View Full Version : Solitude before birth?

10-18-2008, 10:30 PM
Do any of your garters seek solitude before they give birth? My daughter snake(Plains) "Lucky" who was lost and then found has made repeated attempts to return to the area she was last found. All the females that have given birth with us did so with other snakes in the enclosure. They have never shown any interest to find somewhere else to be before giving birth. Is Lucky's behavior unique? On Sept. 30th she was x-rayed and had approx. 25 eggs. At that time she weighed 90 grams I weighed her this evening and she weighed 110 grams. She has eaten but nowhere near 20 grams. This leads me to believe she's not going to wait until spring to fertilize her eggs and is planning some Christmas gifts for us. What are your thoughts on this situation. I appreciate all of your assistance. For years I felt I has alone raising my little scubs(I don't mean my children I mean my Garters)It's nice to be here. Thank you.

10-19-2008, 07:52 AM
It's nice to have you, Guido. Does feel good, doesn't it, to have others that feel the same, huh?

You're no longer alone! Again, welcome.

10-19-2008, 08:22 AM
My snakes have always preferred solitude for birthing.

I have a couple enclosures set up special for when they are gravid.

Diana seemed to sit on the heater all the time while she was "with children"

We also had an off season breeding, it is not impossible to have a litter way off season.