENAGER LOL. I got pregnant with my first child when I was 23 so I broke the chain LOL.